Road Trip Riot by Bridget Ratidzo - HTML preview

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Chapter Ten


The little minx. That would be meant for Question. Maybe I should be reasonable that he interrupted us. It cant be ethical to be screwing each other in the living room where anyone (even Question) could just walk in.

But I didn’t care, I was ready to continue with this crazy fest. I mean seriously what the hell is wrong with me. I am only here to help Vince back to his element because if Vince’s world is balanced everyone around him is at peace. I have been here for a few hours, and I already cant get the girl (wrong girl to pine after by the way) out of my head.

Maybe I am just tired and well she kissed me… whats a guy got to do about that? and for the record I am not a gentleman, its not in my genetic make up to respectfully brush off a willing woman. I had seen her walk in the living room and pretended to be asleep because, well I figured she would just pass by and go her way.

Question was right. July is the wrong girl, no matter how hot she is. But the girl came and leaned over my face. like I said, I am not a gentleman. Ignoring Question’s—what the hell dude stare at me, I ran a hand down my face and mumbled something about a shower. I hoped this house had a shower because I needed it.


Ludo was humming to herself as she packed her bag which I am sure she traumatized when looking for an outfit for the road. Should I remind her that she is likely to not be driving? No I don’t want a riot after three hours of peace and my mind was still reeling from what had just occurred in the living room I didn’t even want to think about it.

‘please tell me everyone else is ready for the journey, I so want out of this house.’ Ludo grumbles as she finally started zipping up her valise.

‘I was thinking maybe we could just go back.’ I suggested, ‘the trip is screwed anyway.’

‘no.’ Ludo retorted turning sharply to glare daggers at me, ‘I am no cancelling a good trip just because of that stuffed shirt bastard.’

‘stuffed shirt.’ I mumble

Ludo growled ‘just thinking about him makes me want to scream.’

I raised an eyebrow, ‘that’s why we should go back—and we can postpone the trip and take it when they go for their honeymoon.’

‘what? You are already pining for them to reconcile?’ Ludo’s voice was an octave higher, ‘after the disaster that we caused to break this up you want us—me to return there looking like a soaked puppy for reconciliation?’

I lifted hands, ‘I don’t know Ludo—did you see those two back there?’ I point at the door, ‘they are little birds in a nest.’

Ludo growled again, ‘I have never been so outraged in my entire life.’

I wanted to point out that Ludo was outraged at every turn but held my tongue because I wouldn’t want that rage to be turned towards me for any reason.

‘Nancy forgot to tell us that she was running away because she couldnt say no to the crazy man not because she was outraged,’

As usual I tried to diffuse the situation, ‘come on Lu you know Nance better than that—this was just confusing.’

‘oh I’m sorry did I miss something.’ She planted her hands on her hips, ‘she called yelling help my fiancé wans to kill me and made cat women out of both of us—and as soon as hulk shows up she start pawing him like a freaking dog in heat.’

Okay Ludo was angrier about this than I thought.

‘Ludo please.’ My voice was calm. Always keep the voice calm was what I learned during my life long friendship with Ludo. It worked because she took a deep breath and raised a palm at me

‘okay I am calm now—calm.’

‘good- now look at this—we are the ones cornered here—we need to get out of this without losing face.’

See I was always the reasonable one.

‘I don’t want to settle for a peaceful settlement.’

I suppose the calm therapy didn’t work?

‘I wonder what Mr Babutsi has to say about this?’

My eyes widened. Mr Babutsi. Oh shit—he was basically paying for this trip to keep his little girl away from Vincent and he had entrusted us with that mission.

‘oh boy.’ Was all I could say.

‘so Vince and Nance reconciling cannot happen.’

I nodded in agreement. I wanted to be reasonable but honestly, Vincent didn’t handle the situation well, he shouldn’t have tried to force the wedding to go on just to save his face and not want to make things right with Nance first—didn’t he respect her?

‘but Lu—they are latched to each other like lock and key now.’

Ludo snorted, ‘interesting description.’

I gave her a dirty look, ‘stop making everything an innuendo you pervert—anyway, point is it will be hard to break them up.’

‘yes but its for the best—lets make it our next goal since we have no goals and all now.’

This was crazy, but I agreed justifying the fact that Vincent was not good for Nancy and we planned to break them up. Looking back, maybe I should have gone with my better senses than my crazed state—in my defense I was in the verge of forgetting Joshua’s hot kiss and the fact that the man had effect over me just a few hours after meeting him. anyway excuses, excuses.

‘so how do we go about it?’ I asked the mastermind planner.

Ludo smirked, ‘we get Tasha of course and confirm whether Vincent doesn’t have any feelings for her.’

I didn’t know I had it in me but my smile matched Ludo’s evil one. ‘brilliant Ludo—brilliant—but how do we do that.’

‘we get her number and give her a call.’

I pursed my lips, ‘I think a video would be more effective,’

‘exactly—and we get her contacts so that she can make the journey impromptu.’

I nodded, ‘yes, I am sure you can persuade Question to give you his sister’s contact details?’

Ludo shook her head, ‘Question is too loyal to Vince—and he is always latched to his cell phone—we don’t want them to figure out our plans before we even get her here.’

‘well how else are we going to get them?’

I was sure I didn’t like this plan anymore. And she said what my gut feelings were screaming warningly at me.

‘get them from Joshua.’


‘you just have to get his phone and forward the conatcts to yours—simple.’

I blinked at her. My plan was to stay as far away from that man as [possible until the dayw e go our separate ways and I wont ever have to see him again. Getting his phone wasn’t goingto help with that.

‘its not that simple.’

Ludo rolled her eyes and her next words floored me, ‘come on—if you can get him to kiss you mindless in the middle of the living room surely you can get his phone without him noticing

I gave myself a mental slap as I had spend a good minute standing in the middle of the room listening to the shower running in the bathroom. The bastards were already making themselves at home—taking showers and all—but that’s beside the point. I was stupefied imagining the man in the shower. I mean really?

Urgh, focus July, focus.

The fact that I wasn’t filming this for my so called YouTube channel was insane. I creep towards his jeans on the bed. What guy lays his clothes neatly on the bed before a shower? Men were created to be slobs—this was just wrong.

Anyway, I walked to the jean and lifted them immediately going for the pockets. And bingo. His phone was there. Nice slim and perfect for his hands. The same hands that—

Don’t think about it--- don’t think about it.

I press the little on side button and the screen comes to life. And, oh right, I need the password. Not a pattern like all normal smart phones but a freaking password? Not that I would have figured out the pattern either way. I don’t know why but I continue staring at the phone as if it would tell me the password. It would just be easier to steal the number than ask for it.

Sighing I replace the phone back in his pockets and turn to leave the room. Should have a plan B. I am almost by the door when it opens and in walks Question who stops when he meets my very wide eyes. Not that the man is scary—but because the same bastard had walked in on us earlier during our immoral fest in the living room and now here I am.

Not that I should keep a good reputation with him or anything.

‘oh I didn’t-‘

‘I was just leaving.’ I try to push past him but the man blocks the doorway.

‘you don’t have to leave on my account, I just came to let Josh know Vince says he doesn’t mind leaving without him if he takes so long—you can tell him that yourself.’

‘what?’ I plants fists on my hips, ‘who is Vince to you anyway? Your lord and king? Who put him in charge?’

Question offers a nonchalant shrug, ‘he’s scary and irrational right now—so no need to ruffle his feathers.’

‘he’s not the only one with feathers.’ I snap

‘I know.’ Question flashes me a smile and leaves the room, then the rest of his sentence comes back to me.

‘wait I don’t—‘

But of course Joshua chooses that moment to step out of the bathroom, gasping I turn to him, not that I had planned to get a good view of his incredible anatomy all wrapped up in nothing but a towel just covering the essential parts though leaving nothing to my imagination. I feel heat rise to my face the same moment my heart skips a beat worthy to be called the grandchild of a major earthquake while my jaw finds its own way to the floor.

‘are you looking for me?’ Joshua says casually like he isn’t standing before me half naked and I have the most despicable images of sweaty bodies and ragged breaths.

Earth to July—earth to July. I shake my head and clamp my mouth shut before I will my body to turn back to the door and I close my eyes though the image is still pretty much pasted to the screen of my foresight. I will need every psychological book on the planet to erase this picture from my mind.

‘n-no—I uh was just--.’ I mumble and clear my throat—damn him why does he have to be so hot?

‘yes?’ is that laughter I hear in his voice? Would he be laughing if circumstances were reversed.

‘I got lost.’ I say louder—too loud than is necessary, ‘and uhm—Vince says you can as well camp here if you continue to bathe like a lady.’

I spice the statement because I am willing my mind to replace Joshua’s half-naked image with that of a lady’s.

He doesn’t say anything—not that I was aiming to make a joke or anything.

But for the love of god why am I still standing here like a bloody statue—get moving—yes I should walk out of the room and leave the room like any other normal person.

‘sorry I didn’t mean--.’ Why am I apologizing? I don’t know why I nod but I suppose that’s my dismissal before I turn for the door and bolt out.

That image is going to forever be plastered in the forefront of my mind like a damn tattoo. Now I am desperate to get rid of these men.

I face palm myself as soon as I am in the hall way. Way to go July... Way to go.