Resisting the Biker by Cassie Alexandra - HTML preview

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Chapter Seventeen




“WHAT THE FUCK you just say?” I asked, staring at him in shock.

Slammer smiled grimly. “He’s your half-brother.”

“My mom had another kid?”

“Yeah. This was long before Mavis and your old man hooked-up. About six years before that time, I believe.”

My heart was pounding in my chest. I had a fucking brother? “How come I never heard about him?”

“She was probably too scared to say anything around your father. He beat the shit out of her enough as it was.”

“Is that why she took off?” I asked, feeling a lump in my throat. Did she take off to be with her first son, while leaving me behind?

“She left to get away from your father. She knew I’d take care of you. I told her I would and she trusted me. She’s my second cousin. Did you know that?”

“Yeah, I think you mentioned that before,” I said, staring blindly down at his desk as the shit sunk in.

“Anyway, Mavis took off but she didn’t even try to collect Jordan. She knew better than that. Plus, he was an adult by then. Nineteen, I think.”

“Who’s Jordan’s father?” I asked, looking up at him.

“His name is Acid and he’s from California. Part of the Demon Rebels. I think their chapter is located in Sacramento, but I’m not totally sure. Never had any dealings with any of them.”

“Acid,” repeated Tank. His eyes widened. “Holy shit, I know who you’re talking about. I saw something about him on the news last year. I think he’s doing time for arson, or some other shit.”

“Oh, he’s doing time, but it’s not where you think,” said Slammer, smirking. “That fucker is dead.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, still in shock that The Judge was my older brother.

“You can ask The Judge about it,” he replied, nodding toward the folder. “When you give him this and the cash. Which reminds me.” He walked to the safe and opened it up. “The money is in here,” he said, holding up a large padded envelope. “Ten thousand dollars. Make sure he gets all of that or we’re fucked.”

Tank whistled. “You sure you don’t want me to take care of Breaker? I’ll do it for half.”

“Sorry, but we just can’t risk it.”

Tank frowned but didn’t say anything.

“Ten thousand, huh?” I said, as he handed the package to me. “So, does he know about me?”


That knowledge kind of pissed me off. “He knows about me. So, why don’t I know about him?”

“I made a promise to your mother. Hell, she pretty much begged me not to say anything to you. She wanted to wait until the right time to tell you herself.”

“And when would that be?” I mumbled. “On her deathbed? I don’t have any contact with her as it is. Fuck, I don’t even know where she is.”

“She’s in town, actually,” he said.

I didn’t say anything for a while. The bitterness I felt for Mavis abandoning me still gnawed at me at times. I didn’t even want to hear any more about her. “How come Jordan’s never tried getting in touch?” I asked, changing the subject to him.

Slammer took a few seconds to answer. “Let’s just say that I don’t think Acid was an easy man to live with and now Jordan doesn’t have much empathy for family, and from what I can tell, he’s a cold sonofabitch himself. He even refused to meet your mother.”

“From what I’ve heard, he’s a loner,” said Tank. “In fact, I heard that he hates people. All people.”

“Maybe not. Maybe so. Whatever the case may be, he is a mercenary and having friends and family would be more of a liability.”

“Yeah, I get it. So, who all knows about him?” I asked, wondering where the leak was coming from.

“Up until a few weeks ago, only your mother and I knew who The Judge really was. But, then she showed up here, asking me to set up a meeting between the two of them. To be honest, I think she wanted to have him do a job for her. Anyway, when he said ‘no’, she got drunk and whined about it to a couple of our brothers. Later that night, they approached me about it, and I had to come clean. I told them to keep their fucking mouths shut, though. Obviously one of them didn’t. Horse. Well, he told Chopper, and Chopper told Buck, and you get the idea... Anyway, the last I checked, everyone but you two knew about it.”

“Fuck,” said Tank, shaking his head. “That got out of hand pretty quickly. And why the fuck didn’t you tell me? I’m your second-in-command. Not to mention your son.”

“I just did.”

Tank snorted. “Still, it’s easy to see how Mud learned about it. I doubt there’s a fucking conspiracy.”

“They all gave me their solemn word that nobody else would find out about it. Nobody. And that they’d keep their fucking mouths shut,” said Slammer.

“They probably told their Old Ladies, and that’s how it leaked,” I said. “You know most of them are always running their mouths about this thing or that.”

“Exactly and that’s why I warned them about keeping it quiet. From what I gathered, none of the Old Ladies know about it, either.”

“Still, I don’t know,” said Tank. “They may have promised, but shit happens. People get drunk and talk shit. Do we have a traitor in our group? I don’t know. More than likely, it’s just a couple of guys who can’t hold their liquor. Don’t get me wrong, I’d kick their ass if I found out who leaked it.”

Slammer sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “I know. It’s why nobody else is going to learn about the hit on Breaker. Nobody. Got it?”

“Of course,” I said.

Tank nodded. 

“When did Mavis find out about The Judge?” I asked.

Slammer frowned. “Well, to tell you the truth, I fucked that up myself a couple of years ago. She was over at the house and we were sharing a bottle of Cuervo Gold. We started talking about you and then Jordan and Acid. Said she didn’t even know if Jordan was alive, since he’d basically disappeared off of the face of the earth. That’s when I told her.”

“Mavis was over at our house?” asked Tank. He looked at me to see my reaction. “Thought she was the one who’d disappeared off the face of the earth.”

“No, shit,” I said.

“I know. I know.” Slammer rocked back on his chair. “Look, there’s something I never told you, but Mavis dropped by quite a bit, asking about you.”

“I didn’t know that. Funny, she could have just come to me directly,” I said dryly.

“She was scared and confused.” He sighed. “I hate to say this but with all of the beatings your mother took over the years, she’s not the same person I once knew. I mean, she always had a drinking problem and hung out with some real assholes, but now... let’s just say that she’s not all there. Not mentally.”

I gave him a disgusted look. “I wouldn’t know the real Mavis. She kept her distance from me, even when I was a kid,” I muttered, thinking back to my childhood. The fighting. The drinking. Even the drugs. The closest thing I had to a real home was living with Slammer and Tank. I certainly wasn’t going to hold a grudge against him because he never said anything. He had his reasons.

I sighed. “So, where is she living now?”

“I guess she’s been staying with a girlfriend.”

“And she wants to hire ‘The Judge’ for a hit?”

“That’s what I’m guessing,” said Slammer.

“You know who?” I asked.

“Not too sure. You hear from Butch lately?” he asked, smirking. “That would be my first guess.”

My old man, Butch, was in prison for drug smuggling. “Nope. Just that time two years ago when he asked me for some money. Said I owed him because he gave me life.”

Tank grunted. “What a fucking prick. You didn’t give him any, did you?”

I shook my head and smiled. “I gave him what I felt he deserved. My middle finger.”

Slammer’s cell phone went off. He picked it up and looked at the screen. “It’s Frannie. I need to take this call.”

“So, how do I reach Jordan?” I asked.

“He’ll contact you. I gave him your number. And, for fuck’s sake, don’t call him Jordan. Call him Judge. Hey, darlin’,” he said, answering the phone. I had to smile when I noticed his voice rise to a higher tone.

Tank nodded toward me and we got up and left the office.

“Remember what I said about keeping your mouths shut!” hollered Slammer as we walked down the hallway. “And don’t miss church!”

“You want me to head out with you?” asked Tank, as we stepped back into the bar. “Make sure that money stays safe.”

I patted the envelope. “It’s safe with me. Besides, didn’t you want a piece of Misty?” I asked, nodding toward the bartender, who was waiting on a couple of regulars.

“Fuck no. You heard what the old man said. I’m not going near that shit. Not after Breaker infected it.” He sighed. “In fact, I’m going to call Krystal. Make sure it’s still on for tonight. You still want to go and hunt that fucker down, don’t you?”

“Jason? Yeah. He needs some guidance counseling.”

Tank grunted. “No shit.”

“I’ll meet you at the clubhouse,” I said, walking toward the doorway with the file. “I’ve got a couple of errands to run first.”

“Okay, brother.”