Story of a Secret Heart by Cassi Ellen - HTML preview

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A favour

The next night, Sammy and the man I had had sex with asked me to do them a favour. Now firstly because both Ben and Sammy had done many favours for me since we had met, and secondly because I really didn’t want to have to say more than one word, ‘yes’, to the friend I had had random sex with, I didn’t say no to this request.  Especially when they made it all sound so easy: ‘All you have to do is talk to a few people and laugh at their jokes. Wear something hot and you will be fine’. Apparently, a friend of Sammy needed some help with an event she was hosting. So instead of saying no, or making excuses that I was busy, I decided to drag Elly along too, mainly because I was rubbish at talking to people and once I started laughing it was well known I couldn’t stop, and went along for the ride.

So that night, Sammy dropped us off outside what looked like a very fancy nightclub in Sydney’s western suburbs. Elly and I climbed the beautiful red carpeted stairs that lead to the entrance of the club. When we went inside to gain more information the staff were setting up for the night and we were pointed in the direction of a robust looking lady who seemed rather pleasant if somewhat busy. As Elly very confidently started to explain that we were there to help out, the lady gestured for her to stop, and a little distracted told us to go and get changed into our uniforms which were waiting in the dressing room. A little bemused, we walked toward the dressing room and the lady shouted after us ‘you get free drinks all night and keep your own tips. It’s fun I promise.’

As we wandered into the dressing room, it was full of beautiful girls, applying makeup and doing their hair in front of rows of mirrors. All the girls turned around immediately and welcomed us with open arms, kissing and hugging us like we were all old friends just going on a night out together. We stood around for at least thirty minutes with these girls, chatting, exchanging compliments and laughing at their jokes. One of them even re-curled my hair for me, and another expertly applied some extra eye liner to Elly’s face. Standing back to check our size, one girl reached into a cardboard box and handed us each our own uniform. Although we had both spent hours choosing the correct ‘hot outfit’ for the night, like we had been told, we took the uniforms without question.

We were then given a dressing room and both eagerly opened the uniform packages. Much to both of our amusement, we found a see-through nighty and a detachable thong inside! Elly and I were in fits of giggles at the thought of wearing them, but because we were both having so much fun she jokingly put the uniform on and very confidently paraded around the small dressing room while we were both in hysterical laughter. After a lot of persuasion, I joined Elly and put my uniform on too. As I heard a tiny knock on the dressing room door, I went to try and cover up but the door opened immediately, and a very beautiful young girl wearing the same outfit appeared. She immediately told Elly she looked stunning, which she of course did, then turned to me and told me I looked gorgeous, which I knew was an outright lie because I looked like an idiot I can tell you! She then asked us whether the uniforms fitted and whether we were happy. Because I didn’t want to be rude or burst into uncontrollable hysterical laughter I slowly just nodded my head. Basically, I wore more to bed than what I was wearing!

After a bit more pampering from the other girls we were whisked from the dressing room, wearing only a see-through nighty and a detachable thong, into the bar area. Stood alongside us were fifteen other women, all wearing exactly the same, all very friendly and very smiley. As I tried to keep a straight face we were all handed a free drink and told to mingle and socialize before the customers came in.  For some unknown reason, mainly because everyone was so nice and just made it all seem so normal, we didn’t run for the hills but instead tried to act like we completely belonged there and knew what we were doing. We both sat around chatting, drinking and having fun with the other girls, the whole time trying desperately to keep a straight face.

It was just like a normal night out to us, apart from the fact that the drinks were free and obviously we were wearing a lot less clothing. At around 11pm, a few smartly dressed men arrived, and all the other girls, including Elly, began to mingle. Although all the other girls seemed at complete ease I don’t think I have ever been so embarrassed in my life as I stood there in very little clothes, trying so very hard to make everyone believe that it wasn’t my first night doing whatever we were meant to be doing, and I was just so cool that I had been doing it my entire life. I know I failed miserably, as after only half an hour the robust looking lady we had met at the beginning of the night came over and told me my services were no longer needed as they ‘weren’t that busy’. She was very nice about the whole thing but just said ‘I don’t think this job is for you really sweetie is it.’

As I turned around, very disheartened as I really had tried so hard to be social and laugh at peoples’ jokes, Sammy and the man I had had sex with the night before came strolling into the room and in horrified shock asked me what in the hell I was wearing. Completely bewildered, I didn’t say a word but just stared back at them trying not to let on that I had completely failed at their favour and had basically just been sacked from a job I was doing for free anyway. When Sammy screamed at the robust looking lady ‘these are my friends, not f**king prostitutes’ I realised there had been some sort of mix up. The robust lady, looking absolutely mortified, stared at me in disbelief and began to apologise for the mix up. As Sammy screamed about us being there to promote the gentleman’s club on the street below, not to sleep with the cliental, I immediately spun around to warn Elly what had happened. I caught up to her just in time before she innocently went into the back room.

Although I was obviously a little annoyed about the mix up and apologised to Elly over and over again, to be perfectly honest I was more miffed about why I had been sacked! ‘Every experience, no matter how bad it seems, holds within it a blessing of some kind. The goal is to find it.’ — Buddha.