Resisting the Biker by Cassie Alexandra - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty-Two






“WHERE ARE YOU at?” barked Mud.

“Just driving around,” he answered, following the brunette. He couldn’t wait to get his hands on her hot little body as well as that rock around her neck. The sapphire had to be worth thirty or forty grand.

“You need to get your ass down to the clubhouse, brother. Rumor has it that ‘The Judge’ might be looking for your ass.”

His eyes widened. “The Judge? Where’d you hear that?”

“Misty. She overheard Slammer talking about it earlier. Called and give me the heads-up.”

“I’m not afraid of that asshole. I’ll slice his nuts off if he tries taking me down. Shove them up his ass.”

“You’d better be. From what I hear, the guy has never missed a delivery, and this time, you’re the one on order. Now, get your ass back here so we can figure this shit out.”

Breaker sighed. That foxy little Adriana was just going to have to wait. “I’ll be there in twenty.”

“Don’t stop off anywhere. We’ll be watching for you.”


Breaker set his phone down and got into the right lane. As he was about to turn, he rolled his window down and waved at Adriana. He couldn’t see her face, but something told him that she wasn’t smiling. In fact, he was pretty sure he’d scared the hell out of her. The knowledge made his cock swell.

“Mother fucking Prez,” he mumbled, lighting a smoke. He loved Mud and the rest of the crew, but in reality, they really were a bunch of pussies. Every last one of them. His brothers seemed to shake in their boots whenever ‘The Judge’ was mentioned. Well, he wasn’t afraid of the Zorro-wannabe-faggot. The Judge was a joke. He wasn’t even part of any club. The fact was, he would love to face the asshole and show him who the real judge was. Maybe stick a gavel up his ass and call it a night.

Laughing to himself, Breaker turned down a dark, dead-end street and parked his truck in a quiet spot. He couldn’t help it – he needed to get off. Chasing Adriana had wound him up and now, all he could think about was fucking the little cunt. Pushing the ‘Play’ button on his stereo, he began listening to the CD he’d made. The one where he’d recorded the last bitch’s screams. Jessica’s. The fact that it was Slammer’s Old Lady’s daughter made it that much more exhilarating. He’d noticed the girl when he’d been trailing Slammer last summer. Saw her leaving his house. From that moment on, he’d followed the sweet piece of tail everywhere, waiting for the right opportunity. When he’d noticed her roommate leave with a suitcase a couple weeks back, he’d broken in and made himself at home. The rest was history. Sweet history that he’d recorded for his own sick pleasure. Sure, he knew he was a little twisted, but it didn’t change the fact that he enjoyed torturing women. Making them beg for their lives.

Breaker got rid of his cigarette and unzipped his pants. Imagining himself on top of Adriana, he spit in his hand and began to jerk off.

“Yeah, baby,” he whispered, moving his hand up and down as the girl on the CD whimpered, begging him to stop. He closed his eyes.

“Look at me,” demanded the voice on the CD. His voice. “You see me?”

Panting, Breaker remembered the terror in Jessica’s eyes as he stared into them, and it brought him to the edge. Just as he was about to blow his load, he felt the cool barrel of a gun against his temple.

Gasping, he opened his eyes and found himself staring at a man he didn’t recognize.

“You’re one ugly cuss, you know that? I can also see why you don’t get many dates,” said the man, turning down the stereo. “Also, I don’t know if anyone has ever told you, but your taste in music is pretty fucked up.”

“Who the hell are you?” he said, trying to shove his dick back into his jeans.

He smirked. “If you have to ask, you’re even dumber than I thought.”

“Fuck you,” he growled.

“Why don’t you beg? Like the girl on the CD, you sick fuck...”

“Go to hell.”

“Thanks for the invite, but I’m not ready yet. Tell everyone that I said hello.”

Breaker’s face turned white. “Wait a minute. I’ve got money, too. I’ll pay you double. Whatever they offered, I’ll pay more.”

“This one isn’t about the money.” He lowered the gun to Breaker’s limp dick. “It’s about a girl whose life you ruined,” he said, pulling the trigger.