Radar Love by Aileen Friedman - HTML preview

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*Chapter Seventeen*


The news came that almost everyone had to go to Robben Island for a Coastal Artillery course in two weeks. They were excited at the idea of a change of scenery, routine, and pace. But until then Silversands Radar Station ran like a tight ship.

The Sandown Hotel in Sandown Bay hosted its usual Saturday evening social dance; Frank was given permission to use the ration van and to drive those who were available to the dance. The ladies elegantly dressed in their evening dresses covered by their greatcoats and the men dashingly handsome in their suits climbed onto the ration van. With the prospects of a great evening of fun ahead they took the short very bumpy ride to the hotel, very happy to be out of the barracks even if only for a few hours.

Entering the hotel their ears were blasted by Ella Fitzgerald pouring out her love in a song. As always they were greeted by the sarcastic and jealous stares of many soldiers; the SSS group brazened their shoulders and ignored them. Finding a table large enough to fit them all, they ordered drinks and relaxed relishing the hours of freedom they had until 11 pm.

Before the drinks arrived Cecil asked Dorothy to dance, after the first few beats of “All the things you are” by Artie Shaw, it was obvious that there was more than dancing involved between Cecil and Dorothy. The men still seated sighed, accepting defeat in their battle for Dorothy’s affection.

“Of all the gorgeous men available Dorothy chooses lanky Cecil. Why?” Carolyn asked.

“Why, not Cecil?” Peggy asked defending her friend’s choice in men. Peggy knew Dorothy was in love with Cecil, she’d even admitted to it. She loved his love for God; she loved his soft nature, and she loved they way Cecil looked at her. He looked at her with love, not lust.

“Dorothy is so beautiful she could get any man. Definitely a man far more handsome than Cecil.” Carolyn retorted not knowing how to back up her argument other than that Dorothy was beautiful, and so she should, therefore, have a beautiful partner.

“Again I ask you, Carolyn, what is wrong with Cecil?” Peggy had raised her voice highly annoyed. The evening had just started, and already Carolyn had managed to agitate Peggy, at least this time it was not over Harvey.

Peggy placed her Ginger Square drink on the table, stood up, excused herself and went to the ladies powder room rather than say something she’d regret later. Walking back to the table Peggy felt the fresh air from the patio reaching in through the large wide French doors; she decided to take in the air. She stood at the wall that was as high as her waist, wondering what the moonlight had to tell her as its light skipped on the ocean. She thought about the ships at sea and the danger they faced the ones that sunk and the lives that were lost. Peggy’s heart sat deep in her chest as she pondered the dreary side of war; was there ever a brighter side? She rubbed her shoulders shaking off the cold wind from the ocean. Her Emerald green satin dress had no sleeves, square cut front, and a low v-line back. Her long black gloves added very little protection from the cold. She’d left her shawl on the back of the chair and even though going back to get it was the better option she enjoyed the peace the patio offered, but not for long.

“I don’t want to disturb you, but you should have your shawl over your shoulders, you might catch a cold.” Harvey stood behind Peggy holding her shawl and two glasses. “I took the liberty of bringing your drink to you before it got consumed by someone else.”

“Harvey, thank you. That is most kind of you.”

Harvey put the glasses down on the wall, and like a gentleman he wrapped the shawl around Peggy’s shoulders, lingering his hands on her shoulders for a second or two longer than necessary. He hesitated unsure if he was welcomed to remain or whether Peggy preferred her solitude. He wished so badly to stay.

“How are you recovering Harvey? You surely should not be out and about like this so soon and in a ration van at that?” Peggy enquired, and Harvey gave a quick prayer of thanks, a window of opportunity to be alone with Peggy had opened.

He handed Peggy her Ginger Square drink and took a sip of his wine before answering. “I am fine Peggy, I’m not a hundred percent yet, but I certainly feel better every day. Chef is relentless so I have no choice but to get well.” He shook his head and laughed at the reminder of how Chef constantly worried herself over his recovery. Peggy’s heart melted at the sound of his laughter.

“I’m glad you had your say over Dorothy and Cecil.” Harvey moved next to Peggy in front of the small wall. “It fathoms the mind that people insist on categorizing who or what a person’s partner should be according to their looks.”

“Oh, I did not mean to be so rude. The words flew out of my mouth like bees from a hive.” Peggy looked at the ocean and the moon then back at Harvey. He was unable to peel his eyes from her. “I apologize for being so rude by leaving the table.”

“No apology necessary I did the same thing. I think Curtis eventually asked her for a dance, and that seemed to have kept her quiet or at least it gave her mind something else to think about.”

Peggy chuckled and turned her gaze back to the serenity of the ocean. “It is such a mesmerizing view is it not.”“

“Yes, it is,” Harvey replied but he was not looking at the ocean, he could not tear his eyes from Peggy.

The song changed, and Bing Cosby’s voice serenaded through the air as he crooned out the lyrics to the song “Moonlight becomes you.”

“Shall we dance?” Harvey nervously asked Peggy holding out his hand for hers.

“Are you sure? It won’t be too much for you?” Peggy took his hand, even through her gloves her fingers tingled at his touch.

“I’m very sure one dance or so will not do me any harm. Please.” Harvey moved to take Peggy in the correct frame. His hand rested so slightly against her back her spine shivered. They move slowly to the rhythm of Bing’s voice; to the beat of the song, their hearts chimed in unison. With each step, they moved closer together until their chests beat against the other. Harvey’s hand tighten against Peggy’s back, their hands gripped closed tucked into their sides, and Peggy’s free hand slid up to the back of Harvey’s neck. With every step, they shut the world around them out until it was only Harvey and Peggy elevated between the moon and the ocean.

“Perfect song, for a perfect woman,” Harvey whispered in Peggy’s ear. Peggy moved an inch to look at him, their faces almost touching; she said nothing, her eyes expressed her appreciation. They swayed in motion, Harvey ran his finger down Peggy’s cheek, softly, scarcely touching her delicate skin, and his eyes soaked in her beauty. Peggy drank in Harvey’s China-blue eyes, his gentle yet masculine features were all hers to behold; she wanted to be kissed by his rosebud lips more than anything she had ever felt before. “Peggy?” Harvey softly said holding her tighter leaning forward placing a soft requesting kiss on her lips. Peggy’s inner being soared with pleasure and returned his kiss with sweet loving desire. Fervor ran through their veins as their kiss became more passionate and their longing for each other culminated in this their faultless first kiss. Bing ended his song, the beat of the music stopped, but Harvey and Peggy kept swaying breathlessly blissful in each other’s arms. 

Vera Lynn sang about bluebirds and jealousy. Dean and Ella enchanted dancing all night long, but Harvey and Peggy were oblivious to it all; all they heard was the sound of each others’ heart beating a merry tune.

“I love you, Peggy. I have since the first day I met you. The night you brought me coffee and biscuits I was unable to sleep, I thought it too good to be true that we’d had a conversation.”

“Why was that so hard to believe?” Peggy asked nudging her head into his neck.

Harvey breathed in the smell of her hair and her perfume. “If you heard how the men spoke about you women and their plans to win you over, I never thought I’d stand a chance. I’m not like them; I cannot flirt and charm women. When you brought me coffee that evening, I lay awake all night thinking about how and what I should’ve said or done differently. I was sure I’d never get the chance again.” He pulled Peggy closer to him, kissing her tenderly reassuringly.

Peggy giggled “I was so infuriated with Carolyn’s efforts for your affection, I was sure she had won your heart. Perhaps that is why I snapped at her tonight.”

Harvey hugged the stuffing out of Peggy. “Oh my love, I was; am always yours.”

“I love you, Harvey Newsome.” Peggy kissed him with a confirmation that spoke volumes. Once she had her breath back, she asked him, “Why me, why not Dorothy or Audrey they are so more beautiful than me,”

Harvey shook his head, tipped her chin up with his finger so that their eyes engaged each other. “You are most undeniably beautiful my darling, but your inner beauty is what captured my heart. Your inner beauty reflects Jesus.” He took her hands in his and placed them on her heart. “I love you inside and out my darling.”

Peggy was itching to ask him if he remembered proposing to her. She thought about it for a few seconds and decided not to ruin the moment and possibly the evening.

It was as though Harvey had read her mind. “That evening you took me to the hospital, I said, or I asked you a question. If I remember, I did so several times, and you answered “yes” each time. I…”

“Harvey, Peggy we have to go, grab your coats,” Jan shouted from the patio’s French doors and then dashed off toward the exit doors. Harvey sighed and rested his forehead on Peggy’s. He kissed her with several short wishful kisses and held her in a long embrace not wanting to relinquish her for any reason.

“Harvey, Peggy, come on we’re not going to make it back by eleven if we don’t leave now,” Claude begged them holding their coats out for them to put on.

“To be continued,” Harvey said to Peggy with a smile then they both ran with Claude to the ration van. Harvey and Peggy were greeted by everyone with a round of applause causing them both to blush.

For Peggy who had to go on shift at 3 am it was so difficult to concentrate. She sat in front of the Radar screen still in her evening gown, still feeling Harvey’s kisses on her lips, his arms wrapped around her waist, the smell of his cologne teasing her senses. She wanted to go back and do it all over again. Audrey and Claude had a hard time for five hours trying to keep Peggy focused on the job at hand and not on a certain Lt. Newsome. They tried in vain.