Radar Love by Aileen Friedman - HTML preview

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*Chapter Sixteen*


Lt. Mrs. Simpson understandably did not fancy a trip back to Silversands in the early morning hours, and Peggy was exhausted from such an grueling drive. The Military Police saluted Peggy with proud admiration and offered a driver to drive them in the Jeep; minus the branches in the grill, behind the ambulance to the hospital.

Peggy and Lt. Mrs. Simpson sat on the hard chairs in the visitor’s room anxiously waiting for the return of the doctor with positive news on Harvey. The sun blinked into the windows informing them that a new day was alive. Peggy rubbed her eyes and stood at the window looking at the huge oak trees. She opened the window inviting in the fresh air and the sound of birds singing. Taking a deep breath of air and exhaling it slowly and at the same time, Peggy was thanking God for the safe trip and Harvey’s health. She slumped back in her chair “They must surely have news by now.” Peggy complained to Lt. Mrs. Simpson. Her words were still warm on her tongue when the door opened, and a doctor in surgery clothes strode in. Both women jumped up, saluted and begged his information come forth urgently.

“Good morning, Lieutenant, Sergeant.” He replied and saluted. The ladies were not interested in his greetings; all they wanted to be informed about was Harvey’s condition. “Lt. Newsome suffered a burst appendix as you correctly assumed. I commend you both for your immediate attention to the Lieutenant. If you had not done so the Lieutenant would surely not be with us today.”

Peggy was overwhelmed with the news and from exhaustion. She felt the tension tumble from her shoulders crashing into her feet, and she collapsed landing solidly on the floor before anyone had the chance to catch her.

Peggy opened her eyes and found herself in a hospital bed and Lt. Mrs. Simpson on the bed next to her fast asleep. “You fainted dear so the doctor ordered you to rest here and the Lieutenant here decided to join you.” A nurse with a friendly smile informed Peggy.

“Lt. Newsome, how is he?” Peggy asked sitting herself up and taking the cup of tea the nurse was offering her.

“The doctor will be along shortly to inform you. You get some rest dear.” The nurse said leaving the room.

Lt. Mrs. Simpson stirred awake, taking the time to familiarize herself with her surroundings “Good morning, Lieutenant.” Peggy said when the Lt. Mrs. Simpson looked at her.

She nodded and smiled at Peggy. “Good morning, please when it is just the two of us call me Vivien.”

Peggy smiled appreciating the new friendship that now bonded them. “The nurse left you a cup of tea assuming you’d wake up soon.” Peggy pointed to the bed stand and the cup of tea still steaming.

Lt. Ms. Simpson smiled. “Any news on Harvey?” She asked picking up the cup.

“The nurse said the doctor would be here soon.” Peggy got out of the bed and stretched her body it ached from the ghastly ride. “Did I really just fall to the ground?”

Lt. Mrs. Simpson let out a snorted laugh. “Like a sack of potatoes.”

“How embarrassing,” Peggy said shaking her head.

The doctor strode into the room. “So how are you feeling this morning?” He spoke to both ladies.

“We fine, how is Lt. Newsome doctor?” Peggy desperately needed to know he was okay.

“He will be fine in a couple of days, for now, he is sedated.” He smiled at the relief on Peggy’s face. “That was very heroic of you ladies last night.” His voice expelled his high regard for both Lt. Mrs. Simpson and Peggy.

“Thank you, doctor; anyone would have done the same thing,” Peggy replied playing down her heroism.

“Oh, I doubt that. Please join me for breakfast,” He looked at his watch “well that will be lunch not breakfast, in the officer’s mess before you leave.” Both ladies agreed and enjoyed a hearty meal and listened to interesting news about the war they never got privy to hear.

Before leaving for Silversands, the doctor permitted them a short visit with Harvey. He was heavily sedated but peaceful. Peggy looked at his exceptionally handsome features sleeping restfully. “Would she ever forget the pain his perfect face reflected the night before?” She wondered. More so she wondered if she would ever hear him ask her to marry him again.

Lt. Mrs. Simpson and Peggy sat in the Jeep, but before Peggy started the engine, she asked. “Please don’t mention to anyone about Harvey asking me to marry him.”

“I wouldn’t think of it, Peggy. I know he will one day, though, and then I’ll make the most of it.” Lt. Mrs. Simpson’s voice cracked a croaky laugh that infected Peggy. Peggy’s heart longed that Lt. Mrs. Simpson gets her chance to do so because that would mean that she would be marrying Harvey. She had no choice but to admit to herself that she was madly in love with him. “If only he’d love her too?” She questioned her heart.

Passing through the gates of the Silversands Barracks the guards bowed to the ladies and prayed, “What is with the guards and their assegais?” Peggy asked remembering they had never found out.

“Orders from HQ, can’t say why it had to be Africans with assegais.”

They went directly to their respective rooms to catch up on sleep. Peggy was not so fortunate for as soon as the ladies realized she was back they bombarded her with endless questions. Maisy cried and hugged Peggy so tightly. “Cecil, Dorothy and I prayed for you throughout our shift, it was difficult to concentrate. The seas were so busy; I made so many mistakes.”

The days crawled by, and everyday Peggy waited and prayed that Harvey would return. Lt. Mrs. Simpson kept Peggy and everyone else up to date with Harvey’s progress thankfully else Peggy might have stolen the Jeep and driven to the hospital to find out for herself.

Winter was ending and the evenings although still bitterly cold were easing into spring. The evidence showed in the array of flowers found alongside the road and the mountain slopes.

On a sunny Friday afternoon Peggy and Audrey tracked and mapped the activity in the oceans intensely. Cecil lent them a hand to stay on top of things; even breathing took up too much time. The door opened slowly. Peggy did not take the time to look at who had entered until Cecil let out a hearty. “Harvey, good to see you.” They exchanged a handshake and a quick embrace. Peggy spun around on the seat of her chair and stood up all in one motion. Audrey quickly dashed to Peggy’s Radar screen to cover anything Peggy might have missed.

Harvey took one large pace over to Peggy and engulfed her in a long solid hug. “Thank you for saving my life, Peggy.” He pushed away from Peggy and her wildly beating heart just enough for her to see the tears swimming in his China-blue eyes.

She smiled up at him swallowing her emotions, “I did what anyone of us would’ve done.”

Harvey stood back and held Peggy at arm’s length. “From what Lt. Mrs. Simpson told me you did a lot more than that.  I am forever in your debt.”

“I’m grateful I could help and that you are fine now. Just promise me you won’t do something like that again, and we can call it quits.”

Harvey laughed, gave Peggy another lingering hug and reluctantly released her. He moved over to say hello to Audrey and Peggy gingerly found her seat again in front of the Radar screen. The blips were going crazy, and Peggy messed up most of the readings for the rest of her shift. No-one was going to report her errors. Cecil and Audrey covered any tracks before Freddie picked up on them, especially the one that put a fishing vessel on the top of Table Mountain.

Walking back to their quarters Peggy smiled liked a Cheshire cat. “Come on spill the beans,” Audrey said nudging her friend. Peggy for once did not mind that a male was present.

“Oh Audrey, I think I’m in love with Harvey, no, I know I am in love with him. But please, oh please don’t say anything Audrey, Cecil. Please.”

“Mum’s the word. But just so that you know, he is crazy about you.” Cecil said walking behind the ladies.