Sweet Desire Part 1 and 2 (Within Your Embrace series book 1) by Tanita Rose - HTML preview

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Chapter 1

An Impossible Dream



She had a dream, where her every fantasy became a reality. She knew it was a dream, because it was an impossible one, something she knew would never happen when she was awake.

And despite that, she couldn't help but touch herself, she slid her hand across the damp T-shirt she was wearing to sleep, slightly brushing on her nipples, shivering in response, she continued downward, sliding across her belly, her quivering pelvis where she reached her destination. She brushed on either side of her clit, not touching the sensitive little nub of ecstasy, but slowly teasing it, just the way he did it in her dream, the way she hoped and wished he would do it in reality.

She felt her sweet honey drip from her pussy and she dipped her finger slightly inside her tight channel to gather the silky dew and brush it across her clit. She massaged the pulsing little nub and shivered in response of the euphoria it gave her, all the while she was seeing his face above her, looking down with desire filling his eyes.

His short hair already slightly too long, falling on his forehead, God, she wanted to touch those silky dark strands, to bury her fingers through that thick mass, wound tightly around them and pull him towards her, hard, until those blue eyes of his sparkled with need, to taste, to demand, to control, and she would gladly give, anything he would ask. Not that he would, no, he would order, he would demand, he would take charge, and she would melt at the sight of dominance, his perfect masculinity.

For him, she would submit.

She knew herself too well, she didn't bow or kowtow to anyone, she barely listened to her parents when they wanted to order her around, to their immense annoyance and dissatisfaction. And any boyfriend she had in the past she bulldozed right over, she knew she didn't give them a chance and that she chose the ones who wouldn't push her too hard.

She liked her independence, thank you very much, and didn't need a boy to tell her what to do, as soon as they tried they were gone so fast it gave them whiplash. She was told she was too stubborn for her own good, hah, as if.

Well, maybe.

She knew the real reason why she fought so hard to surrender to any of them though, she already belonged to someone else. Heart, body, mind and soul. She gave them all to him a long time ago, when she was too young to know better, and when she did, well, then it was already too late. He consumed her every waking thought, and in her sleep, he tortured her innocent body with sensations she couldn't control.

She shivered at the renewed remembrance of her dream. The way he teased her, consumed her... loved her. His touch was searing hot lava scorching her body from the inside out, from where his fingertips touched the surface of her skin, gliding across, causing goose bumps along the way.

She gasped at the sight of his eyes, so focused, with a single intent, to conquer her body while wielding his as a weapon, she would say of mass destruction of her senses, but it was more like incredible pleasure she couldn't even imagine, even in her dreams, despite that this was one of course.

It was so vivid she would swear on her life it was real and had to convince herself it was not. She almost cried at that thought, at the injustice of it all. Why couldn't she have her happily ever after? And he was that, oh, and so much more. He was her prince, he was her bad boy every girl dreamed of reforming, he was her master with the way he made her surrender, he was simply... everything. Everything she dreamed of in the privacy of her mind, her secret desire, her deepest, brightest and darkest wish, a hope she never dared mention or even acknowledge out loud and yet deep down she willed it to come true.

Sometimes she didn't understand this obsession, this need clawing its way to the surface, scarring her insides, destroying any chance of finding happiness with someone else.

Just the thought of his touch brushing her sensitive skin made her shiver, his lips caressing her neck, little sloppy wet kisses behind her ear contracting every nerve in her body, making it burst with desire. She moaned when he slid the top of her shirt down to reach her breast, he pushed the wide collar just beneath the swell of her left breast, revealing it for his use. First he examined it, weighed it in his hand, then he lifted it upward towards his mouth where he proceeded to devour it.

He licked her nipple slowly, but oh so thoroughly, around the erect little bud and then right on top, sucking it into his mouth, applying pressure until it almost hurt before it transformed into liquid pleasure. Her hands sought an anchor, his powerful biceps, but she couldn't reach them, so she burrowed her fingers beneath her, grabbing the sheet with a strength she didn't know she possessed.

He massaged her right breast through the fabric of her shirt while he worked on her left with his mouth. She writhed beneath him, lifting her pelvis upwards to gain some friction, but he was just out of reach. He chuckled at her eagerness and she wanted to smack him in her need.

Why was he denying her? Didn't he see how she was suffering? How much she needed him? Damn her treacherous body. And damn him too for denying her the release she so desperately craved.

He lifted his head from her breast and grabbed her shirt with both hands, her eyes widened at the sight of his biceps rippling with strength, she gasped when her shirt was ripped apart like it was nothing and her whole body responded at the look in his crystal blue eyes. Her nerve endings ignited in anticipation of the pleasure to come and she shivered all over her damp body. The cold air brushing across her hot skin, causing a ripple effect of incredible sensation.

He lowered his head and brushed his nose at the valley of her breasts, pausing to deliver a small barely there kiss before continuing downward towards her belly, licking around her bellybutton, making her shiver and arch upwards where his tongue was wreaking havoc on her already overstimulated senses. He held her hips with his hands to hold her still and prevent her from moving any further. He made her realize she was completely under his control, and that was exactly his intent. To make her surrender.

His lips travelled down to her quivering pelvis, he paused, inhaling her fragrance. A deep groan made her eyes fly open and seek him out. She observed him in this unguarded moment, with his eyes closed, his muscles taut and pleasure crossing his face. He breathed her in once more, brushing his nose across her clit, making her moan in response.

His eyes opened and he looked at her, blue fire shining in his gaze, his head resting between her thighs... it was a scene she would never forget.

He turned his attention back to his prize and started licking her outer lips, from the little sphincter of her behind to the top of her most sensitive nerve. He changed sides and continued on his mission to drive her absolutely mindless, she had to admit he was well on his way to do just that.

He dipped his tongue in the opening of her pussy, swirling around in her sweet juices, moaning his approval. She felt her cheeks heat at the sight and she would have hid her face in her hands if they responded to her commands, but she was so engrossed at the mere image of him between her thighs, his head dipping to drink from her core, her hands were clenched so tightly around the sheets she had a thought they would rip at any second from the pressure and the pull of her fingers.

Her pelvis was glistening from the mixture of his saliva and her juices that he spread across with his mouth, and if that image wasn't enough to send her soaring in the throes of ecstasy, his tongue massaging her inner walls, his thumb circling her clit sending spikes of pleasure to her every nerve and synapsis connecting them definitely would, and she was barely hanging on as it was. Every time she was close to that precipice he would stop and let her cool down before continuing with his primal torture.

She was in heaven, she was flying high to the sun but she welcomed the heat and the danger accompanying the ultimate euphoria she knew was imminent. She had a brief thought, if that was what Icarus felt just before he fell to his death, the sun melting his wings. The incredible high, the feeling of freedom of being so close to your own personal sun and surrendering to the magic it weaved through your senses.

It was silly she knew, but she would die happy within this man's arms, cradling her in his powerful protective embrace.

He gave her a little kiss right to the center of her little nub and she shivered in response, just before she felt his fingers at her entrance, there, where nothing has been before. She felt a slight pressure when the tip of his finger entered her tightness, he didn't go far, just rubbed it there at the beginning of her untouched channel.

She saw his nostrils flare and his eyes ignite with blue fire at what he found, the knowledge that she was all his, that no one else had trespassed on this, his ground, his property. That's what his eyes were saying, they were claiming her... he was claiming her.

And strangely, she didn't mind at all.

With any other man she would bristle at the indignity of being owned, of being any man's claim. With him, she welcomed it. Embraced it. Gloried in it. She found power in her surrender. And it felt amazing. The sensations he was evoking she couldn't deny, and she accepted them, gladly, wholeheartedly.

He lifted above her, bracing his powerful arms on either side of her, staking his claim, issuing a challenge for her to deny him with the mere look of his intense crystal blue eyes. Didn't he know? She would never deny him anything. She would give herself freely to all he demanded.

She felt his knee push her thigh further apart to make room for his broad body. She lay there spread before him, trembling, not from fear, but rather anticipation of her dreams coming true. Finally, she thought, basking under his heated stare. She saw his hand move, looking down, she gasped at the sight of his virile masculinity. When did he undress? She didn't even notice so focused was she on her own pleasure and the sensations he was creating in her body. Oh my. His cock stood proud... thick, long, magnificent in a purely carnal way that made her mouth water and she had the sudden desire to lean down and lick it from the wide base all the way to the purple, angry looking, ginormous mushroom head.

Good God, that's supposed to fit inside her? She had warning signs flashing before her eyes, and all she wanted to do was cover her private parts, post a warning sign "Do not Enter" at the entrance to her pussy, shake her head "Hell No" and flee as far away as she could.

She knew she was being ridiculous, but still, that Godzilla between his legs should definitely come with a warning sign; not for the soft hearted; fainting - a common occurrence; being split in two - a possible side effect, but do not fear - brings extreme pleasure too. So it balances out.

She would have laughed at the scattered thoughts flying around her mind, but she was still too focused on the very erect cock between her thighs, getting alarmingly close to her never before breached entrance. The fat head pushed through and she expected it to hurt, but nothing happened. She reached up to pull him towards her, but she encountered only air and empty space where only moments before there was a very aroused male about to make her a woman. She groaned in frustration and opened her eyes.

She was in her room.
