Road Trip Riot by Bridget Ratidzo - HTML preview

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Chapter Nine


And we are back in the house again. July rushes away from me following after the couple. I almost air quote at the thought. I almost told July that the wise always say to never interfere with a lover’s quarrel but I am sure she would have tried to hit me if I had.

Not that her hands on me would have achieved anything other than what they did before. I wont complain though. When Vincent looked like he was about to go up in flames, Question and I had seen him that way a lot of times we knew we just had to get the ladies away from him. not that he would have beat them—but we got afraid that it may be the other way round. Look I know Vincent is infuriating. But he’s been really unstable since that wedding and that reminds me, I should tell Question to keep Tasha away from him if we manage to iron this out.

So we are seated in the kitchen again. Ludo walks to the fridge, takes out a 2litre coke, opens in and gulp down from it like it is water before she caps in back and shoves in back into the fridge.

She comes to sit down and joins July in the seething glaring fest at Nancy. The poor girl looks like she just wants to vanish. Vincent of course stands at the head of the kitchen island like earlier taking charge like before. I swear this guy will get us all killed one day if we are not careful.

‘we leave at noon.’ He declares, ‘no one tries to escape—we are all in this together,’ he actually threads his fingers together as emphasis. No one answers him so he takes that as agreement, ‘great- I will take a nap then.’ He looks at Nancy who stands up to follow him.

‘whoa.’ Ludo holds Nancy’s arm—geez just when I thought we’d all psychologically agree to let the man walk out without bringing more trouble upon us, ice queen just has to say something, ‘I am so mad at you right now Nance but you guys are not having make-up sex.’

A silence fit for the graveyard falls in the room and I swear I hear crickets ringing loudly somewhere before all of us speak at the same moment, loudly and out of frustration.

‘I don’t care if they want to be at it like rabbits.’ That’s July and Nancy looks surprised that she can say that, ‘I need a shower and my entire playlist to come to terms with this.’

‘go splash water on your face Ludo.’ Question tells Ludo.

‘can we all be calm.’ That would be me.

Ludo then takes matters into her own hands again by raising her hands and silencing the room, ‘oh come on people—what are you, twelve? I was just making a point… there are only two reasons a woman lets a man control her, he is either rich, or good in bed or both.’

Vincent’s face breaks into an arrogant smile, ‘well I am all that and more.’

Just shoot me now.

July groans, ‘Ludo let her go, I have a headache already and I don’t need to hear about Vincent’s sexual prowess.’ She walks out and not forgetting to cast a seething look at Vincent as she passes by.

Nancy pulls her hand from Ludo’s hold and follows Vincent out. that leaves the three of us in the kitchen. Ludo gives each one of us a thorough once over before tossing her head and walking out as well. At least.

I return to sit on the bar stool I had been sitting earlier before I notice Question’s steady gaze on me.


‘what is wrong with you?’ he gets straight to the point, ‘we came here to save Vincent from himself and you are already sniffing after his fiancée’s best friend.’

I raise my eyebrows at him, ‘excuse me I am not the one poking the ice queen when ever I get the chance.’

‘she called me waloffe.’ Question actually seem outraged, ‘the little snow guy in frozen who had no idea that summer would kill him.’

‘after all that’s happened that’s all you get sore about?’

Question groans, ‘Nancy’s friends are a pain in the ass—why didn’t we just kidnap Vee’s girl and let them go?’

I nod, ‘right? I mean what have I ever done to deserve this?’


After a shower and putting on my travelling attire I actually double over in the bathroom with laughter. It wasn’t funny then but it is now. I find my expensive camera and—oh how I would have loved to record the fiasco earlier. It would have made my YouTube channel plans worth a great start.

The house is so quiet, I walk into the living room and I see why. Question is nowhere to be seen but Joshua is knocked out on the couch. He is sleeping face up his arms folded across his chest. The man even looks good while sleeping for pete’s sakes. I walk over to his sleeping form and I don’t know what comes over me but man I just have to get a good look at those lashes.

I lean forward and take my sweet time studying his features—this is the only time I can study him thoroughly because when he is awake and those eyes of his turn to me I dare not look at him. This is creepy, I am a creep right now but in my defense its not every day that I am this close to such a beautiful person—because handsome for his looks wouldn’t cover it.

I am still in my creepy thoughts when those eyes suddenly open and stare back at me. Startled I gasp and jerk away from him, but not as quickly as he managed to grab my hand and hurl me forward.

I barely let out a scream before I land on top of him, our bodies perfectly aligned, my face resting on his chest. I raise my face to meet those bewitching eyes. And crap- well as a respectable lady I should scramble away from him and stutter heartfelt apologies but the truth is that I am not sorry about the current position that I am in right now.

The man is a masterpiece and this position is splendidly hot. Soft against hard. Almost nose to nose and eyeball to eyeball. Heat swells in my belly and spreads through my entire body I swear I’m about to have a fever.

And that is not the shocking part ladies and gentleman. The shock is that I become so overwhelmed with the desire to kiss him. I am not even thinking, our faces are inches apart and I could just lean down and press my lips against his. Well he is not stopping me so… I do just that.

I don’t know why I am doing it but it almost felt like a state of emergency and holy crow don’t I feel delirious when our lips connect. I could write an entire bible about this moment. The inability not to think but just feel. It even gets better when he sinks his fingers into my braids and in a quick flash movement I am beneath him as he takes complete control of the kiss.

I wrap my arms around his neck as our tongues tango hotly with each other. I lift my body and hook my leg around his waist the same moment he grabs my legs thrusts his hips with mine. I moan as the kiss becomes frantic and I don’t think I want it to stop. I mean right this moment my reason and right unfazed and normal mind is reminding me that I just met this guy three hours ago and he is Vincent’s cousin—aka the inhabitant of my hate list. (No I don’t have a hate list)

But right now I don’t care.


Just then a loud off-key voice pierces in the room followed by loud footsteps and a door slamming. I guess that’s when we notice that we are dirty kissing on the couch in the middle of the living room. Joshua gets off me and in the same moment I am on my feet my hand instinctively going to my hair and the other straightening my clothes. I glance at Joshua, and heat comes on my face. I blink and look away the same moment Question saunters in the middle and the man actually casts us knowing looks before just easily walking off to wherever he had been going.

Without looking at Joshua I also leave the living room deciding to check on Ludo, anything to clear my head.