Resisting the Biker by Cassie Alexandra - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty-Three




I PULLED INTO a parking lot, which was across the street from Club Hideaway, and parked the car. Then I texted Krystal. She called me right away.

“Perfect timing. The shit is about to hit the fan. Jason is heading toward the door with some girl, and we’re getting ready to follow him.”

“I’ll wait out here. I don’t want him to see me.”

“Good idea. I’ll call you right back,” she said, hanging up.

I stayed in my car and watched the front door, anxious and scared at the same time. A few minutes later, I saw Jason step outside with a girl. He had his arm around her shoulders. I noticed she was lucid and actually seemed to be enjoying their conversation. It made me wonder if I was wrong about everything. Sure, he’d been an asshole, but had he really drugged me?

As they walked toward the parking lot where I was hunched in my car, the club doors opened again. This time, Trevor, Tank, and Krystal stepped outside.

Blowing out my breath, I watched as the three kept their distance and followed them into the parking lot. Just as Jason approached his car, which was a couple rows away from mine, Trevor confronted him.





He turned around and looked at me.

“I’m sorry, do I know you?” he asked.

“No, but I think you know her,” said Tank, nodding to Krystal.

Jason’s face turned pale. “Ah, hey, Krystal. What’s going on?”

Krystal smiled coldly. “Heard you abandoned my friend last night. After you tried raping her, you fucking asshole.”

The girl standing next to Jason took a step back. “What? Jason, what is she talking about?”

“Nothing, Michelle. Get in the car. I’ll handle this.”

“But –”

“Get in the car,” he said firmly. “Please.”

Sighing, she opened the door and slid into the front seat.

Jason turned back to us. “What’s this all about?”

“You slipped something into Adriana’s drink last night,” I said. “What was it?”

His face darkened. “That’s bullshit. I didn’t do any such thing. Is that what she told you?”

In three strides I had him by the throat. “Look, you ass-fuck,” I spat. “That shit could have killed her. What the fuck was it?”

He tried clawing at my fingers. “I didn’t,” he croaked. “Let me go.”

I reached into my jacket and pulled out my revolver. I held it to his head and cocked it. “Tell me or I’ll blow your head off, motherfucker.”

“Oh, my God, no!” hollered Adriana, who was running toward us. “Don’t!”

I lowered the gun and shoved it into his nut-sack. “Don’t worry, Jason. I’m not going to kill you. Just remove the source of your problem.”

“Please,” he begged, holding up his hands. “It wasn’t me. Seriously. It was Lucas. He did it. For Gary. It was his birthday.”

I glared at him. “Explain.”

“Lucas just wanted him to get lucky. The shit was just supposed to make her horny. That’s all I know.”

“Gary wasn’t interested in having sex with any of us,” said Krystal, looking horrified. “Don’t put the blame on him.”

“I’m not. I mean, you’re right. He didn’t even know about it.”

“But you did,” I said sharply. “And you tried raping her.”

“No,” he lied. “I swear...”

“Say goodbye to your little friends,” I said, mimicking Al Pacino.

He began to cry. “No! Please! I’ll do anything.”

I heard the sound of sirens in the distance.

“Time to leave,” said Tank.

Swearing, I slammed my fist into Jason’s face and heard the distinct sound of his nose breaking.

He sank to his knees holding his nose. “I think you broke it. Oh, my God!”

I grinned. “Good. It looks like it’s your lucky day, fuck-face, because that’s all I have time for. Now, I know you’ve heard of the Gold Vipers and now we’ve heard of you.”

Jason’s eyes moved to my jacket and the realization of who I was associated with made him look like he was going to shit his pants.

I grabbed him by the collar and looked down into his face. “I ever hear of you or your friends drugging these or any other girls, you’re dead. You feel me?”

He nodded quickly.

“I mean it. You’ll be ten feet under and I’ll bury you myself if I have to. I have plenty of shovels.”

“I won’t. I swear,” he cried.

Although I still wanted to beat the fuck out of Jason, I released him. 

“Let’s bolt. The cops are getting close,” said Tank.

I turned toward Adriana, but she wouldn’t even look at me. Sighing, I grabbed her by the elbow and began ushering her to the car she’d gotten out of. “Meet me at my house,” I said, when we stopped.

“No,” she said, pulling her arm away.  She continued to avoid my eyes. “I can’t.”

“I’m coming with you, Adriana,” said Krystal, approaching the car.

“Okay,” she answered.

“We need to talk,” I said, feeling the tension between us. I couldn’t understand why she was pissed. The guy got off with a broken nose. Shit could have been a lot worse.

She didn’t say anything, but I could tell the wheels in her head were turning rapidly.

“Raptor,” said Tank. “I’ll meet you back by the bikes.”

“I’m right behind you, brother.”

Tank held up his hand. “Call me, Krystal.”

She nodded. “Yeah. I will.”

“So, you have a gun,” blurted out Adriana, looking angry.

“Yeah, so?”

“Yeah, so?” she said, laughing coldly. “I guess my mother was right. You’re not just trouble, you are fucking dangerous.”

I tried to remain calm, but it wasn’t easy. My adrenaline was still on overdrive. “Not to you.”

“Famous last words.”

“Bullshit. I would never hurt you,” I said, staring at her in frustration.

“You’ve got that right. Goodbye, Trevor,” said Adriana, getting into her car.

I wanted to stop her, but I could see the cherries from the cops heading down the street. Swearing, I took off running.