Peace and Love Doesn't Last Long (The Love Eclipse Series Book 3) by Ezekiel Millinga - HTML preview

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Leo opened his eyes. He was on a good sofa bed, his hands not cuffed. Where am I? He stretched as he yawned. His vision was blurry, maybe because he just woke or maybe because they did to him something he didn’t know, like drugging him. He tried looking, he was in a small room, a bedside table with a reading lamp closer to the bed.

The windows were high on the wall, giving a dim light to the room. His vision kept improving, and when he could see plainly, he saw a man sitting on a chair, near the door, his ankle placed on top of the opposite knee, with the foot noticeably high.

The man seemed to be in his early fifties.

His face looked familiar. His hair was very blackish, his arm muscles were so powerful 26

PEACE AND LOVE DOESN’T LAST LONG | Ezekiel Millinga that they were surely going to tear his small T-shirt. If he was just white, he would've been indistinguishable from Scott Adkins and that would have been worse for anyone kidnapped and waking up seeing Boyka waiting for them.

“I was about to wake you. You have slept for 20 hours and I started feeling something was wrong.” The man said, pulling his chair closer to the sofa bed.

“It is the finest sleep I’ve had for the last five years. A dreamless sleep.” Leo said.

“Good. I need you in your right mind.”

"I don't remember creating any enemies for the past five years," Leo said.

“That’s why your enemies got to you without strain.”

“Who are you?”

“I’m a friend.”