Raging Storm by Shelia Chapman - HTML preview

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Chapter 3

Jared pulled onto a narrow dirt road. Off in the distance was a large colonial-style mansion. Fifteen feet on either side of the road stood ancient oaks thickly laden with green wisteria vines. Neither the trees nor the vines had been pruned. Through the years, they had grown wildly winding their way across the road to each other. Cascading purple blossoms swayed gently in the breeze, filling the air with a sweet, familiar fragrance. Together, the trees and vines had created a natural green and purple tunnel all the way up to the house. Wisterias hung from the second-floor balcony, adding the finishing touches.

“Wow!” Sara said. “I see why it’s called Wisteria Hall now.”

He glanced at her sidelong and softly smiled. “I figured you might.” He followed the drive around to the back of the house. In the garage were several other vehicles, and two trailers, one with a couple of motorcycles on it and another one with a bass boat. The inside was well lit. A staircase led up to the first floor.

Jared held the door and waited for Sara. She was a little overwhelmed as they entered the house. It was enormous from the outside, but nowhere near as massive, as it was on the inside. He took her hand and led her to the kitchen, where Cassie, the maid, greeted them. “Let’s get something cool to drink, and I’ll show you around,” he said.

They passed through the kitchen into the conservatory, and out onto a raised deck.  Gerald, the butler, was busy cooking steaks, baked potatoes, and a variety of fruits and vegetables on a huge grill. Jared grabbed a fruit kebab and shared it with Sara.

“This is delicious!” she said.

He grinned, watched her lick the corners of her mouth and take another bite of grilled pineapple. “It’s really juicy,” she blushed. “I’ve never tasted grilled fruit.” Jared staring into her eyes made her nervous. “What spices did your cook use?” she asked, hoping to distract him.”

“I have no idea, Sara,” he shrugged. “You’d have to ask Gerald. He and Cassie do the cooking. I just eat it, but they’re very good at their jobs.”

“They certainly are,” she smiled.

~ ~ ~

He led her around a large rectangular pool. Spaced alongside it were several patio tables covered with colorful cloth umbrellas. He pointed to a wide manicured lawn. “That’s where we usually play touch football and volleyball. If it doesn’t rain, we’ll probably get a game going later on.”

In another part of the grounds, was a magnificent rose garden. Past the house, over a grassy knoll, was a gigantic fowl pond. Out of the center, rising to a height of twenty feet above the surface, shot a single jet of water, making the pond look like an enormous fountain. From the nearby bench, it was possible to enjoy a view of the entire pond. To Sara, it looked more like a smaller version of the nearby lake. They sat for a while. Jared took her hand again.

“Sara?” he prompted in a voice barely above a whisper. She turned and met his near black eyes. Her breath froze in her lungs. “I don’t wanna scare you, but,” his voice trailed off.

Sara leaned closer. “But what?”

“The more I’m with you, the more I believe.”

She softly smiled and tucked her chin. She understood, but she wasn’t brave enough to share her opinion. “What’s the building on the other side of the pool?” she asked, and again changed the subject to escape his penetrating gaze.

Jared helped her to her feet. “That’s where we practice. It’s a full-blown recording studio, with a dance hall and staged area. I have sound and lighting equipment for special effects. We make our own music videos. “Come on, you can help me set up.”

“I thought you didn’t trust anyone with your equipment.”

He stared into her eyes and grinned again. “You’re not just anyone Sara, and I do trust you.”

~ ~ ~

He flipped on the lights; her lips parted. He wasn’t kidding!

At one end was a control room filled with mixing consoles, monitor speakers, and other audio equipment. Through some soundproof glass doors, was the staged area. Once on the raised platform, it gave the impression of being onstage during a live show. He pointed. “This is where we practice. Start taking the covers off the instruments. I’ll fire up the control room.”

Sara glanced around. “Where do I put the covers?” It’s so well organized, I imagine he has a specific place for everything.

“Just toss them over there, in the corner,” Jared said and pushed back a partition wall, revealing a dark mahogany grand piano.

Her eyes lit. “This is the keyboard you were talking about?”

He chuckled and patted the space next to him, on the piano stool. “Sit with me,” he said and began playing.

Being so close to him made her insides tingle. I must be dreaming!

He grinned and switched on another light. “I only use this while I’m in the studio.” He turned slightly and pointed to three electronic synthesizers. “I use those for gigs.”

Sara nodded. “That’s what I expected you to use.”

Jared played a couple of songs and turned. “Now, it’s your turn,” he smiled. “I know you have stage fright, so I wanna hear you sing before the others get here. This way, you can get a feel for what it’s like.” He locked his dark eyes with hers. “For now it’s just you and me.”

The depth of feeling in his voice made her stomach somersault. If he doesn’t stop looking at me, I’m gonna melt. “Jared, are you sure you wanna do this?” Sara asked in a shaky voice. “I might disappoint you. This seems real, and it makes me feel uncomfortable.”

“If you think this is real, wait ’til you start singing,” he smirked. “You’ll be fine, Sara.”

Her heart began to pound. She swallowed the lump in her throat. “OK, but promise me one thing, well, actually, two.”

He smiled and adjusted the microphone, in front of her. “Anything you want, name it.”

She took a slow breath and bit her lower lip. “You can’t laugh, and promise we’ll still be friends if I pass out.”

Jared smirked again, remembering. “Deal. What key and what do you wanna sing?”

Sara stalled, trying to remember the name of a song, any song. She looked at the microphone as if it would devour her. Of all the times for her mind to draw a blank, it chose now. She closed her eyes, hoping if she couldn’t see the microphone, inspiration might come. “Um.” Oh, God. Come on, Sara – think!

He patiently waited.

A minute went by, still nothing.  Sara forced her breath out. “I’m sorry, Jared, I can’t think of anything. Why don’t you keep playing, and maybe something will come to me. Play something you think I might like. Maybe we’ll get lucky.” Or I’ll thoroughly make a fool of myself, and you won’t want me in the band!

He slightly smiled and closed his eyes as though recalling something from memory. “I know a song that would suit you perfectly. I’ll lay odds you’ll know it too. Close your eyes, and don’t open them until you start singing the chorus.”

When she heard the introduction, she knew the song. The room went dark. A spotlight focused on her face. “Remember what I said. Keep your eyes closed. This is part of your therapy.” He selected record on his piano.

Sara took a deep breath and nodded. There was an eruption of applause and whistling. She smiled. She desperately wanted to open her eyes, but remembered what he’d told her. She kept singing, and when she got ready to sing the chorus, Jared harmonized with her. She slowly opened her eyes.

The area in front of them was so real, she wanted to scream. Faces of men, women and children, it felt as if she were performing on stage. Oh, no. I think I’m gonna throw up. If she’d been standing, her knees would’ve buckled. She pushed her jittery feelings aside, listened to the sound of their harmonizing voices and kept singing.

~ ~ ~

By the time she’d repeated the chorus, she was feeling more relaxed. She finished the last few words. A tear slid down her cheek. Jared brushed it away with the pad of his thumb. He smiled encouragingly. “Don’t stop! What’s wrong? It was beautiful. You sounded like a pro!”

“How did you know?” she choked.

“How did I know what?”

“That ‘The Rose’ was one of my favorite songs. How could you…?”

“Destiny,” he interjected and brushed the back of his fingers across her cheek.


Steve, Carl, and Lucy entered the studio, making enough noise to wake the dead. Sara and Jared jumped and looked up. “No, Steve! No ‘Wipe Out’ tonight. I’ve already got a headache,” Carl said.

Steve smirked at Sara and Jared. “Looks like you two got started without us.”

Jared exhaled and turned on the stool. Sara stood. He held her wrist. “Stay,” he said in a voice she couldn’t possibly refuse.

“I didn’t want to move,” she breathed in his ear. Her hot breath sent his control in a tailspin. He closed his eyes took a slow breath and groaned. Holy shit! I almost lost it! “Carl. Steve. Listen to this. Luce, I’m sure you already know.” Jared played the song again, still fighting to control his emotions.

Lucy smiled. Carl and Steve listened. But for the absence of the audience, the song was exactly as before. When Sara finished singing, the room was silent. “You said you were single, right, Sara?” Steve prompted.

Jared glared at him and made a noise almost like a growl. Steve held up his hands. “Easy man, I was kidding!” I got my sights set on someone else.

Sara frowned; her eyes widened. Why did he get upset? I’m not interested in Steve!

Jared glanced at Sara, sighed, and smiled.

Once the other band members arrived, the practice session began. It sounded fantastic. Lucy and Sara harmonized on some old Judd’s songs, and some of Sara’s songs, as well. Jared and the rest of the band managed to keep up with the new songs. Everything had come together like clockwork.

~ ~ ~

After a while, they stopped to eat. Jared, Carl, Steve, and the rest of the men in the band went outside for a game of touch football. Jared needed a way to get rid of some of his frustration. Sara had dreadfully tested his willpower.

She and Lucy watched them play. “So, what did you and Jared do before I got here?” she asked in a loud whisper. “Was I right? Is he a dream or what?”

“I feel like I’m flying, Luce,” she smiled. “I would never have dreamed Jared would be interested in me. You, yes, but not me!”

“And what makes you think that?” she laughed. “He’s a handsome hunk, but he’s not my type!” she lied.

Sara honestly hadn’t paid Lucy’s statement much attention. “I don’t know, I mean, look at you. You’re young, you’re beautiful, and you’re closer to his age. Why would he want someone like me?”

Lucy brushed some loose hairs behind Sara’s ear. “Kid, you sell yourself short. You’re beautiful and talented. You deserve someone you love, who loves you too.” She glanced at Jared out the corner of her eye. “If you ever get a chance at true love, take my advice, don’t let it pass you by.” Especially if it’s with Jared.

Sara nodded and they turned to watch the rest of the game. The men were doing more wrestling than playing.

~ ~ ~

They tussled around until the cook announced it was time to eat. After filling their plates, they sat at one of the patio tables by the pool. Jared draped his T-shirt across the back of his chair. The way he tucked into his food, he must’ve worked up a super appetite. Sara glanced at his smooth chest and bit her lower lip. He locked eyes with her.

“So, what do you think, Jared?”

He glanced at Lucy, held up a finger and finished swallowing his food. He wiped his mouth with a paper napkin. “About what, Luce?”

If you could keep your eyes off her long enough to listen, you might be able to think straight! “About Sara! Was I right? Is she Raging Storm material?” She didn’t want to be jealous of her niece, but it was hard not to be. She almost wished Jared would say no, but she knew he wouldn’t. Even if Sara couldn’t carry a tune, he wouldn’t have said no.

He glanced at Sara. “Yep!” She smiled and concentrated on her food.


Lucy had to work the next day, so around 10:30, she got ready to leave. Apart from Carl and Steve, the other band members had left already. Since Lucy had come with Steve and Carl, when they left, the practice session was over, at least for the entire band. Jared wanted to go over a couple more songs with Sara. He told Lucy he’d bring her home later. She was hesitant, but agreed when she understood how much Sara wanted to stay.

She told Lucy if her mother called, to tell her she was in the shower or something, and then text her. To get Lucy off the hook, she said she’d call her back from Jared’s. She was sure Kaye wouldn’t approve of her being alone with him. The fact that she was legally an adult and capable of making her own decisions wouldn’t matter to her mother. In Kaye’s eyes, three things were already against Jared. He was Native American, a musician, and he barely knew Sara. Steve and Carl packed up and took Lucy home.

~ ~ ~

Jared and Sara were alone in the studio again. He sat back at the piano and played something she didn’t recognize, but it was pretty. He finished playing the piece and told her it was Bella’s Lullaby from the movie ‘Twilight’. He played the introduction to another piece. He softly smiled. “You would’ve been around thirteen when I started writing this. I finished it tonight while you and Lucy were outside getting some air. Seeing you inspired the ending. I didn’t wanna play it while the others were here. It wasn’t meant for them. It’s special, private, just for you.”

She was speechless. A lump rose in her throat. “You wrote this for me when I was thirteen, but how?”

“I hope you like it,” he said.

“I’m sure, I will. Please, play it for me. I’d love to hear it.” Why didn’t he answer my question?

She closed her eyes and concentrated on the melody. Despite her fighting to hold them back, a few tears slipped out. Jared stopped playing and brushed them away. “Don’t you like it?” he asked, invitingly.

“It’s beautiful,” Sara choked. “No one has ever written a song for me.”

“I’ve never written a song for anyone but you,” he smiled. Although, I’m sure there’ll be many more to come. If only, his thoughts trailed off.

“Come on, Jared,” she laughed. “You must have someone special in your life.”

He smiled and gazed into her eyes. “Not until now,” he whispered. “The only girl who was ever special to me, was the one from my dreams, the one sitting beside me. We hardly know each other, and I can’t stand the thought of being away from you. I hope that doesn’t scare you off. I know a relationship takes time and won’t work without trust and honesty. Lies cause too many misunderstandings.”

Jared waited for her to respond. She couldn’t find her voice. He leaned closer. His hot breath cooled on her lips. “Sara, if you don’t believe in love at first sight, and you don’t wanna be kissed by a stranger… you better tell me now.”

She felt as if she were floating. She stared into his eyes for a long while and softly smiled. “I do believe in love at first sight, and you don’t feel like a stranger to me.”

He cradled her face and softly kissed her. The pit of her stomach tingled. Jeff, her former boyfriend, had kissed her before, but never like this. She was sad when the kiss had ended. He held her. “Now, I believe,” he breathed into her hair. He kissed her again, thoroughly and held her for a long time. Things were moving so fast. Unfamiliar feelings consumed her insides. She knew Jared had felt it too. Sadly, before either of them realized it was time to take her home.


Jared walked her to the door. They exchanged cell phone numbers, he softly kissed her and left. Sara could barely feel the floor beneath her feet as she tiptoed down the short hallway. There were gentle snoring noises coming from Lucy’s room. She was fast asleep. Sara smiled and went into her bedroom.

She took out her short, silk nightgown and thought about taking a shower. In the end, she decided not to. She crawled between the sheets. Her eyes widened; she sat up in bed. She remembered, she hadn’t thanked Jared for tonight. She was too chicken to call him, so she typed out a text message.

 Thnks for 2nite. Miss U alrdy.

Sara took a slow breath, closed her eyes, pressed send and put her phone on the nightstand. She stared at it. When a reply didn’t come, she turned out the lamp.

~ ~ ~

Forty-five minutes later, her phone vibrated and flashed. She smiled. “Hello,” she said in a loud whisper.

Oh, no! I guess I woke you - sorry.

“I’m in bed, but I hadn’t gone to sleep yet. I’m glad you called. I’m whispering because I didn’t wanna disturb Lucy. She sleeps with her door open. Her room’s across the hall from mine.”

I got your text, but I needed to hear your voice again before I went to sleep. I’m in bed too. I started missing you when I realized it was time to take you home. I didn’t want to,” his voice trailed off.

Sara smiled again. “Me either. I’ve never felt like this, Jared. It’s like,” she broke off. “I don’t know, like part of me is missing. Like I left half of my heart with you.”

Me too.”

There was a long pause. Sara listened to his breathing. Should I say anything or let him sleep? “Are you still there?”

“Yeah! I’m here,” he answered quickly. “I was just thinking about you, and tonight. How beautiful you are, and how lucky I am to have found you.”

“OK, you can stop now. You’re making me blush.”

You’re even prettier when you blush,” he laughed.

“I’m hanging up now.”

No, Don’t!” he sighed. “I’ll try to keep my fantasies to myself. I can’t be on much longer anyway. Big day tomorrow – lots of sick people to see. I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed tonight and singing with you. You have a beautiful voice, Sara. You shouldn’t be worried about stage fright. A few more sessions in the studio, with me, and you won’t have the problem anymore.

“Jar-red,” she groaned.

I gotta go. See you soon. Bye, angel.”

Sara opened her mouth to speak, but he was gone.