Peace and Love Doesn't Last Long (The Love Eclipse Series Book 3) by Ezekiel Millinga - HTML preview

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PEACE AND LOVE DOESN’T LAST LONG | Ezekiel Millinga Leo chuckled. “I don’t remember coming here willingly.”

“You were attacked during graduation.

Fabian, SJ, Patrice, and Rachel were kidnapped during the attack. If I didn’t save you, your name could be on the list.”

Leo stood. “You say an attack and only those four were kidnaped?”

The man handed a phone to Leo. “It is all over the news.”

Leo looked at the phone. “My name is on the list too.”

“I took you, so everyone knows you were kidnapped too.”

“I need to leave.”

“You can’t.”

“My girlfriend is in danger.”

“That’s why they took her when they couldn’t get you. They knew you would act 28

PEACE AND LOVE DOESN’T LAST LONG | Ezekiel Millinga frantically to find her and so they would get you effortlessly. Don’t act the way they wanted you to act.”

Leo pounded the table. “My dreams were right. They were a warning and I didn’t care.”

“What dreams?” The man said.

"I've been dreaming every day about one thing. People telling me that they are coming for me. I didn't know the who, the why, or the how."

“I’m not a guy who believes in dreams but if you believe what you are saying is right, then you now know the how.”

“My mother might be in danger. I need to leave.”

“The moment you walk out of that door, you are finished.”

“I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions of years before I was born, and had 29

PEACE AND LOVE DOESN’T LAST LONG | Ezekiel Millinga not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.”

Leo took his suit jacket and walked towards the door.

"You are making a mistake, kid."

Leo pressed his tongue against the roof of his mouth. “Going to save my mother and my girlfriend is never a mistake.”

“You need saving more than the two ladies do, right now.”

“Two women might be suffering because a man is hiding to protect himself.”

“Those people want you dead.”

"You'd be amazed as to how many times I've met with this death and how I said no to it," Leo tried to open the door but it was locked.