Resisting the Biker by Cassie Alexandra - HTML preview

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Chapter Thirty-Three




AN HOUR LATER, Tiffany announced that it was time to go across the street to Gibby’s.

“Okay,” I said. “It’s getting really crowded in here anyway.”

“It’s going to be more crowded at Gibby’s,” warned Jeremy, who’d opened his tie and now seemed very relaxed.

“But at least we can dance,” I said, feeling absolutely no pain. I’d just finished my third drink and even Trevor’s presence wasn’t bothering me anymore. Well, not as much. After the second drink, I kept telling myself that if those two hooked up, then good riddance. After my third drink, I’d decided that I needed to rethink my own rule of hooking up. Possibly find a guy who might make me forget all about Trevor. Someone tall, dark, and very well-endowed.

“I want to dance, too. Let’s go and say goodbye to Bonnie and go over there,” said Monica, grabbing me and Amber by the arms. Just like me, she was also feeling quite good.

“Thanks for coming,” said Bonnie, hugging each of us when we found her.

“Of course and, we’re so sorry for your loss,” said Tiffany, smiling sadly. “And ours. We’re losing a great friend. One of the best. We’re sure going to miss that girl.”

Bonnie’s lips trembled. “Me, too,” she squeaked. “Me, too.”

“I’m sorry my mother couldn’t make it,” I said when she hugged me. “She’s going to call you tomorrow.”

“She made it to the funeral. That’s enough. Plus, she’s been there for me these last couple of weeks. Bringing me food, calling everyone. I don’t know how I can thank her enough.”

“You don’t have to,” I told Bonnie. “She wanted to help.”

She nodded. “Well, I appreciate it.”

“I’m sorry for your loss, Ms. Blake,” said Jeremy, shaking her hand.

“Just find them,” she said. “Please. Find the people who did this and put them away.”

“Believe me, I’ll do my best.”

“Are you leaving?” asked Jenna, coming up behind me?”

“We’re going across the street,” said Monica. “To Gibby’s. You want to join us?”

“Let me ask my new friend,” she said, her blue eyes sparkling. “Something tells me he’ll want to go dancing, too.”

“You mean Trevor?” I said, looking around. “Did he leave?”

“No, he’s using the bathroom,” she said, smiling. “I didn’t realize you knew his real name.”

“Lucky guess,” I said, forcing a smile. He’d obviously told her his real name, too. I looked at Tiffany. “Let’s go. I’m getting really warm in here.”

“Okay,” she said, waving to Jenna and Bonnie. “Have a good night.”

“You too,” said Bonnie. “Drive safely.”

“Jeremy is driving all of us home,” Tiffany said, sliding her arm through his. “Aren’t you?”

Jeremy smiled. “Yep. That I am. I don’t know what I’m getting myself into, but it’s too late to back out now, right?”

“You’re damn right,” said Tiffany, snuggling up to him. “You’re going to have fun, though. We’ll make sure of it. Right, ladies?”

“You bet,” said Monica. “Ready, Adriana?”

I saw Trevor walk out of the bathroom and head toward us, or rather, Jenna. I quickly turned around and started for the exit. “I’m more than ready. In fact, I’ll meet you over there.”