Road Trip Riot by Bridget Ratidzo - HTML preview

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Chapter Two


My mouth twists to the side as I stir my coffee slowly like I am concentrating on what I am doing. It’s a trick to stop the hysterical laugh that is coming up my throat. Its six in the evening on a Saturday I don’t fancy taking a fist from Vincent right now.

But its rare to find occasions where Vincent is in a laughable position. Like it barely ever happens. Growing up together I have always been the troublesome adventurous one. Vincent was born mature. Something I suspected he inherited from his father. He has always been so straightforward and mature it made what would have been the best bonding as cousins to be something I could never talk about in public. Vincent was basically my other father in a small form my whole life. I hated him for it once till the day he saved my gut. Thanks to his martial arts skills. I ruffled up a group of wrong guys and they were going to beat me up to death.

And, well I should just say no one is stupid enough to start a fight with the best karate star in the country. And that’s Vincent.

I stop stirring my coffee and turn to him. He is still in that damn sofa with the same clothes I had forced him to wear after dragging him from his own wrecked up wedding. And it’s the first I have seen him this low as well. Every steely man has a weakness. Vincent doesn’t handle losing the people he loves very well.

I take the coffee walk to hand it to him. He gives me one look and I know he doesn’t want to see that damn cup in front of him. I draw it away from him and take a long sip.

‘I am not planning to change your clothes again Vee, its been three days.’

He closes his eyes and run his hand into his uncombed hair which looks like a perfect haven for lice if he ever met them. ‘why don’t you just leave me alone.’

‘leave you alone? Its just a girl dude and here you are acting as if the world is ending.’

‘it is. I loved her man.’

I hold myself from cringing at the look on his face. ‘I know man—but sitting here turning yourself into a slob is not going to change anything. You are just watching the days go by like a miserable old lady.’ I sip my coffee.

Vincent glares at me but only for a moment before he returns to his lost puppy dog face. I bite my lip. This is just legendary. But seriously I expected Nancy to be the one whom Vincent would hurt not the other way round. Vincent and I didn’t do relationships. It was our motto. Or maybe he was pretending that it was because the moment he landed his eyes on that girl he never reasoned straight again. I suspected it was something about her seeming to be in need to protection that drew her to him. Vincent after all prided himself in protecting others. Well look where it got him.

I put my cup of coffee on the table and walk to crouch in front of him such that I am eye level with him. he slowly raises his gaze to meet mine and I see a lingering rage in the background. But I am willing to take my chances at this moment.

‘listen Vee-.’

‘I hate that nickname.’ He grumbles

‘just listen okay—either we do something about this or I am shipping you to uncle Harold.’

His eyes slightly grow wide. I have been holding the uncle Harold card back for a few days until things got extreme like this moment. It seemed that he just cant snap out of this one. Love is a bitchy sickness I never want to be caught up with. I mean look at him. at least I get a reaction at the mention of uncle Harold. That would be my father. He isn’t tough, he is an easy going man that Vincent find very annoying.

‘you wouldn’t dare.’

‘try me.. if you skip another shower or nibble at my food again I am packing your bag.’

‘your cooking sucks.’

‘oho—I have been feeding you for a week you ungrateful bastard—now either we solve this or..’

‘don’t say it.’ He raises his voice, ‘look I don’t need you to nag at me all day its suffocating are you a woman?’

I scoff, ‘you were about to get married bro. that’s like signing up for a nagging fest,’ I pause to wear a dramatic expression, ‘your whole life.’

He gives me a death glare and I stand on my feet, ‘look, what do you want to do?’

‘I want her back.’ He cries, ‘we had a misunderstanding and she takes off during our wedding.’

‘you didn’t explain things to her bro and why would you want a woman who left you stranded at the alter back? Have you no pride?’

‘Nancy is my other half—I feel lost without her man.’

This time I outwardly cringe, oh god he is talking mushy shit now. This is worse than I thought. I back away from him as if he is about to transform into a zombie and I retrieve my phone from my pajama pants pocket. My eyes still locked on his sullen face I dial Question’s number.

I press the phone to my ear as it rings twice before Question’s voice booms from the speakers.

‘yo Josh what’s up?’

‘911 man.’ I mutter our bro code for serious emergencies as Vincent still sits there looking he wants to jump into a well.

‘will be right over as soon as I can.’ Question replies without hesitation.