Seasons of the Prairie by Kelvin Bueckert - HTML preview

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A Violent Winter 8


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A young husky watched the turmoil going on before him.

Bank employees sweated and strained as they loaded crates of gold onto the wagon parked beside the train.

“I told you nothing would happen,” Walter muttered during a break in the work.

The Mounties lowered their guns slightly and glanced at each other. Obviously confused over the lack of violence on the station platform.

“Don’t slack off now,” Bruno barked. “We’re not back at the bank yet. They could be waiting for us around the next corner.”

The Mounties shrugged and continued scanning the station platform for any sign of trouble.

Walter checked his pocket watch. The work was almost done. He couldn’t wait to meet Selena and move on with his life.

“I thought you said Jefferson Little was coming over here!” Bruno’s gaze was withering as he glared at the man quivering beneath him. “Were you lying to me?”

“No. Jefferson is in town. I know that.” The Mountie in Charge tugged at his wispy gray goatee. “I think he’s just busy doin somethin else. Maybe they’re even down at the bank.”

“Then why aren’t you down there?” Bruno snarled.

“Don’t you worry, I rang up headquarters yesterday and told him about what was goin on. They sent a good party of men down here to cover the bank. I’ve got a funny feelin that Jefferson Little and his woman have reached the end of their thievin days.”

“I’m just glad to be done with all this,” Walter muttered as he heaved the last crate onto the wagon.

“You never know son.” Bruno was smiling, but the smile didn’t reach his eyes. “This might be a whole new beginning for you at the bank.”

The young husky at the side of the station platform cocked his head as the sound of a gunshot shattered the silence.

The guards on the station platform stiffened and readied their guns.

“Sounds like Jefferson ran into the men down at the bank.” The Mountie spat a stream of tobacco juice onto the wooden platform. “Too bad.”

“Shouldn’t we head over there and help out?” Bruno boomed.

“Nah. I figure it’d be best just to stay put. It might just be a trick to lure us outta here.” The Mountie grinned. “Sides, there’s plenty of men down at the bank who know how to deal with men like Jefferson. I think we’re gonna be okay.”

As if to underscore this, another wave of gunfire exploded.

War had come to town.

“Looks like you’re about to lose your Frenchwoman.” Bruno winked. “Don’t worry though, there are plenty of German women who appreciate a rich banker.”

Selena couldn’t be a part of all this, could she? A pang of urgency ran through Walter. As it did, he knew what he had to do.

He had to see for himself.

“I better go over to the bank and see what is going on. ” The Mountie in Charge seemed to be about to protest but Walter had already mounted up and was galloping down the snow-covered street.

He knew where he needed to be.

He only hoped that he wouldn’t be too late.

The husky broke into a run, easily keeping pace with Walter’s horse.