Road Trip Riot by Bridget Ratidzo - HTML preview

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Chapter One


“I think I twisted something in my neck while trying to do the hot head flip like in the movies and also got a good slap from my thick braids right into my eyes. So much for trying to feel cool though the moment does call for a little cool act because—well because my friends; Nancy, Ludo and I have finally managed to arrange the road trip to Kasane after all these years.

The weather is perfect, mid-November which is hot as hell here in Botswana just what we need to make the little vacation worthwhile. Bags packed-check, my new HD camera I almost went bankrupt buying—check. Long thick braids, worst hairstyle ever during a hot season—check. Credit cards and cell phones—check.--.”

‘July are the phone car chargers packed?’ Ludo walks past me not even minding that I am livestreaming.

I lower the camera from the awkward arm hurting angle I had lifted it towards my face for the first shot of my infamous YouTube channel (haven’t started it yet but I promise to do so after this trip). I purse my lips at Ludo as she toss the last large paper bag of road food into the back seat.

‘Why do we need so much food? It will be fun to buy on the way.’ I raise an eyebrow at her as she closes the car door and fixes the scarf that was keeping her hair from her face. I envied her long ebony hair that she managed to grow so well. My natural hair gave up health after reaching the edge of my neck. I considered keeping it short but Nancy was kind enough to tell me that it made me look like a man. She’s mean, but I love her anyway. We are more than friends, we go way back to kindergarten and the firsts of everything.

‘We must reach Francistown within 6 hours.’ Ludo explains briskly and scurries back into the house to get more of our staff. She returns with another bag which I suspect has iced water, ‘the car chargers?’

I nod, ‘don’t worry too much about that—if you are planning to drive like a fast and furious addict we will be there before our phones shut down.’ I quip

Ludo laughs, ‘I am a good driver.’

‘I beg to differ.’ Nancy walks out into the verandah with her tote bag that she recently became obsessed with carrying everywhere lately, ‘you almost got us all killed last Saturday.’

I want to laugh at the memory but hold it, gorging Nancy’s expression first. Over speeding down a dust road was hilarious but the reason behind it was serious. My heart skips as I remember that Ludo and I stole the bride form her own wedding. Okay maybe not the picture I am painting right now but the situation called for some kidnapping or helping the runaway bride as we concluded later that night after we safely made it from the place.

Nancy laughs, obviously recalling the day. I manage a tremulous smile. Ludo rolls her eyes.

‘That was a heroic exit.’ Nancy is now laughing hard, ‘you should have seen the look on my uncle’s faces. Priceless.’

I give up and burst out laughing as well. I don’t know what I will ever have to do again in my lifetime to see that look on people’s faces again. It was unexpected, you don’t expect a bunch of crazy women (their conclusion not ours) to show up and march out of a wedding ceremony with the bride.

The ceremony was a joke anyway. The bastard that Nancy was almost marrying (Ludo’s and I opinion and a few other reasonable relatives) threatened her to not leave him and embarrass him in front of all the people even after discovering that he had ran away from his wife and two kids. (that’s Nancy’s version of the story. Not that we will be giving Vincent a chance to explain himself any time soon.)

I always smelled a rat on Vincent the moment I landed my eyes on him. Nancy thought he was hot—but his mean streak and bossy behavior made me dislike him the moment he opened his mouth. Guys like that, in real life, you sight them and reach for a pistol. Period.

So to cut the long story short, Nancy called me when I was stuck in a boring business meeting. She explained her situation I called Ludo and we devised this little master plan.

‘Do you think they will come looking for us?’ Nancy sobers and worry streaks her pretty face. She is the prettiest between the three of us and innocent looking with a ‘you don’t know you are beautiful’ aura that makes her the center of attention. Ludo has a no nonsense aura that make people respect her presence and think twice before saying anything stupid. While I am the one people can’t figure out.

‘They won’t.’ Ludo assures her, ‘they are too busy settling things with Vincent’s family and trying to find their missing daughter.’

Nancy’s eyes bulge out, ‘my parents.’ She gasps, ‘what are they going to think—.’

I shake my head, ‘Nancy, don’t worry about that, your aunt explained to them that you needed some time away.’

Actually the trip was her father’s idea, it was her mother who was charmed blind by Vincent. I am sure Nancy’s father did a happy dance when we stole her from the ceremony. And he thanked Ludo and I by paying for this road trip to Kasane as far away from the rich evil lothario as possible (his words not mine, but I do agree)

Nancy’s lip wobbles. Ludo and I share a look. The trip is another mission to make sure she gets over her lying fiancé while saving her from his demons. Ludo drapes a comforting arm around her shoulders.

‘Don’t cry over that prick Nancy—we are going away from him. This trip is girls only.’

‘yes.’ I agree with a vigorous nod, ‘he wont come even a mile near you without getting a little tongue lash from one of us.’

‘tongue lashing that airhead is a waste of time he is way over qualified in the no brain to mouth filter business we may as well stay with gang beating him.’

‘he is a huge guy.’ I say uneasily. Because Ludo just don’t say things. If she says she plans to gang beat him she will do just that. Now I don’t dream of trying to go anywhere near that six foot tall bulky guy especially countering an attack. It mere suicide.

‘he’s a large teddy bear.’ Ludo rolls her eyes, ‘we just need to tackle him down and he’s done for.’

‘we should leave him alive though—I don’t want blood in my hands. my entire generation have been peace keepers since 1853.’ I deadpan

Ludo scoffs, ‘just when we are having fun you bring out the nerd.’

‘Vincent has a black belt in karate.’ Nancy says out of the blue and clears her throat.

Ludo and I gape at her in shock.

‘just where on earth did you meet the mafia king pin?’ Ludo whispers, ‘I bet he owns guns as well.’

‘you have got to stop watching Netflix.’ I mumble.

‘better than studying ancestry.’ Ludo rolls her eyes at me.

‘there is fun in tracing your roots.’ I point out planting my hands on my hips,

‘I am sure my ancestors were great leaders in Shaka Zulu army, I don’t need that in my head okay.’

Nancy raises her chin, ‘Shaka Zulu was a great leader.’

I blink at her, ‘don’t forget cruel and controlling and a tyrant.’

‘just like Vincent.’ Ludo adds.

A silence falls because I am afraid Ludo and I have just put out feet into our mouths as Nancy blinks a couple of times then takes a deep breath. Something she does when she is pressing down a deadly emotion such as anger.

‘lets get out of here already before Shaka Vincent figures out where we are.’ She marches to the car and pauses by the door to say, ‘by the way he does own a gun—he has a license.’

‘what?’ Ludo and I snap at the same time while Nancy slides in the passenger seat and closes the door.

‘he is more dangerous than I thought.’ I say with a shudder. Ludo scoffs completely unaffected. Well I guess she is used to that world. She dedicated her life to meeting real hard core criminals and stating the law. What are the odds that the man has a black belt karate and owns a gun. Maybe he is an assassin.

‘you need to go out more often.’ Ludo tells me as she mounts the driver’s seat while Nancy fixes her tote bag on her lap. I am more than happy with the backseat where I can stretch and do whatever I want. I don’t know it just feels less restricted to be back here.

‘you are right.’ Nancy surprises me by agreeing, ‘maybe this road trip will do good for her.’

I almost blurt out the reason we have embarked on this trip in the first place but hold my tongue. At least Nancy seem to be loosening up a bit except its not thrilling as they are becoming the two usual friends who like to rile me up about my way of life. The topic never gets old for them.

‘you two are aware that this trip is supposed to be a peaceful one right?’ I meet Ludo’s eyes in the rear view mirror.

‘we are not in a protest.’ Nancy rolls her eyes as she turns her head to look at me, ‘you just need to accept the fact that we are worried about your social life.’

I let out a laugh, ‘my social life is just fine,’ I say defensively because I know where they are going with this. Nancy is not the only one between the three of us who has ended up with some pyscho human of the opposite sex.

‘really?’ Ludo challenges me the engine purrs to life, ‘when was the last time you went anywhere besides work?’

I roll my eyes, ‘I don’t do parties.’ I actually bark that one out.

We’ve been friends our whole lives and none of the girls have ever been successful into converting me to like parties. Too many people. You would think being a loner went more with Nancy’s personality. But no. the girl is a wild little thing under that cool domineer. I mean how else would she have met Vincent?

‘don’t the power suits and manicured guys suffocate you? You need more color.’ Ludo sings as the car leaves the compound. Ludo’s house. I look at it with a silent goodbye, (because it’s the only house in sight to say goodbye to). Ludo as the mature one among us already owns her own house and is building in her home village. I am happy with my bachelor pad where I can easily move on out whenever I can. I don’t want to be stuck in one place my whole life, I have the craziest fantasy to always be on the move. (Fantasy because I have never actually done it).

‘you love being around power suits.’ I poke a bear. Because I figure it would give us something to rattle on about for the next so hours to Francistown and not think about the possibility of being hunted by the police for kidnapping. Though in this case, the hostage is participating.

But I suspect Vincent has connections. I mean he knows karate and own guns for heaven’s sake.