Seasons of the Prairie by Kelvin Bueckert - HTML preview

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A Violent Winter 7


Photo by Alexander Zvir on

Steam hissed from steel wheels.

The train had arrived.

“That station sure don’t look like we planned it.” Jefferson glared at the station in the distance. There were at least ten men stationed around the building in question. Each man wore a greatcoat, carried a rifle, and looked as if they were ready to kill. There was no way to get to the gold shipment without being noticed and attacked.

“What are we gonna do now Boss?”

“I guess we’ll just hafta sit here and wonder what ta do, won’t we?” There was a smack as Jefferson slugged Larry on his grizzled jaw. “Idiot.”

“Havin’em here ain’t the end of the world!” Jefferson turned away from his horse. His expression was thoughtful as he surveyed his enemies. “They’re all over here, so we’ll go on down to tha bank an git ourselves some gold from there.”

“Good idea,” Larry mumbled as he rubbed his jaw. “We’d have peace and quiet.”

“I knew I kept ya alive for a reason.” Jefferson clapped his hands in mock applause. “Mount up boys. We’re gonna rob ourselves a bank.”

“What if Walter and his men get suspicious and come a ridin?”

“Then scare’em a little bit. Scare’em ta death if ya need to! If they catch us they’ll hang us, so there’s no reason ta keep’em alive. Now let’s get goin!”

With that, the three horses began to gallop toward the bank in the center of town.

Behind them, the station platform began to bustle with activity as men began to wheel carts of gold from a train car.