Our Marriage of Convenience: Volume One by L. L. Lako - HTML preview

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I can’t believe you did that.’ Reana mutters on our way back from the party venue in the evening.

Here we go.

‘What did I do?’

‘You were rude to Eric. You embarrassed me in front of him and I know you did it on purpose. What would it have cost you to pretend to be nice?’


‘Don’t “Ree” me. You can flash the charm whenever you want at whomever you want, except the one person I ask you to be nice to?’

‘Name one of your boyfriends that I have not been nice to. Reana, I was always nice to every single one of them, including Garba.’ I pause to stop myself from getting angry. ‘This one is just wrong, Ree. You can’t seriously want to date him.’

‘Oh, my God!’

‘I don’t like his smile.’

‘What? His smile?’ Ree sounds genuinely confused.

‘He wasn’t even hiding his interest in your body. He kept staring at your … your … chest.’

‘You are not making any sense, Misbah. So what if he was staring at me? Maybe I want him to stare.’

‘No, you don’t! There’s something off about him.’

‘Great.’ Reana gives a dramatic eye roll.

‘Roll your eyes at me all you want, but I don’t ever want to see you with him again.’

‘Who do you think you are to tell me who I can and can’t date? Even my father doesn’t tell me who to date.’

‘Your father would if he paid any attention to you.’

There is a moment of silence in which I taste regret. ‘Reana, I did not mean-’

‘No need.’ Shaking her head, Reana scoffs. ‘Drop me off at my place.’

‘It’s late. You can stay over at my place till tomorrow.’

‘Absolutely not! I do not want to look at your face for a second longer than I have to.’

‘Reana, please.’

Reana goes silent and turns her face to look out through her window.

That annoying silence could mean anything. Unfortunately, my regret isn’t allowing me think clearly and so, I can’t read her.





‘So you won’t talk to me?’


Losing my patience with her, I drive on in silence.

When we arrive home, Reana marches up the stairs with violent steps.

I take my time to freshen up. By the time I finish taking a bath and saying my prayers, I feel a lot calmer. I go to the door next to mine, thinking I might offer to make a Reana a hot beverage. It’s a shameless bribe but she’d like it.

Remembering in my penitent way to knock, I do so and wait for an answer. When there is none after a few knocks, I turn to leave.

A thought strikes me. I twist the door-handle and push the door inward sharply. It is just as I thought. The room is empty. Maintaining some hope, I look around for Reana’s things.


I open the bathroom door and look, already knowing she isn’t there.

Debating myself, I go down the stairs. Do I call Reana or get in the car after her? I decide on the former after a minute.

Sitting on a kitchen chair and leaning my elbows on the gleaming table surface, I bring up Reana’s contact.

The phone rings. There is no answer.

I try two more times before she finally picks up the call.

‘Reana, where are you?’

‘I am on my way home.’

All sorts of things go through my head. I sigh. ‘Come back, please. Let’s talk. It’s too late to go to your neighbourhood on your own.’


Hello, stubborn Reana.

‘Why not?’

‘Maybe it’s because I am very annoyed with you. Or maybe it’s because I have a date with Eric. I’ll let you figure out which one.’

‘I am coming after you right now.’

‘If you come to my place, I won’t let you in. Or maybe we’ll just have the date at his place.’

I remind myself to breathe. ‘Will you let me know when you get home?’

‘Whatever.’ She disconnects the call.

I adore Reana, but she has the rare talent of driving me nuts. With considerable effort, I suppress the ache in my chest and bury the worry.

Finding nothing that interests me in the freezer, I decide to make a sandwich to have along with tea. I eat slowly. Afterward, I take my time in washing the dishes and replacing them.

Reana still does not call.

If I call her again, she may or may not answer but either way, I am done fighting tonight.

I wait for about two hours. After, I say my night prayers, brush my teeth, and go to bed for the night.

Reana does not call.

Even if she hadn’t planned a date with Eric, she could go and have one with him out of spite. Reana is that stubborn.

I could go over to her place tonight, but I won’t just in case they’re on a stupid date. I don’t want to see that jerk looking at her chest again or I might deck him.