Raging Storm by Shelia Chapman - HTML preview

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Chapter 20

Jared inched closer. “Sara, I’m not a vampire,” he said in a soft, soothing voice. “Honey, look at me. Listen to the sound of my voice. It’s me, Jared. I love you. Please, don’t be afraid of me. I won’t let anything hurt you. I’m here to protect you.”

Sara frowned, dubious. “You are?”

“Yes, sweetheart. I’m here to chase all the monsters away.” He crouched to his knees. “Please, don’t be afraid of me. Take my hand, Sara. Will you take my hand?”

She pressed against the wall. The voice sounded like him, but the face looked like a male vampire. Her mind went back to what he’d said to her in the car. ‘Remember, it’s not real. It’s all an illusion. You’re safe.

 “Alright, if you promise to keep the other vampires away, and you don’t try to bite me.” She slowly and cautiously placed her hand in his. Jared lifted her to her feet, led her back to the bed and lay beside her, holding her in his arms.

“There, it’s alright. Don’t worry about anything and remember, time is still moving forward for the rest of us, even you, whether you feel it or not. It’s 3:15. Myra will be home soon. Do you remember my sister, Myra?”

The image of her face flashed through her memory. The tiny creases at the corners of her eyes, the radiating color rods of her irises. They must be smile lines. Myra’s too young to have wrinkles. “I remember the melodic sound of her voice and the unusual way she sang slightly out of tune.”

“Slightly?” he laughed. “The last time I heard her sing, it sounded like two cats fighting in a sack.”

“I know. Don’t you think it’s unusual?”

Jared guffawed. “Unusual is one way of putting it, torment is a better description.”

Sara stared out the window and drifted as if she were floating. She reached out. “Oh, my God, Jared. I’m dying,” she gasped. “I can’t feel the leaves!”

He swallowed hard. “You’re not dying. You can’t feel them because you’re nowhere near them. It just seems that way.”

“Oh!” She seemed satisfied with his answer but kept staring out the window at all the different colors of the leaves and bark of the trees. A ladybug crawled out to the end of a limb. She slapped at it.

“What’s wrong now, Sara? What do you see?”

“A ladybug just crawled off this limb, onto my nose.” She reached out. “Its scratch legs tickles.”

Jared rubbed the end of her nose. “There’s nothing there, Sara. It’s 3:30 now, honey. You should start to feel better soon. Are you thirsty or hungry or sleepy? Do you need to go to the bathroom?”

“I think, I need to pee.”

“Alright,” he chuckled, put an arm around her waist and helped her to her feet. He led her to the commode and stood back.

She arched an eyebrow. “Um, there are some things I can handle on my own regardless of how stupid I might sound.”

He tucked his chin slightly. “Oh, I just thought,” he broke off and chuckled again. “I’ll be right outside the door here. If you get scared, call me.”

~ ~ ~

She reached to flush the commode. The swirling waters in the bowl changed into a snake with massive fangs and bright crimson eyes. It jumped out at her and she screamed. “Jared! Jared! It’s a snake! The commode is a snake, and it’s trying to bite my butt! Help!”

To her, it had taken him ages to respond. Then his arms were around her. “When I find out who did this to you, I’m gonna fuckin’ kill them! My poor baby, I’m so sorry this is happening to you. Just remember. Time is moving forward. It’s three 3:35 now. This will be over in a few hours. I love you, baby. Remember that and hang in there.”

He led her back to the bed. He laid beside her and held her in his arms. “Do me a favor. Put your head on my shoulder. Close your eyes and I’ll sing to you. Would you like that?”

“Yes, but kiss me first, please? Kiss me like a lover, as though you want me. I wanna taste your desire.”

Jared gazed into her eyes. “I do want you,” he breathed and pressed his lips to hers. They were soft and his kiss was long and lingering. With the full length of his body pressed against hers, Sara could feel his desire for her. His kiss deepened, grew with hunger. “I do desire you, Sara,” he whispered. “I desire you more than anything.”

“I love you, Jared.” She rested her head on his shoulder and breathed in his masculine scent. His essence penetrated every cell in her body. His soul melded with hers in eternal bliss.

He sang to her in a voice so clear and beautiful, it sounded like a cold mountain stream. She could taste him on her tongue, quenching the fire in her soul. The effect of the drug was fading. Sara could think clearer now. The room had stopped spinning. She looked up into his eyes and smiled. “You do love me, don’t you?”

Jared reflected her smile. “Yes, I do.”

 “Have you ever sung to anybody else?”

He tucked some loose hairs behind her ear. “No, Sara.”

“Can I ask another question?”

Jared softly smiled and kissed her temple. “What?”

“If you were in love with Eve, why didn’t you sing to her like you do me?”

“I had strong feelings for Eve, but I don’t think I was ever in love with her. I know I’m in love with you. I would do anything for you, give you anything.”

“I don’t feel so good.”

His eyes widened. “How, what’s wrong?”

“I’m so tired and sleepy, but I’m afraid to sleep.”

He let his breath out. “Why?”

“I’m afraid when I wake up you won’t be here.”

“Sara, I’m not going anywhere. I’ll lay right here and hold you, all night long. Close your eyes and sleep. You’ve been through a traumatic ordeal. You have the right to feel tired and sleepy.”

“I can’t sleep. I’m afraid the monsters will come back. I’m afraid I’ll be alone.”

Jared looked into her eyes. “Listen to me. I will not leave you,” he whispered. “I will not let anything harm you. I will chase all your monsters and all your fears away. Now, close your eyes and sleep.”

“Will you sing to me again?”

He smiled and started singing. Tears filled her eyes. She’d never felt love, such as this. It was almost tangible. She could feel it with each breath she took - fire and ice.

~ ~ ~

Sara drifted off, listening to the sound of his mesmerizing voice and the constant beating of his heart. The most precious sounds she knew. Sounds which meant safety and security, but only in the waking world. Jared’s arms couldn’t protect her in the land of dreams, a land full of uncertainty and scary monsters.

~ ~ ~

Her sleep was restless. Her dreams were bizarre; filled with old men, totem poles of red-eyed wolves, coming to life and chasing her across the desert, in an endless night as hot as hell. Sweat dripped down her temples; her hair was damp, plastered to her face and neck, and matted with dried weeds and thorns. The only visible light was from the full moon.

There was snow on the ground, but the air felt as if it were coming off a bonfire.

Snow with blazing hot air? That’s not possible! I must be hallucinating again.

Sara was white-hot. Not from a physical fire, but a fire around her, and deep inside her. Her chest hurt. Each labored breath she took scorched her lungs. Her mouth and throat were parched. She was incredibly thirsty.

There was water, but no matter how fast she ran or how close she came to it, she couldn’t even dip her fingertips in it. The strange wooden wolves were closing in on her. She could feel their hot breath on the back of her neck as she fell, desperately reaching for the water.

She tried to scream. If she screamed, Jared would save her, but she couldn’t make a sound. This was it. She was going to die, devoured by animated symbols of wolves from a totem pole. They crept closer, baring their sharp, splintery teeth. Flames licked their wooden grins as if they’d been soaked in gasoline. Their mouths should’ve been burned to a cinder, but their teeth wouldn’t burn.

One of the wolves grabbed Sara and shook her, shaking the life from her. Its teeth seared into the flesh on the back of her neck. She drew in her last breath and screamed, but the sound was swallowed up by a fierce howl from across the desert. The sound was so loud it vibrated every bone in her body. Her attacker turned her loose and cowered back, lowering its head in submission. The other wooden wolves fell into line and slowly backed away.

Out of nowhere, a white wolf appeared and stood in front of her, its eyes burned with fire. She didn’t know what to expect. The wolf whined, licked her face and turned to face her attackers. Sara felt safe with him in front of her, but she feared for his life. He couldn’t take on, all of them alone.

She tried to scream again. She heard a faint, familiar voice; her hope, her salvation.

~ ~ ~

“Sara! Wake up! Sara, you’re having a nightmare. Wake up, angel!”

The voice shouted to her from far across the burning sands. The white wolf vanished. Sara didn’t want to open her eyes for fear the wooden wolves would be there.

“Sara, honey, you gotta wake up. Open your eyes. You’re dreaming, sweetheart.”

She was awake now. She recognized the voice, but she was reluctant to open her eyes. “No!” she shouted. “He left me, and if I open my eyes, they’ll be back. They’ll be there!”

“Sara, there are no wolves here.” At least not in physical form. “You’re safe, honey, open your eyes. It’s me – Jared.”

Her lashes flicked; she slowly opened her eyes. She didn’t know who or where she was. In her disoriented mind, the monsters in her dream were real. One with long, black tousled hair and glowing eyes was inches from her face. It reached out. “Stay away from me!” Sara screamed and scrambled to the head of the bed again. “You’re not real! Wolves aren’t made of wood! You’re only a dream! Wood burns!” She hugged her pillow.

“Sara! Angel! It’s me – Jared! It’s alright. You’re safe.” He reached for her again.

She pulled away and stared at him with eyes wide with fear.

“Don’t you dare touch me! Stay away!” she warned.  She stared at Jared, disbelieving, trying to make sense of her chaotic mind. She wanted to get away. She pushed away from him, trying to put more distance between them. She clenched her hands and charged him, slamming her fists into his muscular chest.

He grabbed her wrists and held her in his iron grip. Blood oozed from her hands at the tips of her long fingernails. His eyes glossed. “You’re dead you bastard!” he growled and swallowed hard. “If I ever find out who you are - you’re fuckin’ dead!” He shook her, more violently this time. “Sara! Honey! Please! Calm down – you’re safe! Whatever was trying to hurt you is gone – you’re awake! Please!” He tried desperately to reach her, but she was locked somewhere in the world between, separated from reality, beyond reason. She gasped for breath, her body convulsed.

Jared restrained her; tears ran down his cheeks. “Myra! I need you – get in here – now!”

She ran into the room, frightened at being suddenly awakened. “What happened? I thought the drug wore off.”

“Get my bag, from the other bedroom, now!”

“What’s wrong with her?”

“Just get the damn bag and do it now. I’ll explain later. I’ve gotta give her something before she hurts herself!”

Myra hurried into the room and handed him a small black leather case. He pushed Sara down on the bed. “Here – hold her arm!”

“No! No! No!” she screamed; her body bucked and jerked under him. “Stay away from me!”

It was all Myra could do, to hold Sara’s arm while Jared put a tourniquet on it. She felt a sting. “No!” she screamed again. “Leave me… alone!” Her last words were unintelligible. She felt lightheaded and dizzy.

His face changed to her dream protector, the white wolf. The drug entered her bloodstream; she calmed. She softly smiled and reached for him. She was barely aware of anything.  People and objects were surrounded by rainbow halos. She saw other things, which couldn’t be real, images of places she’d never seen.

Jared kissed her and smoothed her hair down. “Alright, now, don’t fight it, angel. It’s alright. You’re safe, Sara. Nothing’s gonna hurt you – I won’t let it. It was just a dream, honey,” he cooed. He cleaned her hands where she’d dug her fingernails into her palms.

She began to drift. Her eyes slowly closed, but she could vaguely understand what was being said. His parents were in the room now. She could hear them, but they were getting hazy and distant.

 “I thought you said the effects of the drug had worn off.”

“It should’ve, Mother. It’s four in the morning. The drugs should’ve worn off, around six or seven last night. It could be flashbacks, but you’re normally awake, during those. When you’re under the effects of the drug, you normally don’t wanna sleep. It stimulates your brain, and there’s so much to see and experience, sometimes you can’t sleep.”

“What do you think is wrong, then?”

“I don’t know, Dad. She woke up from a nightmare, and it was as if she was still in it. She wouldn’t let me touch her. I couldn’t bring her around. She was screaming something about wooden wolves and wood that wouldn’t burn. I had to give her a sedative.”

“How long will she be out?”

“At least a couple of hours, Mother, maybe more. It depends on how her system reacts to the drug. I tried to calm her. I didn’t wanna give it to her, but she was hysterical.”

“The best thing to do is go back to bed and let her sleep it off, the poor baby. She must’ve had a hell of a nightmare.”

“I’m sure you did the right thing for Sara, Jared.”

“I’m staying here with her. I can’t help feeling this is my fault, Mother.”

“Considering how things turned out – it probably is your fault!” Myra said accusingly. At least Sara thought it was Myra. There was so much fog in her head, it was hard to distinguish her voice from Nadine’s.

“Myra! Do you think this is easy for your brother, seeing her like this?”

“No, Dad, but….”

“What are you getting at Myra?” Jared growled.

Sara tried to listen, but she kept fading in and out of consciousness.

“You, Jared! You’re so busy running from your future and chasing your past, you’re destroying the present! What you have with Sara is precious. Not all of us have that or ever will have it. Whether you accept it or not, however long or short it might be, you have a future with Sara. Don’t throw it away!”

“She’s right, son,” Tom said. “Some things are meant to happen, and no matter what you do, you can’t change it. Even if you never have a child with her, Sara could still die. Her death could be horrible, and at the hands of someone who doesn’t give a damn! If this is what must be, wouldn’t you rather it be with you, someone who loves her? Someone who would die for her or with her?”

 Sara lay still, floating and drifting between worlds, silently listening – or at least trying to listen to their conversation. What were they talking about? Someone said something about her dying no matter what was done. That part was determined. She knew she would die; eventually everyone died, didn’t they? Was this what they were talking about or was it something else?

She thought about the secret she hid, the book. She thought about everything that had happened today. Or was it yesterday now? It was today. That’s right – Jared had said it was four in the morning, so it had to be today.

Sara’s head filled with mist. She couldn’t concentrate. Something warm and wet touched her forehead. It felt like being licked by a puppy – soft, gentle, and sweet. What was that smell? It wasn’t a puppy! Something warm tickled her ear. Was it Jared’s breath or the tiniest flutter of a summer’s breeze?

“I love you, Sara. I didn’t spend half my life looking for you, only to let you go. We’ll find a way past this, baby, both of us, together. I promise.”

That was the last thing she heard.