Sweet Desire Part 1 and 2 (Within Your Embrace series book 1) by Tanita Rose - HTML preview

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Chapter 2

Nothing but a Dream, sadly



Alone and frustrated. It was always the same. Just as she was about to get everything she always wished for, it disappeared, leaving her aching, so aroused her entire body was tingling and nothing but her hand to ease the sensation coursing through her body.

And it was never enough, even when she touched herself with the memory of the dream still fresh in her mind, it wasn't what she wanted, what she desired above all else, and therefore never enough to quench her hunger for the only man she could never have, but in the privacy of her forever lusting, despite the odds, always hopeful mind.

She was so close to fulfillment this time, she could almost cry in rage at the unfairness of it all. Not even in her dreams she was free of torment, of never fulfilling desire for his touch and soft caress.

She felt the wetness between her thighs, one caused by the incredibly erotic dream and her own hands, when she imagined he was the one touching her body, igniting her nerve endings until they singed with the scorching heat he was producing with a mere touch of his hands and brush of his lips. She circled her fingers around her clit, applying pressure, just as she imagined he would do, if he was actually here, that though almost dampened her desire, but she refused to stop. She needed to come so badly it was infuriating, this desperate need inside her.

She quickened her strokes to assuage the hunger for release, at this point all she wanted was to get it over with, to experience those brief few seconds of bliss before reality came crashing down around her and disappointment settled in her mind once more. Dampening the already sour mood even further.

She felt the tell-tale signs of her approaching climax and despite her earlier disappointment moaned in pleasure, her pulse quickened, she felt it fluttering underneath her chest, the sound of her heart loud in her ears. The pulsating little nub where her pleasure was centered on quivered in response to her stimulation. She rubbed it in circles, pinching it slightly in an attempt to shadow her dream, to draw her even closer, and it did.

She imagined his eyes staring back at her, his dark stubble brushing across her skin, leaving slight red marks where it marred her otherwise pristine silky skin, but she didn't care, she welcomed the light sting, enjoying the sensation it evoked, enflaming her even further.

She gasped, ahh, here it was, just a little more and she would... Yes... That's it... And she exploded in ecstasy, bright colors flickering behind her closed eyelids, and in the middle of it all those brilliant blue eyes staring back at her, mocking her, refusing to grant her that which she most desired. She released a small sigh at the thought of his eyes, those gorgeous blue eyes that haunted her dreams, and this was just that, nothing but a dream, sadly, she had to let it go.

She relaxed in the mattress, her legs falling apart, her arms on either side of her, she breathed heavily trying to regain her senses. She felt the air cool her skin and looked down at her naked body, huh, she didn't even realize she'd taken her shirt of, she must have done it when she was imagining he was ripping it off. God, she was pathetic.

She needed to move on, find something else to distract herself with, Hell, find another boy to obsess over, not that he was a boy, no, he was all man. Gorgeous - virile - tough - oh so hot - beyond handsome - immensely successful - looks damn good in a suit, and out of it - incredibly sexy - with bulging biceps - a tribal tattoo making them stand out even more - an ass you could bounce a quarter on - abs you want to lick all over - a smile that makes you melt and sparkly blue eyes that ignite your core, basically just about the perfect male specimen every girl and woman lusted over.

And trust her, they did. Everyone she knew did, to her immense annoyance. Even though she had no claim over him, she still considered him hers, and she wanted to kill every woman who ever looked his way.

But as always she had to hold back, bite her tongue and turn away when he gave one of them the attention she so craved for, when she knew that woman would be sharing his bed, or more precisely he would be sharing hers, it was a well-known fact no woman was ever invited to his place and his bed. That was his sanctuary and he allowed no trespassers, no exceptions.

That made her feel slightly better, they weren't important to him beyond his basic needs, although it still grated on her every nerve he shared his body with them. And he shared it a lot, with many of them. They then bragged all over town how good he was in bed, how skillfully masterful and commanding he could be, they called him a Greek God, an Adonis with sexual expertise to make a woman beg for every last scrap of his attention.

She hated them so much, listening to them giggle and describe his body in those possessive voices as if they would be the ones to break the streak of one night stands. As if. Andrea always rolled her eyes and said "Not gonna happen, you might wanna get in line." when she heard the babble of the airhead groupies as she called them, well as they called them, but she knew Andrea got annoyed listening to them fawning over her brother as much as Sophie did.

Albeit for a different reason, but it made her feel good, making fun of the idiots who thought a one night fuck meant a ring and an all pass access to his black card. Like she said, nothing but straw and empty space in that bleached blond bobble heads, the only thing that was actually full were those artificially inflated boobs they were carrying around.

She hated them. They were sort of good looking, she supposed grudgingly. When she was a brunette with grey - sometimes slightly bluish eyes, she wasn't short, but she wasn't particularly tall either, she was slim, yes, but nothing to brag about, she wasn't model size zero or anything. She worked out, a lot, to have everything tight at just the right places, unfortunately it did nothing for her breasts, they were a cup B, albeit a full size one, so they weren't non existing, but again, nothing to brag about or for someone to notice either.

She and Andrea, her best friend since she could remember, who also happened to be Noah's sister, aka the guy that haunted her every conscious and let's face it subconscious and unconscious moment, were pretty similar in body shape, but Andrea's most stunning feature were definitely her brilliant blue eyes that drew notice from a mile away. They were a family trait, both her father and brother had them, and surprisingly so did her mother, but unlike their dark brown, almost black hair, her mother was a fiery redhead. A stunningly natural one at that.

Talk about a beauty queen, honestly, even at fifty, she was by far the most stunning woman when she entered a room. So it wasn't a surprise to anyone her children were stunning as well, and with her husband by her side they were like those photo-shopped people without any imperfections. If you didn't love them you would surely hate them, but since they were super nice, it was almost an impossibility.

Of course there were always haters around, those envious of their relationship or their standing within the society, and them being practically billionaires didn't help the scornful envious tongues either. Gossip would always fly around about one of them cheating, their company being on the verge of ruin, one of them running away with someone else, but it didn't matter, they were happy and you could see it from miles away, they would always stand strong within each other's arms.

That's why she always liked spending time at their house, there were no arguments, unlike at her house, where there was constantly an uproar after another. Honestly, you would think after the divorce there would be some peace and quiet, but no, one thing after the other. Of course it was worse when they were married, but not by much.

Her mom remarried within six months of their divorce, that woman can't function if she's single, and she is now on husband number two, well three if you count Sophie's dad. He on the other hand did not remarry, thank God for small miracles, since he's been dating one bimbo after the other, honestly what is it with men and artificially inflated airheads. Just because they might look good, doesn't mean they actually feel good. One of them accidentally on purpose bumped into her on her way out of the house and damn, those things hurt, seriously, like being punched by a boxing bag.

Men are stupid.

Anyway, they waited until Sophie was eighteen to divorce and she was going to college and would be living in an apartment close to campus with Andrea, so she wouldn't be affected so much with the living arrangements.

It's still hard though, deciding where to be on holidays, explaining to the other parent that no she doesn't love the other one more, because she's spending time with them and not him or her. She went to Andrea's most of the time anyway, just to avoid the bickering and her mom's hysterics. That woman can hold a grudge like nobody's business, ask her father, he should know.



She should probably get up and stop dwelling on things she couldn't change, she was meeting Andrea in an hour, they were supposed to discuss their final project for school, it was a joint collaboration and when they finished and were graded on that, school would officially be over for them. They were discussing going for their masters, but they hadn't decided yet, a few more years of school seemed an awfully long time, even if they did enjoy their time there, grueling as it was, they were ready for more.

With reluctance she got out of bed, groaning all the way to her en suite bathroom. She needed a hot shower, she was shivering all over her body from lying naked on the bed for so long, contemplating all the things that annoyed her to no end.

She opened the shower door and started the water running, adjusted the temperature and stepped inside. The remnants of her dream drifted back to her mind and she groaned in frustration, just what she needed, to get all hot and bothered again when she couldn't possibly satisfy her need in the short time she had to get ready, if she didn't want to be late to her brunch with Andrea.

Oh well, she guessed she'll need to put the little pad on her panties to keep them from drenching, if she couldn't keep her mind out of the gutter, or more precisely, Andrea's brother. Her friend would not be amused, if she found out Sophie was one more in the long line of Noah Crawford's groupies. And she might be the biggest fool of them all, she dreamed and she hoped when he never even looked her way, the other ones at least had him for one night, Sophie had nothing. And still like the fool that she was, she fantasized, not only about his body, but him as well.

From him taking her and enjoying her purely for sex to him making love to her and confessing his undying love. To them getting married, her walking down the aisle and him looking at her as if she was the most precious thing in his life, she even imagined having his babies.

Yes, she knew, pathetic and completely unattainable, but she couldn't help herself. She was half in love with him since she was sixteen years old, and since she was twenty-two now, it was beyond time to get rid of her infatuation for her best friend's older brother. He was twenty-seven and, if he hadn't noticed her by now, he never would. She was pretty sure he always saw her as only that annoying little kid who was always hanging around their house and sneaking looks at him when she thought he wasn't paying attention, but he was way too observant and he noticed everything and everyone around him.

She learned that the hard way, just the memory of that colored her cheeks in embarrassment even now after all this time. Of course, when wasn't she blushing around him? The man always did or said something to either annoy or embarrass her, depending on his mood and the situation they were in. And she never knew, if he did it on purpose or just because.