Resisting the Biker by Cassie Alexandra - HTML preview

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Chapter Eighteen




WHEN I FINISHED putting my makeup on, I slipped on a pair of black pumps and a lightweight overcoat. Then I locked the house up and walked over to the garage where my Verano was parked. When I started the engine, I noticed I was getting low on fuel, so on the way to Dazzle, I stopped at a fuel station. I’d just started pumping gas when I noticed that a big, black truck had pulled up behind my car. Ignoring it, I continued filling my car with gasoline.

The person in the truck got out and I heard footsteps come up behind me. “Darlin’, I thought that was you,” said a gravelly voice.

I turned around to find myself looking up into the cold, flat eyes of the biker who’d been harassing me at Griffin’s. Breaker. I tried to remain calm.

“Sorry?” I said, pretending I didn’t know him. The guy was even scarier in the daylight, the scar on his face standing out like a warning sign. Something told me that he’d probably deserved it.

“You’re the hot little number from Griffin’s last night. You must remember me, darlin’.”

My heart was pounding as I pulled the nozzle out of the car and shoved it back into the machine. I’d barely filled my tank, but I wanted to leave as quickly as possible. Knowing that he’d gone to prison for rape was terrifying. Especially since he was obviously still interested in me. “Sorry. You must have me confused with someone else,” I answered, laughing nervously. “I get that all the time.”

He smirked. “I don’t think so.”

Ignoring him, I pulled out my receipt and tried getting into my car.

“You know, I’d never forget a face like yours,” he said, blocking my way.

“Excuse me. You’re in my way.”

His eyes went to my necklace. “Fuck me, is that a real sapphire?”

I put my hand over the stone. “No. Of course not. It’s costume jewelry. Now, if you’d please get out of my way, I really have to be somewhere.”

“Are you okay, honey?” asked a little old lady, pumping gas across from me.

“Mind your own business, grandma,” said Breaker, stepping out of my way.

The woman quickly turned away and continued pumping.

“Nosy old bitch,” he muttered and then turned back to me. “You meeting up with Raptor?”

I ignored him.

He chuckled. “You look like you’re going on a date. He’s not going to be happy knowing that you’re seeing someone on the side.”

I was about to tell him that I wasn’t seeing anyone, including Raptor, but caught myself. That would have been asking for more trouble. I forced a grin. “For your information, I’m going to work but I will be seeing him later.”

He grinned slyly. “Work, huh? Where you work, darlin’?”

I couldn’t help it. I was tired of his questions. “It’s none of your business,” I said, slamming the door shut. I quickly started the engine and locked all four doors. As I backed away, I noticed that he was laughing.

“Asshole,” I mumbled, turning the car around. I drove out of the parking lot and headed down the road, still shaken. The light ahead turned red and I slowed down to a stop. As I waited for it to change, someone revved their engine behind me. I looked into my rearview mirror and my blood ran cold. Breaker was behind me in the truck, and only inches from my bumper. 

I swore under my breath, hoping that he wasn’t following me and just heading north. But, common sense told me that was not the case.

When the light finally changed, I began to drive forward, but didn’t head toward Dazzle, which was only a few blocks away. The last thing I needed was for him to learn where I worked. Instead, I continued forward, not exactly sure where I was headed. Frustratingly enough, he stayed behind me for the next five lights.

Shit, he must really be following me, I thought, deciding to take a right at the next light. As I put my blinker on and changed lanes, I noticed he did the same. We both turned on the green arrow, and I looked back at him in my rearview mirror. I couldn’t see his face because the windows were tinted, but something told me he was enjoying this.  Tightening my hands on the wheel, I sped up and took the next exit, this time turning left. He quickly followed.

“Dammit,” I snapped, my heart racing. I reached into my purse, which was sitting next to me on the seat, and grabbed my cell phone. Trying not to get into an accident, I quickly dialed Trevor.

“Hey, Kitten,” he answered, a smile in his voice. “I didn’t expect to hear from you until later.”

“Breaker is following me,” I said quickly.

He swore. “Talk to me.”

I told him about seeing Breaker at the gas station and how he’d tried talking to me. “Now he’s on my tail.”

“I’m going to kill that fucking asshole myself. Swear to God,” he growled. “Okay. Where are you?

I gave him my approximate location. “Should I drive to the nearest police station?” I asked, still seeing Breaker’s truck in my mirror.

“He’ll just drive away if you do that.”

“Isn’t that the point?” I exclaimed loudly.

“I want to confront the fucker. Let him know that nobody follows my girl.”

I’m not your girl, I thought, although I had to admit that part of me was giddy at the comment. “Seriously, I don’t want to be part of that. I just want him to go away and never see him again.”

“I know, but shitheads like Breaker won’t go away unless someone stands up to them. Look,” he said, “why don’t you head on over to Griffin’s? You’re only ten minutes away. I’m in the parking lot, now. I’ll make sure that pile of shit never bothers you again. You feel me?”

I was feeling more frustrated than anything as I stopped at another light. This time, however, Breaker got into the right turning lane. “Wait a second,” I said, looking over at his truck. “He’s turning away. Thank God.”

Breaker rolled down his window and the menacing smile on his face gave me the chills. He blew me a kiss and then drove away, his tires squealing as he whipped around the corner.

“Asshole,” I mumbled, sighing in relief.

“What’s going on?”

“He’s gone.”

“Good. Now, meet me at Griffin’s. I’ll take you to lunch.”

Yuck, like I’d ever eat there.

“I can’t. My mom’s expecting me at the store. I’m surprised she hasn’t called me yet, complaining.”

He was quiet for a while, obviously mulling things over. “Okay. You get your ass at work and don’t worry your pretty little head about this jerkoff.”

“Thanks,” I said. “He scared the crap out of me.”

“Don’t let him, Kitten. In fact, he won’t be bothering anyone soon.”

“Oh yeah? Why?”

“I can’t get into it. Just, go to work and I’ll see you later tonight.”

I bit my lower lip. “About that...”

“I’ve gotta go. There’s a call coming in. I might even meet you at Dazzle, later.” He chuckled. “Surprise your mother.”

“But –”

“Later, babe,” he said and then hung up.

Sighing, I tossed my phone onto the passenger seat and headed to the shop, checking my rearview mirror frequently. I couldn’t believe the last twenty-four hours, I’d had strange encounters with three very different guys. As far as I was concerned, every one of them was a threat. Even Trevor.