Raging Storm by Shelia Chapman - HTML preview

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Chapter 52

Stop it! Stop it right now! You didn’t make this happen. It’s not your fault, so stop sulking and take care of our daughter. Yes, I know it’s going to be a girl. It took me a while, but I put two and two together. Remember the two wolves? The white alpha male and the little white female cub? They were you and her. You were saying goodbye to me. That’s why I faded away.

I’m so sorry I had to leave you, but I’ve known this was going to happen since we found out about her – our little girl. I’ve seen her, Jared. The Dine’é Yá let me see her. They said it was their gift to me, for what I was doing for future generations. For whatever reason, I don’t care.

Beth is so beautiful. She has my eyes and your temper. Her eyes can dance with fire when she’s angry. You’ll know her. You’ll share eternity with her, and our grandchildren. Eternity was not ours to share in this world, but it will be yours.

You said once that it was destiny that drew us together. Destiny played a role in our meeting, but not in the way you thought. My being in your life was paramount, not just to your future, but to everyone’s. I bridged the gap. I provided a key to unlock endless possibilities, but I was not the girl from your dreams. I’ve always known that, and so have you, no matter how much you fought it. Oh, yes, I know. The instant your eyes met hers, I knew. You knew, but more importantly, so did she.

If you must, grieve for me but don’t wait too long. You severed your link, but she is still out there. You know it too, but you chose to follow a different path, the path beside me, and I thank you for that love. My purpose has been served. Get the missing thread back. Don’t let the fabric of time unravel and bring about the destruction of love and truth. I’m going to give you the same advice your mother gave me. Listen to your heart and it will lead you straight to her.

I know right now you don’t think it’s possible, but you will love again. I’ve seen her too – your future mate. Yes, I’m a little jealous, but I know she’ll ease the pain my passing has caused you. I can’t tell you her name. I can’t describe her. Only these clues, she is very much a lady, her hair shines with the sun’s rays, and she’ll take you to the stars. Guess the shoe is on the other foot now.

Everything would have been a lot easier, for both of us, if you’d given in and told me what our future held. But now I know and understand why you didn’t. You were right to keep it from me because it would have made me make a choice between you and her. I could never make that choice, Jared, for I would have wanted you both. I thank you for not putting me through that, just as I will not put you through it either.

You will try to keep me here, as long as is humanly possible. You will fight with the idea, and you would do it. You would pull that plug, but then you would live with that guilt for the rest of your life – which will be far longer than you believe possible – but eventually, it would make you bitter. And your heart is not meant for bitterness. It’s meant to love, and love it will.

I have made the choice to go on my own. I know I can do this, for you’ve taught me well. The Dine’é Yá have taught me too. Letting go of life will not be easy for me, for I wanted many long years with you. If there’s one thing they’ve taught me over these few months, it’s time is not always on our side in this world. Once you’ve made up your mind to let me go, I will slip quietly from your reality. Before dawn on your day of choosing, while you’re sleeping, with our daughter resting beside you as I have so many nights, I will leave you. I will not make you make that choice.

Try not to be too sad. I’m not that far away. With each sunrise, you’ll see my face. As you lay your head to rest, I will watch over you while you sleep. My kiss will be on the breeze. Goodbye is not forever. Love is forever as mine is yours.

Sara loves Jared FOREVER!

Clutching her ring in his palm, he wiped his crimson eyes, took a slow breath and turned the page.