Raging Storm by Shelia Chapman - HTML preview

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Chapter 37

When they got to Ryan’s Steakhouse, Lucy and Steve sat at a table by themselves. Sara went to the buffet bar. Jared glanced across at dining area. He motioned with his head. “Did something happen between those two while I was gone?”

Carl turned and glanced over his shoulder. He shrugged. “Jared, he’s my brother. That doesn’t mean I know every move he makes. He and Lucy have been close for a while. Your guess is as good as mine. Does it bother you?”

“No,” he snorted and concentrated on his steak. “It’s a little odd, that’s all. They didn’t seem any different until,” his voice trailed off.

Carl leaned forward. “Until what?”

Jared shook his head. “I was just curious. Never mind.”

~ ~ ~

Sara and Jared were laughing and carrying on with Carl. Lucy watched with a look of despair and longing on her face.

“OK – out with it, Luce,” Steve sighed.

She jumped. “Out with what?”

“Luce, it’s me. I’ve seen that look before. I know how you feel about Jared.”

Felt, Steve. We’re just good friends now. I’m concerned he might be rushing Sara and marrying her for the wrong reasons.” She snorted. “He thinks she’s his dream girl.”

He rolled his eyes. “Why don’t you admit you’re still in love with him?”

“I am not! Jared made it clear he wasn’t interested in me. We both decided….”

“No, Luce!” he interjected. “Jared decided.” He laid a hand on hers. “It wasn’t your decision. You can’t kid me. You’ve been feeding this hole in my face for a long time. We’ve had some pretty heavy sessions about you and Jared. Despite how I might. What I mean is,” he broke off. “You just need to deal with it. If you don’t, eventually you’re gonna feel bitter toward Sara. Love can make you do some strange things. You might not wanna feel that way, but the hurt is there. I can see it.”

“He’s engaged to Sara! He loves her, and I know she loves him.”

“So why are you worried he’s pushing her? Carl and I met them in Dallas. It didn’t look to me like he was doing the pushing. She was all over him.”

“I know. That’s another thing. Jared gives out mixed signals. I hope that’s not what he’s doing with Sara. If he decides she’s not the dream girl he’s been so obsessed with,” she broke off.

Steve tightened his jaw. “He put a ring on her finger. That seems pretty obvious to me.”

“It’s not the first time, Steve. What about Eve?”

He took a slow breath. God, Lucy! Stop creating excuses to hang on to this thing with Jared. Let it go and see what’s in front of you! “Lucy, you know that’s not what’s happening here. Look, we don’t have a lotta time to discuss this right now. When we’re done at the coliseum, why don’t we go for a drive? I don’t like seeing you this way, and right now, it’s not good for the band or Sara. She’s as nervous as a Republican in a room full of Democrats. For a while, I thought she was gonna lose it. If it hadn’t been for Jared, she might’ve.”

“I know,” Lucy sighed. “I wonder what happened. She seemed fine last night.”

“Who knows - will you do it?”

She studied his eyes. Finally, she smiled. “Sure.”

His eyes lit. He squeezed her hand. “Good. It’s a date then. I mean, well, anyway. Do you wanna change first?”

Lucy looked at his hand and slowly withdrew hers. “I think, I’ll change first.”

Steve sighed and rested his hand on his knee. “I’ll pick you up at….”

“I’ll walk across after I’ve changed,” she interjected, smiled and concentrated on her salad. “Thanks, Steve, you’re a pal.”

He sighed, deflated. Yeah, I know. Always there, and always walked away from.


A trip to ‘The Roundup’ solved the band’s costume problems.  The men decided on dark, blue jeans, matching dress shirts, and different colored bandanas to wear around their necks. They decked out in black suede cowboy hats, and shiny black western-styled alligator boots.

Lucy and Sara bought the same, except for Sara’s romantic solos. She chose a couple of subtle dresses, one calf-length, and the other to the floor with a full-bodied skirt. Since she and Jared would be doing several duets, she tried to match his bandana. Lucy and Sara bought boots and matching cowgirl hats, as well, but Sara refused to wear it on her head. Jared thought she was being silly, but humored her. They finished and hurried back to the coliseum.


Raging Storm changed into their stage clothes. Andrea was getting impatient. She urged them on to the photo-shoot room. She glanced over them and at her watch. “You’ve done a smashing job Jared, but we need to hurry.”

One side of his mouth turned up. “No offense, Andrea, but we weren’t gonna wear the other stuff.”

She laughed, unladylike, and positioned them in front of the camera. “I didn’t think you would, but it was worth a try,” she sighed. “Now, I want you to listen and do exactly as he tells you. These will be for the brochures. Mud, they’re all yours.” She pushed a lock of Sara’s hair back into place. “Give me a yell when you’re done here.”

Sara frowned. “Mud?”

The cameraman laughed. “It’s a personal joke. My name is Dane, but you can call me Mud, everyone else does.” He chuckled and stepped in front of them. “Enough chitchat. Let’s have those badges until we’re done. Jared, you and Sara, are clearly a couple. I couldn’t help but notice the shiny blue rock on her finger. I assume that’s from you?”

“It is,” Jared grinned.

“Good. Let’s get some shots of you and her close-up and cozy. We’ll drape you guys behind them in a half-circle, and I’ll vignette around you. We’ll angle this softer light toward Sara, and let’s add a touch of a breeze to her long hair, Judy. Yes, that’s perfect. Jared, look at Sara as if she were the breath you take.” Dane stepped behind the camera.

Jared moved closer. “That won’t be hard. She is the breath I take.”

“Oh yes, that’s perfect,” Dane smiled and snapped a couple of shots. “Now, Jared. I want you and Sara to face each other and put your arms around each other’s waists. Jared, take a half step back as if you’re dancing with her. Now, move to the left an inch or so. Yes, that’s it – hold, please.”

He motioned with his hand. “Now, the rest of you get back to the center. I still want you and Sara out front, and let’s cut the breeze, it’s moving your hats around too much. Sara, honey, I know you don’t like the hat on your head, but, would you indulge me this once. It’ll only take a second, and you won’t have to wear it again, I promise.” He laced his fingers in front of him.

Sara glanced at Jared, forced her breath out and put on her hat. She tilted it a tad to the left. She was getting perturbed. “Will that do?”

“Yes, sweetheart, but pull the ends of your hair to the front on each side, so they hang down. Yes, like that. Now don’t move. I promise it’ll be over soon, Sara. You look beautiful, honey, absolutely beautiful! And three – two – one, and click. Perfect!”

Dane repositioned the camera and some of the lighting. “All we have left are the shots for Sara’s solos. Sara, would you mind changing into one of your dresses for me, honey? Then we’ll do the other one. I need a shot of you in both of them.”

~ ~ ~

Sara slipped on her more elegant dress and fastened the sides of her hair back with hair combs. She put on the heart-shaped, diamond wreath necklace, and matching earrings Jared insisted on buying her and went back to the photo shoot room.

“That background will not do with your pretty lavender dress,” Dane said, clicked his teeth and frowned. “Let’s try a sunset. No, not the golden one! Let’s go for the pink one. Oh yes, precisely what we want. Now, Sara, honey, I want you to sit in the chair, turn sideways, and look across at Jared. Imagine he’s just said he doesn’t love you anymore, and he’s leaving you. Can you imagine that for me?”

She closed her eyes, thought about what Dane said and looked across at Jared. The thought of losing him killed her; she felt as though she couldn’t breathe.

“Jared, help her out a little. Look back at her like you can’t stand the sight of her. We know it’s not true. It’s just for the shot. I need her to look sad and subtle.”

His face lost all expression. Sara knew they were acting, but her eyes glossed.

“Good, don’t move, Sara. Let’s add a little breeze to send those loose hairs afloat. And, one – two – three - and click. That’s a wrap, kids. Thank you so much. It’s been a pleasure working with you.” He smiled. “As soon as the brochure’s finished, we’ll need you to approve it before we can send it to the printing department.”

Jared nodded and handed Dane a business card. “You can send the proofs to this address.”

Dane read the information on the card and smiled. “Wonderful. I’ll get this out to you as soon as the draft is done. Again, it’s been a pleasure working with you all. Don’t forget your badges. And Sara, sweetheart, I’ll be looking forward to hearing you sing at the reunion. You look extremely sexy in your cowgirl hat. You should consider wearing it for at least one of your numbers.”

Sara gave him a tight smile and followed the group back to the dressing room. She sighed. “Thank God that’s over! Those lights were getting hot.” Sara didn’t like even pretending she and Jared were splitting up; he’d sensed her anxiety.

~ ~ ~

When he’d finished changing, he took her into his arms and looked deeply into her eyes. He slowly and gently pressed his lips to hers. “No matter what they say, I will never, ever look at you like that again. I felt so guilty.” Not only for looking at you the way I did, but for other reasons too.

Sara was almost in tears. “I didn’t like it either. The look in your eyes, it just, it felt real. I couldn’t take that.”

Jared held her. He closed his eyes and severed his mental link. I’m sorry, Donna. Even, if you’re who I think you are, I love Sara, and I won’t hurt her – not even for you. “I’ll never leave you, Sara!” His mind briefly flashed back to one of his sketches; he held her a little tighter. “No matter what, I promise,” he whispered.

Sara felt better, but something he kept saying was beginning to bother her. Why did he keep tagging on those last few words? It was as though he were expecting something to happen to her. Is there something else he’s keeping from me? Does it have anything to do with the other pictures Myra told me about – the ones he won’t let me see? He’ll tell me if he wants me to know, won’t he? He did say... no secrets.