Seasons of the Prairie by Kelvin Bueckert - HTML preview

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A Violent Winter 9


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“Good work Jamie…now all we gotta do is get this gold outta here. The Mounties are probably ridin over here right now ta kill us.”

Jefferson stared down at the trembling figure below him.

“You hear what I said? Get crackin! I mean it!” He turned to Selena who stood silhouetted in the doorway of the bank.

“Stay there! Larry, you get outta here and get on the other side of the woman. We’re gonna start a bucket brigade with gold…understand? Now, let’s get at it. Time’s awastin.”

With that, Jefferson handed the first gold bar to Jamie. Jamie struggled visibly under the weight of it but she made a determined effort and soon handed it off to Selena who quickly turned it over to Larry. Larry tossed it into a nearby wagon. Then, the cycle started over again. It was an efficient system that would soon allow them to escape.

All around them angry bloodshot eyes watched. These were the unfortunate Mounties that had been placed at the bank in order to protect the deposits. A useless rabble that had been more concerned with their keg of whiskey than the job at hand.

They had given up pretty quickly after that first assault.

It had taken even less time to tie them up.

“That’s all of the gold,” Selena called from her position at the top of the broad stone stairway leading up to the bank. “They were running empty.”

“What we got is better than nothin. Now let’s get outta here!”

Jefferson and his gang turned toward their horses.

“Why so glum chum?” Jefferson chucked Jamie under her chin. “We’re rich! Well, I’m rich anyway.”

Jamie recoiled from Jefferson’s touch. On a normal day this would be enough for a beating, but not today.

Jefferson was happy.

He had gotten what he wanted. There would be no beatings at the moment.

Jamie choked back a sob as she surveyed her surroundings.

She had hoped that someone would come to save them but the streets were empty.