Our Marriage of Convenience: Volume One by L. L. Lako - HTML preview

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I remind myself to slow down as we approach a bend since I don’t want to get us killed.

It was only a few months ago that my brother, Omar, and his lovely wife, Yesmin, had a car accident. The horror of that is fresh enough to make me cautious in spite of my irritation.

I can’t believe Reana made us late.

Actually, I can believe it. This isn’t the first time.

She was supposed to get ready while I was getting ready, not sleep off. As if that wasn’t terrible enough, she had to spend another twenty minutes on makeup.

For goodness’ sake!

Then, she’d had the nerve to claim she had been fast about it. Fast? I’d hate to see her take her time with it.

The worst part of it all is that I can’t even fight with her because of her … woman thing.

By the way, who’d have thought?

She was right this morning. I’ve never really thought of Reana as a woman before today. She has always just been Ree, my super chill pal.

Since this morning, I’ve definitely become very aware of her femininity. I’m slowly noticing things about Ree that I never noticed before. It was as if she clicked a switch in my brain when she told me about … that womanly stuff.

God, why can’t I say the word?

I’ve suddenly noticed her long legs. It’s now as though the lips that are always puckered are particularly awaiting a kiss from me. On and off, I’ve caught myself wondering whether her waist would fit in my palms.

It all makes me very uncomfortable. Why would I be thinking of my best friend like this? It makes no sense.

Releasing a sigh, I come back to myself as we arrive at the city Polo club where the wedding is taking place.

The security guards at the gate ask for our names, consult a tablet, give us a car tag and let us in.

Finding a free, shaded spot near a large tree, I bring the car to a gentle halt. With a glance to the side, I see Ree leaning her head against the window. She’s sleeping again.

Gently, I nudge her shoulder.

She comes awake with a start. ‘What? Where?’

Strangely enough, her sleep-thickened voice brings me a kind of pleasure that, when it comes to Reana, is forbidden. I struggle to keep my tone casual, ‘who? Why?’

‘Oh, God, I slept. Did I drool?’ Ree pulls open the car-roof mirror to check her face.

‘Your face is fine.’

‘You’re sweet.’ Ree answers in her usual cheeky manner, while examining her face in the mirror. She pulls out an enormous brush from that tiny purse.

‘You look fine. There’s no need for all that again. Will you please let us go?’

Eyeing me with a scathing up-and-down look, she proceeds to dust her face with the long brush. Then, she brings out … a lipstick.

Sighing, I lean back against the seat, preparing to wait for another half hour.

But, a minute barely passes before Ree closes the mirror. She returns her stuff into the purse and snaps it close. ‘Shall we?’

‘Please.’ I must sound a little too enthusiastic, because she sends me that look again.

‘By the way, I have to pee, so we need to find a restroom as soon as we go in.’

‘We literally just left home not fifteen minutes ago, how can you be pressed already?’

‘Do you want to sit here discussing my bodily functions, or shall we get moving?’

‘I’m just saying.’ I open the door.

Ree snaps. ‘If you know you’ll freak out and become a jerk like this, don’t ever ask me about my personal business again. I told you what’s going on with me today and instead of you to be supportive, you’re behaving as if you-’ she chokes on her words.

That’s a sure sign I’ve upset her. She had better not be crying.

I especially hate it when Ree cries—and she rarely does. ‘Ree-’

‘Let’s just go.’ No tears, but her voice has become cool and distant.

‘I’m sorry.’

When she stays silent, I release a sigh. ‘I’m sorry, Ree. I feel slightly off today. It’s not about you.’


‘Really. It’s probably a mood coming on.’

But maybe she’s right.

Ree stares at me for a moment longer.

‘I’m sorry, okay?’ I rub her cheek lightly. ‘Will you smile for me?’

‘Bite me.’

I move around to offer Reana a hand to help her out of the car. My gaze drops, and I catch myself thinking of how attractive her feet look beneath the sandal straps. What might the rest of her legs look like without the dress?

Yep. I am definitely in a mood today. Lifting my gaze, I tell myself to look only forward as we walk the short distance to the hall.

‘You look lovely today, if I haven’t told you already.’

A dimple creases her left cheek.

Encouraged, I add, ‘absolutely breathtaking.’

Reana shakes her head. ‘There’s no need to flatter me. Just be nice.’

There are ushers in white and black at the hall entrance.

A slim female with a pink, fade-cut, guides us over to a table of four, reserved in our names.

The reception has not started yet.

Reana and I are too late for the first ceremony, but too early for the second, so all we can do is eat and wait.

Some guests are milling about and some are seated, waiting for the couple to arrive.

Omar and Yesmin are already seated.

Reana holds a short discussion with the usher before she leaves.

‘Brother.’ I hail Omar as we arrive at the table.

Omar and Yesmin welcome us with smiles on their faces.

To be more accurate, Yesmin smiles glowingly at us.

Omar wears what is a variation of a scowl aimed at me. His face only softens a little when he glances at Ree. ‘You’re late,’ Omar says in his flat voice with a glance at me.

I want to roll my eyes.

Before I can snap out the sarcastic reply on the tip of my tongue, Yesmin chides gently, ‘Omar’. Still wearing her smile, Yesmin turns to us. ‘Misbah, Reana. It is great to see you both.’

‘Thank you, beautiful. You see this, Omar? This is how to be nice.’

Omar scoffs.

Reana gives Yesmin a hug. ‘It is great to see you guys too.’

Reana turns to Omar. ‘Omar, you get scarier and sexier every day, don’t you?’

Omar lets out a chuckle. His face transforms from slightly forbidding to welcoming.

‘By the way, guys, it was my fault, not M’s. I apologise. On that note, I have to go. I’ll be right back.’

‘Where are you going?’ I ask in a low tone.

‘I have to pee, remember?’ Reana returns in a similar tone.

‘Don’t you want me to come with you?’

‘Never mind, I can find my way there. I’ll be quick.’ She departs.

I find Omar and Yesmin watching me with matching smirks. ‘What?’

Yesmin shakes her head.

Omar, on the other hand, leans close. ‘So, you two are still friends?’

‘Clearly. Are we supposed to be enemies by now?’


Yesmin glances at Omar.

He winks at her.

She flutters her lashes.

I know what that look was about. They still think Reana and I aren’t just friends. Wanting to give Omar a little payback, I turn to Yesmin. ‘Yesmin, darling, remember, if you ever get tired of my brother, we can be out of the country and on our way to Namibia in about an hour, maybe less.’

Yesmin bursts out in laughter.

Omar, with his face looking as if someone farted, says in a cold voice, ‘I would hate to kill my own brother.’

I am used to the frostiness of his voice whenever Omar gets irritated or just pretends to be, but Yesmin shivers a little. She glances at Omar with wide eyes.

They stare at each other for a long moment.

Omar mouths ‘sorry’ while giving Yesmin’s shoulder a gentle rub.

A pang of jealousy hits me. Why can’t I have that?

From the corner of my vision, I catch Reana coming back. As I feel whenever I see her, there is a sense of relief. I turn my head fully to watch her return.

Just then, Reana stops. She does a quick eye-scan of the crowd.

A tall, slim man dressed in lace walks up to her. He has a slick smile on his mildly attractive face.

Reana returns his smile with a flirtatious one.

That must be Eric. Looking at that slick smile, I want to grab him and smash his face into the nearest table.

After talking for several minutes, Reana makes a gesture at our table, and they come in our direction.

‘Who is that guy with Reana?’ Yesmin asks.

At the same time, the duo arrives at our table.

‘Hey, guys,’ Reana’s cheery voice rings out. ‘I would like you to meet Eric. Eric, meet my best friend, Misbah, his brother, Omar, and Yesmin, his wife and our mother-to-be.’

Eric nods at us. His smile looks pleasant enough, but I don’t trust it. ‘It is a pleasure to meet you all,’ he speaks in a low, baritone voice. ‘Musbau, I have heard so much about the B.F.F. Good to finally meet you in person.’

‘It’s Misbah.’ I correct without a smile. ‘Unfortunately, I haven’t heard anything about you.’

He looks uncomfortable.

Beneath the thin smile Reana shoots me is a look that I’m sure is meant to slaughter me. ‘Oh, I told you about Eric, Misbah, have you forgotten?’ Her saccharine-sweet tone confirms the silent message.

Message gotten.

‘I guess. Welcome to the party, Eric. Where are you seated?’

‘Here, with us,’ Reana cuts in.

A waitress arrives with a tray of Kebabs, Spring rolls, Puff-puff and Samosas.

Yesmin gives a weird smile, stuffing her face with a Samosa.

Omar is the one who takes charge, since he thrives in situations like this. ‘Hey, you.’ Omar lifts a hand, barely raising his deep voice as he calls out to a roving usher.

‘Yes, sir?’ The young female comes rushing to our table.

‘Get us an extra chair, will you?’ In his authoritative tone, no one ever refuses Omar.

‘Right away, sir.’ Her gaze drops, and she acts flustered before turning around to leave.

Less than a minute later, a male usher brings a chair to the table.

Reana seats Eric between us, much to my annoyance.

Omar starts a conversation with him.

Yesmin keeps stuffing her face as if she is trying to stop herself from saying something.

As for me, I pointedly avoid Reana’s eye-messages telling me to be nice to Eric. Ignoring him, I pay little heed to their conversation and allow my gaze roam about.

The compere announces the couple.

Everyone’s attention shifts to the front of the hall.

The Deejay raises the volume of the music.

Ensuring with a glance that Reana is still seated, I, too, watch the couple’s entrance.

Femi, the good neighbor of Omar and Yesmin, with his striking bride—their doctor, if I am not mistaken—dance down the aisle.

‘They met in our hospital room, baby, remember?’ Yesmin asks with a wistful smile.

Omar nods once, pressing a kiss to the back of her hand. ‘You introduced them.’

Yesmin sighs. ‘Once they set eyes on each other, this was inevitable.’

‘How sweet!’ Reana tilts her head, focusing her attention on the dancing groomsmen and bridesmaids in front of the couple.

Something makes me glance at Eric.

Eric is just removing his eyes from Reana’s bust.

Our gazes clash for a second before he looks back at the show.

I do not let my gaze stray from him for too long for the rest of the ceremony.

Twice more, I catch him leering at Reana. Twice more, our gazes clash.

I don’t call him out, because I know it will upset Reana.