Radar Love by Aileen Friedman - HTML preview

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*Chapter Eighteen*


Peggy stopped at Lt. Mrs. Simpson’s office on her way to her quarters after her shift. “Good luck,” Audrey said with an evil grin.

After saluting and greeting one another, Peggy sat on the chair facing Lt. Mrs. Simpson. She was about to speak when Lt. Mrs. Simpson spoke first. “So Peggy, it finally happened, I’m very happy for you. I told you he was in love with you.”

“You know already?” Peggy was aghast.

“Of course, I know. I make it my business to know everything that happens at my base.” She stated seriously then laughed and coughed simultaneously. “Don’t worry; I won’t go off telling everyone what Harvey said in the Jeep. I hear Dorothy and Cecil also finally settled matters.” She waited for Peggy’s response.

“You know that too?” Peggy had no idea what to say in response to Lt. Mrs. Simpson’s privy to the previous evening’s events.

“All we need now is for Audrey and Frank to realize what their hearts know already.” Lt. Mrs. Simpson stamped out a cigarette and looked at Peggy’s astonished face.

“But what about the “No fraternization” rule Vivien. Will we be posted to another Station?”

“I’m not letting my girls go anywhere, so, as long as you all behave discreetly, there won’t be any problems. Understood?” Lt. Mrs. Simpson gave Peggy a stern and serious look, imploring her to understand the consequences.

“Yes Vivien, I wouldn’t dream of being anything but discreet,” Peggy promised.

Lt. Mrs. Simpson relaxed and leaned forward. “So tell me all about it, I want details so spill.”  Peggy giggled and rubbed her hands blushing but eager to enlighten Lt. Mrs. Simpson on the best night of her life.

Audrey, Dorothy, and Maisy sat on the wooden floor of the porch in front of Peggy’s room eagerly waiting for her return. She smiled at them, opened her door and once in the room she squealed giggling with huge excitement. The four ladies sat on Peggy’s bed while she and Dorothy relived the previous night with elated enthusiasm. Audrey complained of Frank’s behavior, the way he flirted with every woman. “But why would that bother you, Audrey? You don’t like him at all.” Dorothy asked.

“Oh, he just annoys me terribly,” Audrey replied very unconvincingly.

Peggy and Audrey took a quick shower and changed into more comfortable civilian clothes then went to the Sunday service in the Rec. room. Cecil gave a captivating lesson on Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and redemption for every person’s sins. Dorothy glowed with a combination of love and pride as she paid close attention to Cecil. In closing his lesson, he reiterated that if anyone had any questions or if they felt the need to be baptized to please speak with him. Bonnie, Patricia, Phyllis, Curtis and Burt all asked to get immersed for their sins. Cecil praised God for their submission to do His will.

Later that afternoon the group of officers, comrades or friends, they were all of them, gathered at the rock pool only a few feet, and through a pathway of brushes, in front of the barracks. Nature was kind that day and dropped the icy breeze leaving the sun warm and inviting on their skin. The temperature of the water was no different however and those getting immersed only wore their bathing suits; they got in the water, were immersed and got out as soon as possible. Poor Cecil was blue from the cold water by the time the last person was baptized, but it was a great day rejoicing with the angels that more souls were added to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Everyone who was not on duty decided to remain at the beach and enjoy the sunshine. The tide was low, and it meant that exploring among the numerous rock pools was greatly enjoyed. Curtis found a pool with the largest crayfish he’d seen since his youth days fishing with his father. Both Curtis and Burt braved the cold water and dug out several crayfish from the crevasses of the rocks beneath the water. Harvey, Frank, and Jan gathered wood to make a fire, and right there they grilled and ate delicious freshly caught crayfish.

“My birthday is coming up soon, and I’m just letting you all know in advance that this is what I want for my celebration,” Audrey announced.

“I shall not forget my princess. Your wish is my command.” Frank bowed still holding onto the tail of the crayfish he was eating.

“Phfft Frank, blow it out your ear.” Audrey huffed back at him.

Harvey nudged Peggy, and when she looked at him, he kissed her. A lovely habit they were both beginning to thrive on.

To buy favor, they made sure to take a few tails to Cpt. Vogel and Lt. Mrs. Simpson and of course to Chef. They would never be forgiven if Chef did not receive a tail or two.

The sunshine decided that one day was more than enough and an onset of the wickedest winds – the Black South-Easter ravaged the mountains and sent waves crashing so close to the barracks they all felt sure to be evacuated at any given notice. Walking to the Radar Station was impossible, and everyone had to be driven there and back.  Deep sympathies were felt for those on duty at the Hangklip Radar Station since no vehicle of any sort could get up the hill. Sometimes the Lieutenants slept in the small Tech-hut bunkering down on the floor rather than risk the slippery slide downhill in the dark. Everyone made a mad dash from their rooms to either the function room for meals or to the Rec. room.

Harvey and Peggy whether they played bridge or any other game in the company of the others or whether they sat peacefully reading in the front of the fireplace, were forever joined at the hip; stealing kisses at every opportunity.

The evening before their departure to Robben Island the Rec. room was made ready for a movie night. The usual News Reel with all the delayed updated news of the war preceded the feature movie which was “The Charge of the Light Brigade.” The ladies moaned at yet another movie ideally suited for the men. Not only that but it had been sent to them numerous times already for viewing. The men decided to bring good cheer rather than sit among sulky women and reenacted the movie in front of the screen, adding, of course, their own actions and dialogue. It caused a riot of laughter and a raucous of cheers, so much so that Cpt. Vogel and Lt. Mrs. Simpson on hearing the commotion joined them. No saluting or standing to attention followed their entry to the Rec. room; everyone remained at ease. Cpt. Vogel and Lt. Mrs. Simpson connected with them as friends and laughed as hard as everyone else did, throwing comments at the make-shift actors willingly.

Harvey walked Peggy back to her quarters; he held her close trying to keep the wind from lifting them both. As they were approaching the formidable chastity fence, Harvey pulled her to the side of the quarters reserved for visiting officers or married officers, hoping to be a little better protected from the wind. He kissed her with such longing and zeal even the wind admired their vigor.

As they caught their breath and tucked into each other’s arms Harvey said just loud enough for Peggy to hear him “Peggy, marry me please?” He smiled at her “I know you said yes before, I’d get down on my knee, but I’m afraid if I don’t hold onto you, you might fly away. So please say yes again. Marry me my darling.” Harvey kissed her gently on the forehead then gazed straight through her eyes into her heart.

“Of course, I’ll marry you, my darling; the sooner, the better.” She wrapped her arms around him pulling him into her soul.

“I don’t have a ring yet my darling; please forgive me.” Harvey held her hands in his rubbing her ring finger with his thumb.

“Harvey,” Peggy ensured he was able to hear her words against the blistering wind, “you are not only everything I ever wanted, but you’re also everything I knew I ever wanted. I don’t need a ring I only desire your heart for you have mine, wholeheartedly.”

Harvey had no care to formulate a reply he melted their hearts together in a sensational kiss.