Resisting the Biker by Cassie Alexandra - HTML preview

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GIBBY’S WAS JAM-PACKED when we walked in. Apparently, it was Ladies Night, and all shots were half-off.

“Let’s dance and then drink,” said Tiffany, pulling me and Jeremy toward the large dance floor, while Monica and Amber used the bathroom. He’d left his jacket and tie in the car and now looked more like a regular guy just out to have fun. “Do you like Hip Hop music, Jeremy?” she cried, over the loud music.

“Not really,” he hollered back. “But, I’m willing to try.”

“What kind of music do you like?” I asked.

“Rock-n-Roll. Jazz. Country. Anything but... Hip Hop.”

“That’s too bad,” said Tiffany, rolling her hips with the music. “Because I love Hip Hop. It makes me so... frisky.”

His eyes widened and then he laughed. “Maybe I haven’t given Hip Hop enough of a chance.”

She moved closer to him, until they were chin-to-forehead. “Relax and move your hips,” she said, putting her hands on his waist. “I’ll help you learn how to like it.”

“I’m sure you will,” he said, putting his hands around her hips.

She gave him a sexy laugh.

I suddenly felt like a third wheel. I backed away from the dance floor and then took off toward the bar. When I saw Trevor and Jenna waiting in line for a drink, I stopped dead in my tracks.


They were so beautiful together. Both blond and dazzling under the strobe lights.

Trevor had taken his hair out of the ponytail, and his jacket and tie were gone. He reminded me of a sexy rock star standing there with his supermodel girlfriend on his arm. I suddenly felt very dowdy in my black dress. Jenna was also wearing a black dress, but hers emphasized her breasts while mine were drowning in fabric.

“Oh, hey,” she said, noticing me. She slipped her arms through Trevor’s and grinned. “Hope you don’t mind that we followed you over here?”

“That’s okay,” I said, minding very much. I forced a smile. “It’s a great place to... unwind.”

“Definitely,” said Jenna. She reached up and unbuttoned two of Trevor’s buttons, exposing his tan chest. “In fact, I think it’s time for this hunk of yumminess to unwind.” She slipped her fingers under his dark blue shirt and looked at me. “I don’t know what it is but I just can’t seem to keep my hands off of him.”

“Nobody seems to be stopping you, either,” I said, gritting my teeth.

Just then the music slowed to a sexy beat and Jenna sucked in her breath. “I love this song. Forget the drinks. Come on, dance with me.”

Trevor’s eyes met mine.

I scowled and looked away.

“Come on,” she said, pulling his arm. “Let’s go and have some fun.”

I didn’t hear his reply, but I watched her drag his ass to the dance floor without any resistance. Then she slipped her arms around his neck and pulled him so close that I couldn’t stand to watch them anymore.

Seething, I made my way over to the bar and bought myself a shot of peach schnapps.

To you, Krystal, I thought, slamming it down.

“Would you like another one?” asked the bartender, a heavyset guy wearing a Stetson.

“Yes. One more,” I said, sliding the shot glass back to him.

“What is that?” asked the guy standing next to me.

I looked at him. He had soft brown eyes and a boyish smile. “It’s just peach schnapps.”

He grimaced. “Oh, not that.”

I smiled. “What’s wrong with it? Too girly?”

He chuckled. “No, I used to love the taste, before I spent an entire weekend puking my guts out after drinking a bottle. Watch out for that stuff, it’ll kick you in the ass later.”

“Thanks for the advice,” I said, as the bartender slid another shot toward me. “I doubt I’ll drink an entire bottle, but I’ll keep it in mind.”

“Now, tequila... that’s what you should be drinking. Are you driving tonight, or is your boyfriend?” he asked.

“I’m not driving and I don’t have a boyfriend.”

He smiled and straightened up. “Well, in that case, how about we both have a shot together? My treat?”

I slammed the second shot of peach schnapps and set it on the bar. “How about... we dance?” I said, licking my lips. “Then you can buy me a shot.”

His smile grew wider. He set his beer down on the bar. “Watch this for me, will you, Hank?”

“Sure thing,” said the bartender.

“And put her other two shots on my tab.”

I grinned. “Well, thank you... what was your name?”

“It’s Dan.”

I held out my hand. “I’m Adriana.”

“Pretty name,” he said, shaking it. “And well deserving.”

I giggled, the peach schnapps warming my tummy and everything else. 

“Just to warn you, I’m not the best dancer,” he said, following me out to the dance floor.

“It’s okay,” I said, turning to him. “I won’t judge if you won’t.”

He slid his arms around my waist. “If I said I’ve already judged you to be the prettiest girl in this bar, would you laugh in my face?”

I was about to do just that when I noticed Trevor staring at me from across the dance floor. He was scowling.

“Not at all,” I said, noting that Jenna was standing in front of him, grinding her ass against his crotch. Obviously, he wasn’t angry about that and he certainly wasn’t stopping her from doing it, either. Clenching my jaw, I slid my arms up to Dan’s neck and forced myself to smile. “You have gorgeous eyes. Has anyone ever told you that?”

He grinned. “Thank you.”

I stole another glance over Dan’s shoulder at Trevor, and almost choked. He was storming toward us, like an angry bull.

Dan noticed him as well. “Can I help you?” he asked, letting me go.

“I’m cutting in,” said Trevor. He grabbed my arm.

“Stop it,” I hissed. “Go back to Jenna.”

“I don’t want her,” he said, his eyes burning into mine.

“Right. I think you only want what you can’t have.”

He looked like I’d slapped him. “Fuck you.”

“No, fuck you!” I snapped, pulling my arm away.

“You’re drunk,” he said, his voice harsh and angry.

I raised my chin. “I’m not drunk. I’m... having fun. I’m also reconsidering my rule about one-night stands.”

Dan’s face lit up.

Trevor grabbed my arm again, his fingers gripping me hard. “I’m taking you home before you do something stupid.”

“Excuse me... do you two know each other?” asked Dan.

“What gave you that idea?” said Trevor with a sneer. “Back off, genius. She’s mine.”

“I’m not yours,” I said, pulling away again.

“Would you stop playing games, Adriana?”

“I’m not the one playing them.”

“What’s going on over here?” said Jeremy, suddenly at my side.

“Nothing,” I said, backing away. “Nothing is going on.”

“Larson, what the hell kind of shit are you starting now?” snarled Jeremy, getting into his face.

“Fuck you, Stone.”

“You need to leave,” ordered Jeremy, as I turned and headed toward the exit.

“Adriana!” hollered Trevor, over the music.