Story of a Secret Heart by Cassi Ellen - HTML preview

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Pool party

For the rest of the night at the pool party, a very pretty young girl with long blond hair and huge lips followed Ben around like a small puppy dog. Elly had gone home, so I was feeling a little lonely and decided to try and spend some time with Ben. I failed miserably, and he actually slammed the door in my face a few times. I literally felt like I was the only one at the party, minus the staff, who wasn’t in a toilet or bedroom. I basically had the whole bar and outdoor area to myself. Later I found out it was because they were all snorting cocaine and Ben didn’t want me to be a part of it as he found it ‘cute’ that I had never done drugs before, but at the time I assumed he was sleeping with the pretty young girl, and numerous other women, so when another man came out to join me and started chatting me up, I flirted a little back.

Big mistake. Ben saw us through a window and all hell broke loose. As I got in the middle of the argument, I got pushed and shoved, but I was determined to stand my ground. After all, that poor man had done nothing wrong. That was the first indication to everyone around him that Ben truly had feelings for me. At first, people were a little stunned but after three men pulled Ben off him, the poor man was thrown out with a very swollen face and a huge black eye. While Ben flirted with women all night, and I even saw him give one girl his number, I was not allowed to even have a conversation with a man.

Although that was an indication of things to come, I stayed at the party, drinking by myself so that I didn’t cause any more trouble. Ben was of course still chatting up women, but to be honest, I was too scared to move very far away from the sofa that he had told me to sit on after the fight. I’m not sure how long I sat there, but at times, I felt like I was watching one of those USA teen movies where the geeky girl sits by herself at the cool party because no one wants to talk to her. As people walked past not one person stopped to ask if I was ok, maybe because they were scared of Ben, but more than likely because they just didn’t care.

After a few too many drinks, however, I needed the toilet, so I reluctantly got up and joined one of the many queues for the ladies’ bathroom on the first floor. I kind of thought that would be the perfect chance to maybe meet some friends and tried, and failed, to talk to a few of the girls in the queue. All the girls seemed so busy taking selfies and pouting their huge lips in the mirror I kind of just stood in awe, half watching them and wondering what it would be like to actually be one of them, and half laughing at them. After waiting in line for what seemed like forever, and giving myself a long hard stare in the mirror and a bit of a talking to about how I should be enjoying my life and not making sacrifices for another man or comparing myself to other women, that I really was stronger and better than that, I exit the bathroom with some semi newfound confidence, determined to go and mingle with the beautiful people.

However, as I stepped outside the door a young girl, obviously in a rush to enter the bathroom, pushed past the long queue of people waiting, hand over her mouth. She barged past me at the door, but not before throwing up all over me. With vomit all down my shorts and lace top, and all over my hands, and absolutely stinking of vomit, nobody in the queue said a word. Instead, they all just stared at me in utter disgust. I instantly felt so stupid, like I was so out of my depth, and immediately I wanted to cry. With tears in my eyes, and feeling very alone because I literally knew no one else in the entire place bar Ben, I turned around so that I could quickly re-enter the bathroom and escape their looks. However, the door was again closed as the young girl who just vomited all over me had now locked herself inside where she was no doubt continuing to vomit. As I waited patiently at the front of the line for her to come out so that I could try and wash the sick off me, I thanked my lucky stars that Ben wasn’t around to see that. Although it obviously wasn’t my fault at all, I knew he would have been absolutely mortified.

When the young girl finally came out of the bathroom, she didn’t even look at me let alone apologise to me. She had miraculously regained her composure, and somehow also her beauty, and headed off more than likely to get another drink. Leaving me covered in vomit. Then the unimaginable happened and the girl who was behind me in the queue pushed past me a little and told me it was actually her turn next! I stood there, absolutely bewildered, as the next woman in the queue agreed and suggested I should join the back of the queue! Their disgust was blatant, but I could tell they now found the whole thing quite amusing. Doing everything I could to fight back the tears I scolded myself for ever thinking I could live in this world. I obviously didn’t join the back of the queue and astonishingly I managed to exit the house without Ben seeing, or smelling, me and I jumped into the first taxi that would take me considering I stank so badly of vomit. One hundred dollars later (double the fare as the taxi driver assumed the vomit was my own) I was at home and texted Ben my excuses, obviously excluding the truth, and jumped in the shower. As soon as the vomit smell lifted, I couldn’t help but burst into fits of giggles. I honestly felt like I was in a teen movie, and yes, looking back, I guess it was pretty funny.‘I’m thankful for the horrible people I’ve met, they have showed me exactly who I don’t want to be,’ —  Unknown.