One Precious Moment by Ritu Kakar - HTML preview

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What we shared that night will forever be engraved in my heart. The next morning we both decided to go to work a little late, something was stopping us from parting with each other.

We called our respective offices to inform them but instead of calling in late we both called in sick. We made breakfast together, all the time kissing and touching each other, exchanging smiles and looks of such love and passion that anyone would combust in. After breakfast we showered together, made love, exhausted we sat on the love seat in our balcony.

We talked for hours planning and making decisions about our future, looking for alternative choices in case of my termination. We also started talking about planning a family, despite the financial strain and my job in question. Children were something we had never thought or discussed until then. Work, constant shifting, our careers, these had been the foremost priorities for us but now we both suddenly felt the need to plan for a child. We were both confident and in 85


harmony for bringing a new life into our world, even with all the pressures around us we were ready to enhance the foundation of our love with a child.

“You know you are talented and smart, so why not start your own business. If you can help build an empire for others why not for yourself.”

“Because my dear husband I work for fun and of course the money and the extra perks I get with it. Starting my own firm is going to be not only time consuming and hectic it will mean less time with you and responsibilities for others. And much as I like the way your mind works I don’t need to build my empire. I am already the queen of my palace and planning to increase its population.”

“But with markets in trouble finding a job will be tough and you hate sitting home doing nothing. So…”

I kissed him to stop him talking and worrying.

“Sweetheart, I will have plenty to keep me busy now that you are impregnating me. Don’t stress, it is a difficult time but not the end of the world. We will work something out like always.” kissing him again I settled down with him.

Rahul, the ever so organised, surprised me further with the news that he had transferred our old house in my name (the one in Mahalaxmi). The parents knew about it and had agreed to it too. All the papers were with his parents and a copy with mine (Mom and dad never told me about it). He also said that there was a life insurance in both our names 86


(when had he done all this, hey when did I sign the papers), hearing all this was making me very uneasy as we had never had such intense conversations before. I shut him up with a kiss.

“Why are you talking about morbid stuff? I know all this is important for us and our future, but these are matters for much, much later in our lives, right now it is just you me and the amazing thought of bringing our child into this circle of love.” I started kissing him again passionately, stopping only when it was necessary to breathe.

“I want to just discuss our love, our child, our future.

Nothing, and I mean nothing about work, policies, houses and all. I am already comfortable in the world I have, and I want to live in it always (closing his arms around me tight) and beyond this world, I am not interested.” I whispered softly near his lips.

He gently pushed me back a few inches to speak.

“I know that these matters are for later in life but being prepared and taking precautions is always better wifey. Life is unpredictable as we have seen. None of us were expecting or prepared for this fucking announcement. It has put us all at least a few years back. I never ever want either of us in a situation where we are pressed for money. And with planning for our child we need the security blankets for all times.”

“Fine, fine, fine. I agree to everything and anything you are saying except starting a new business. I want to be able to come home to you and our baby. I don’t want to keep running around, stressing and being responsible for strangers 87

when I have the people who need me most. But that is enough for now, we are not discussing it further. Now I need to discuss what do you want a girl or a boy. Or better still why don’t you just shut up and continue what we were doing?”

“Uh huh, and what were we doing dear wife?”

“Dear husband we were planning on getting me pregnant”.

“Oh, is that what we were doing, and here I thought I was having a feast from the most luscious lips and the body of a siren”, he said kissing me again with heat and hunger.

Our kiss was heating up and so were our touches when my phone began to ring (anticlimax, story of our life).

Rahul connected the call putting it on speaker as it was from the office. My colleague was calling to inform me that the bosses were asking for my presence asap.

Before I could decline Rahul promised to have me there in an hour and put the phone down (bossy pants, as usual).

“I thought we were staying in and having our time. Why do I have to go? They can speak to me tomorrow if it is so important. I was enjoying myself darling and this feeling of freedom.”

“Me too Mira, but this could be part of all the decisions we are making. So why don’t we give them a chance and then see what we have for our celebrations or look for other choices.”