Raging Storm by Shelia Chapman - HTML preview

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Chapter 19

He reached to touch her face; Sara gasped and jerked away. “Jared, I need answers, and I need them now!”

This is what I didn’t want you to find out. I knew when you did, perfect match or not, you’d be afraid. You’d turn away from me. I knew I would lose you, and I was right. You won’t even let me touch you.” He forced the air from his lungs and pushed a hand through the front of his long hair.

Sara swallowed hard and cautiously inched closer. “You haven’t lost me, Jared, but, please, tell me what’s going on. What don’t you want me to know? Are you a vampire? Your face is as white as death. Your skin is as cold as ice!”

He frowned and stared at her as if she were crazy. “I’m full-blooded Navajo! My skin burns with the heat of the sun! How can you say I’m as cold as ice? I was gonna tell you, Sara! Honestly, I was, but I didn’t want you to find out this way. I wanted time to explain things to you.”

“Just tell me, Jared! And please tell me the truth.” She hesitated. “What are you?”

He shook his head. “Alright. It won’t make a difference now anyway.”

She sat and tried to listen as he told her the story of his ancestors. How they’d been given a portion of the animal’s spirits. It was scary. She heard images and fought demons. The things he told her should only exist in novels and fairy tales. Tears streamed down her face. Her sanity faded in and out. Her reason blended with the swirling rainbow of colors. The bitter taste of fear lingered at the back of her throat. “Do you turn into a… wolf?”

Jared stared at her as if he didn’t know her. “Not in the literal sense.” He paused. At least not in the waking world. “I borrow their strength, agility, senses, and speed. The other Navajo called us Dark Ones. I’m a Dark One Sara.”

Her head was spinning. She frowned. He’d said that like she should understand, but she didn’t. “No kidding,” she laughed. “That’s how you caught me so fast, right?”

One corner of his mouth turned up. “It comes in handy at times.” He paused; his grin faded. “But seeing the wild look in your eyes makes me wish I’d never been born.”

She glared at him. “How dare you talk to me like that? You are what you are! You can’t help it! You can’t change it!”

Jared laid back on the grass. “No, I can’t change it, but I can stop it!”

Sara looked down at him. The space around his body pulsated and waved in and out of form. “What are you saying?”

“I love you, Sara, but I can’t,” his voice trailed off. He forced his breath out.

She felt lightheaded again. The more upset she got, the worse she felt. She took a breath to calm her nerves. “Jared, are you… breaking up with me?”

He caressed her face again. His touch felt strange. She could feel the individual flakes of skin on his hand. She glanced at the ground. She could still see an outline of swirling colors in the shape of his body, lying on the grass.

“It’s better for you, Sara.”

She rolled her eyes and looked up. The clouds took on strange shapes and colors. They didn’t even look like clouds. She sighed and closed her eyes. Great, here we go again! If this feeling didn’t pass, she couldn’t hide it from him much longer. “We’ve had this conversation, Jared.” She shook her head. “Is this why you wouldn’t….”

Yes,” he interjected and nodded.

“It makes sense now. Why didn’t you tell me? Why didn’t you trust me? So what! I don’t care if your eyes change color and you can run faster than me. You think I care about that?”

“Eve did. She ran back to Australia with her tail between her legs. She wouldn’t even let me explain.” Good thing Granddad agreed to take those memories from her or that could’ve been disastrous.

Sara cradled his face. “I’m not Eve, Jared. So, is this it? Is this the whole story? Are more skeletons gonna jump outta the closet, to scare me away?”

“No, angel,” he smiled. “No more skeletons.” He sat up beside her. “Is this too much for you?”

She mulled it over and softly smiled. “It might take me a while, but I think I can deal with this. You’ll never tell me anything that’ll be too much for me.” She sighed deeply. “If you wanna get rid of me, you’ll have to try harder than this.”

Jared leaned closer. “I love you, Sara,” he said and thoroughly kissed her. It felt different. He wasn’t holding back. Sara felt different too, as though a new connection had been forged between them; one which wouldn’t be easily broken. He frowned. “Why are you looking at me that way?”

“Your eyes, they’re a cross between gold and brown, and they’re glowing again.”

“Sorry.” He closed them and took some slow, deep, breaths. “Are they normal now?”

She forced her breath out. At least she hadn’t imagined that part. She softly laughed. How could his eyes ever be considered normal? They were dimming now; changing back to the dark brownish-black she was used to.

“Do they scare you?”

“No. They’re just… different.” She failed to mention there was a bright rainbow aura around his body. Sara continued to listen as he explained, but his voice was fading as if he were walking away.

“I can usually feel the change coming on, but since I’ve been around you, it just happens.” He frowned. “You create such an emotional turmoil in me, Sara. It’s hard to control it, around you.”

“But until we came to Arizona, your eyes didn’t change.”

Jared smirked. “You have no idea how hard I’ve fought to keep it from you. There were a couple of times, when I almost lost it. That’s why I pulled away. I didn’t want you to see. Not until I had a chance to explain. I was afraid you’d run from me.”

“I couldn’t outrun you if I wanted to,” she laughed. “You just proved that.”

He softly smiled. “I guess not. But you could walk away, if you wanted to, now that you know. I wouldn’t stop you.”

Sara shook her head. “I’m not leaving.”

“I should’ve known better. I should’ve trusted you.”

“Can I read the books, now?”

“Sure, but you’d be wasting your time,” he laughed. “They won’t explain anything about me or my rainbow eyes. No book will tell you that. The transformation doesn’t happen to everyone, only our tribal leaders and extremely high council members. You remember I told you once I was of royal blood?”

“I remember,” she nodded.

“Well, it’s not genes alone that pass it from one generation to the next. It doesn’t happen to all of us at the same time. Each family, born of royal blood, has one male family member who holds the ‘right of transformation’, at any given time. As it passes from one family member to the next, the closer it gets to you, the stronger the pull, the more you experience the change. Now that my granddad has passed, it’ll be harder for me to control it.”

“Your grandfather’s passing has made it stronger in you?”

“Yes, but the ‘right of transformation’ belongs to my father. He’ll have to work to control it. For him, the change will be automatic and natural, now.”

“How does your mother feel about all this?”

“She’s known about it since before they were joined. We all know. We’re taught about it when we come of age. I was told before then. At least, Granddad tried to tell me. I was too hard-headed to listen.”

Sara frowned and sighed. “With the ‘right of transformation’ being passed to your father, it’ll be harder for you to control it too, won’t it?”

Jared hesitated, afraid if he couldn’t control the change it would scare Sara off. He was wrong. She loved him so much, as far as she was concerned, even death couldn’t separate them. Only he could do that.

She looked down and saw a gigantic tarantula with bright red fur, sitting on her wrist. She screamed and slapped at it.

“Sara, what’s wrong?”

“I don’t know. I thought I saw a spider sitting on my wrist.” She shook her head and sighed. “I don’t think the sandwich I ate for lunch agreed with me.”

His eyes widened. “Did it make you ill?”

“I don’t know, but I feel really odd.”

He cocked his head. “Describe odd.”

“Like before, headache, dizzy, and upset stomach, but now I’m seeing things.”

“Like what?”

“You look really strange… as if you’ve got some kinda light or aura around your body. Your voice sounds strange too… as if you’re far away from me. Minutes ago, I actually saw you as a vampire, and before that, when you were chasing me.…”

“How does this feel?” he interjected and slid a palm over her arm.

Her breath caught; she closed her eyes. “It’s extremely… sensual and arousing. It feels like tiny electrical currents dancing on the hairs of my arm.”

“And this?” He leaned in to kiss the side of her neck. “What do I look like now, Sara?”

Her eyes turned to dark pools. “You lied! You are a vampire! Your eyes are red, and you’ve got sharp fangs!” She pulled away from him.

“Sara, are you sure the only thing you’ve taken was Tylenol? Did you take anything else?”

Her lips parted. “You mean like marijuana?”

Jared didn’t say anything; he kept staring into her eyes. His face changed again. His canine teeth grew longer.

She shook her head. “Don’t be silly. I don’t do drugs. I told you, all I’ve done was… I had a sandwich… and a glass of… Coke. When we got back from feeding the… horses… I….”

“Whether you were aware of it or not, I believe you’ve taken something,” he broke in. It’s 1:30 now. What you’re feeling will only last for a little while. What you’re seeing is not real. It’s all an illusion. You’re on a trip, honey.”

Sara frowned. “A trip?”

 “Yes. We’re gonna go back to the car. I’m gonna take you home. You’re safe. Nothing’s gonna harm you. I’m here with you. I’ll be here with you through the whole ordeal. Just remember, it’s not real. It’s all an illusion. “Apart from the thing about me,” he snorted. “Will you do this for me? Come back to the car with me, and let’s go home.”

“I’ll follow you anywhere, Jared.”

He softly laughed. “I know, but right now, I want you to take my hand, and come with me to the car.”

To her, it was all incredible. Everything was so full of detail. The steering wheel sparkled like black glitter. Even the engine sounded unusual as if she could taste it.

~ ~ ~

On the way back, Jared kept reminding her that time had passed, and that she was OK. He wanted to make her feel safe. If he’d known how aroused Sara was, how much she wanted him, he wasn’t safe. Sara’s insides were burning up as though she were in heat. Like there was a wild animal inside her, begging to be freed. She wanted him! She needed him, and if an opportunity presented itself, she would have him! He would not leave her aching as he had in the past. She’d make sure of that!

He coached her and reassured her. “I’m gonna put on some soft music. It might sound different than what you’re used to, but I want you to listen to it. OK? Remember, when the song finishes, time is passing, even if it doesn’t seem to for you, honey. Time is moving forward.”

“Sure, OK,” Sara smiled. Time could be flying or standing still, as long as he was with her, she didn’t care.

He was right. The music sounded different, fuller, and deeper than before. Oh, so beautiful. For her, the notes and scores were inside the car, whirling around them like winding rainbow vines. She could hear the individual instruments of the orchestra, playing in unison. The notes were like colors; she could taste them on the tip of her tongue. Sara cried, overwhelmed by the experience. Her tears slid down her cheeks in slow motion, frozen in time against her skin; time had no meaning for her.

“Sara, why are you crying? Is it scary? Are you afraid? What do you see?”

“No, I’m not afraid. The music is so beautiful. I’ve never heard it with such clarity. I can taste the individual notes. I can hear the bows gliding across the violas. I can see the blues and greens as they radiate from the strings. The sound is so sweet and pleasant. It smells delicate, like a purple snowflake.”

“Sara, think about it,” he chuckled. “You can’t see music or taste the notes. There’s no such thing as a purple snowflake. What you’re experiencing is fantasy. Enjoy it if you wish, but remember, if it gets frightening, it’s not real. It’s 2:00 pm, now. Time is moving forward and you along with it. Even if it seems like forever for you, don’t be afraid. What you’re feeling will end. You will be yourself again.”

“I’m fine!” She frowned and watched red flashing numbers on the digital clock in the dashboard. It took an eternity for them to change. She felt as if she were being sucked into the clock. The individual dots of light rippled and changed, grew taller and taller until they towered over her as angry giants. She gasped. “The clock is angry at me! The numbers are as tall as trees. They’re melting like dripping blood.”

He tightened his grip on the steering wheel. “Sara, the clock is the same as it has always been, just dull, gray numbers, changing from one to the other as the seconds pass.” He pointed. “See. It’s 2:05 now. The numbers aren’t getting bigger. If they seem that way to you, it’s not real. It’s the drug, playing tricks with your mind.”

She clenched her teeth. He thinks I took drugs. He thinks I’m a junkie. “I didn’t take anything!” she cried. “I can’t believe you would think that. I don’t do drugs, Jared. You know me, you’ve been around me - it’s not me!”

“You’re showing all the symptoms of someone on an acid trip, but it’s not your fault. Someone deliberately gave this to you, and I’ll find out who. But, don’t worry about it. We’ll figure it out later. It’s not important now. Just remember, not everything you’re experiencing is real. By the way, honey, we’re almost home.”

Sara looked up at the sign as he turned down the road to the ranch. The sign looked like two giant trees falling on top of the car. The hallucinations were becoming more aggressive. “Watch out!” she screamed and held her hands above her head.

Jared glanced at her sidelong. “What! What is it, honey?”

 “You didn’t see the trees falling over on the car?”  She was hysterical. “They were leaning out, and trying to grab the car with their arms, and their fingers had sharp claws too. They would’ve ripped right through the roof!”

“Hang on, honey. We’re here. I’ve just gotta park the car. Do you see the time on the clock now, Sara? It’s 2:15. It might seem like hours, but it’s only been about thirty minutes since this started. I need you to remember. What you’re seeing are illusions. This will all pass.”

He lifted her into his arms. She felt as if she’d been carried above the clouds. What she saw might not be real, but what she felt for him was, and she was insane with desire. Everything about him aroused her, fed her need; the smell of his skin, the way his body moved against hers. She turned his face and kissed him like a starving leech, determined to drain the life from him. She grabbed his shirt and yanked; buttons peppered the gravel driveway.

Jared’s shirt gaped open, blowing in the breeze. His animalistic instincts kicked in like a raging bull. His eyes turned to burning balls of crimson desire. Even in her intoxicated state, he couldn’t resist her. He kissed her back, devouring her, savoring her like melted chocolate.

Sara opened the button on his jeans and rubbed his throbbing erection.

He ran a hand under her shirt, pushed her bra out of the way and cupped her breast in his palm. As he unzipped her jeans, he came to his senses. Shit! “Stop! Sara - hang on a minute.” He panted for breath, struggling for control. This was close, too close! “Remember what I said about the things you’re feeling. It’s the drug. You don’t wanna do this.” He moved her hands away and carefully zipped his jeans. They had become uncomfortably tight.

“What are you talking about, Jared? I want this! I want you. Don’t you want me? Can’t you feel the need inside?”

“Oh yes, I feel it,” he smirked, “but we’re not gonna do anything about it. I’m gonna take you upstairs to the bedroom and.…”

“Good idea,” she interjected. “It wouldn’t be polite to do this in front of your family.”

He clenched his teeth and growled. “Sara, that’s not what I meant. You’re not making this easy for me. If you only knew how hard I’ve fought not to do this. I’m not doing it now! You don’t know what you’re doing. It’s the drug.”

Her feelings were hurt; she began to cry again. He didn’t want her. He was ashamed of her. He thought she was a drug addict. He didn’t love her anymore. She was getting hysterical again. “You don’t want me, so just put me down!” she squirmed.

“Honey, you know that’s not true. I want you, but not this way.”

“You don’t love me, do you, Jared? You’re just afraid to tell me. I’m not good enough for you. It’s OK. I understand. Why would someone as magnificent and beautiful as you, want a worm like me?”

He swallowed the lump in his throat. “Sara, that’s not true. I do love you, and I do want you, and you are good enough. Now stop saying those things. It’s not you talking – it’s the drug.” He pressed his lips to her temple.

She heard faint voices; his mingled with theirs.

“Jared! What on earth happened to her? What happened to her clothes? What happened to your clothes?”

“Sara did this, Mother. She’s on a trip!”

“A trip? But how? What did she take?”

“She didn’t take anything. Someone gave it to her.”

“Will she be all right?”

“Once it wears off, she will. If it’s what I think it is, it should be gone by morning if not sooner. She might be nauseated, and a little dizzy or incoherent, though.”

“What can I do to help?”

“Make a strong pot of coffee. It’s gonna be a long night.”

~ ~ ~

Sara was vaguely aware of being placed on the bed. The texture and feel of the covers were so overwhelming. She wrapped her arms around Jared’s neck and kissed him thoroughly again. She grinned seductively. “So what are you gonna do with me now that you’ve got me here?”

“I’m not gonna do anything,” he sighed. “I’m gonna sit in a chair beside your bed.”

“No!” she whined. “I want you to lie with me, and I do not wanna sleep. I wanna taste every inch of your delicious body. I wanna feel it, hot and hard inside me.” She reached for the button on his jeans again.

Jared coughed and moved her hands away. “Sara, I’m not gonna make love to you. Not when you’re like this.”

“Then you don’t want me,” she pouted. “You don’t love me.”

“Oh yes, I do,” he growled. “I don’t need to have sex with you to know that I love you. I don’t need to be inside you to know that I want you. There are higher levels of love than sex, Sara.”

She snorted. “If you won’t make love to me, I want you to talk to me. Tell me all about why you are the way you are.”

“Honey, it wouldn’t make sense to you right now. It might even frighten you. Can we talk about something else?”

“Sure - what?” she frowned. Talking, was the last thing she wanted to do. The way she felt, she could only imagine how it would feel to make love with him, but she couldn’t, he didn’t want her. No, wait - he said he did want me… but…. Oh, God. I’m so… confused!

~ ~ ~

There was a knock, so loud it sounded like thunder. Sara blinked, and they were there, staring at her as if she were the main course. She screamed and struggled against the headboard. “Get away from me! You’re all vampires! I don’t wanna be changed! Get away!”

“Here you go, son.”

Jared took the mug of coffee. “Sara’s not herself right now. Please don’t be offended by what she says or does. She doesn’t mean it. It’s the drug.”

Nadine, whom Sara saw as a female vampire, reached to touch her hand. Sara screamed and scrambled off the bed. She cowered in the corner and curled into a tight ball.

“You better go, Mother,” he sighed. “Thanks for the coffee.”

Nadine’s eyes glossed. “I wouldn’t dream of holding anything against Sara. I know this is not her. Is there anything I can do to help?”

“When Myra gets here, I need to talk to her at her earliest convenience.”

“You don’t think your sister….”

“No!” he snapped. “I’m hoping she has some idea how this happened.” She nodded, glanced at Sara and left. Jared approached her with outstretched arms. “It’s alright, Sara. She’s gone. You’re safe.”

“You’re a vampire too – stay away from me!”