Sworn by Bridget Ratidzo - HTML preview

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Chapter Seven

I don’t remember falling asleep but I suppose exhaustion worn me down and I fell into a dreamless sleep. No dreamless sleep is a synonym of peaceful rest—I fell into a void dark sleep with no dark vivid images but just enough heaviness hanging in the background such that I wake up breathless and confused.

I don’t move as my eyes race around the dimly lit room and for a moment I am not sure about the things around me. The furniture is strange and unfamiliar. I move my head a little and I don’t remember that ceiling at all. Did I wake up in a dream? My elbow digs firmly into the mattress as I support my body into a semi-sitting position.

Then it’s like—oh, right I remember where I am. How can I fall asleep at a time like this? I blame this little person inside of me. She has no idea what is happening in the real world at all to have me doze off when I am surrounded by people who kill people at the snap of their fingers.

I glance at the window, someone had drawn the curtain closed but I can tell that it’s already dark—how long did I fall asleep? And the thought of someone prancing in here while I was knocked out sends a chill down my spine. But that counts short with the icy pierce I feel when fingers wrap around my shoulders making me jump away from the person I have just become aware is in the room.

The person holds me firmly in place, preventing my impulsive escape plan that involves jumping off the bed and jumping off the window because that’s where I am facing and the only thing I can think of is if it’s not a ghost it’s a killer and quite frankly I don’t want to be anywhere near both.

But the familiarity of those hands come to me in the same moment that my back straightens and I whoop my head around so fast strands of hair slap my face and covers half my sight leaving only one part of me to stare at Taylor. Of course surprise is the first initial reaction. I wasn’t expecting that. Then shock mixed with the uncertainty of what to do at this moment. I wasn’t expecting this I repeat. I close my eyes, it could be a hallucination—I mean don’t I always mention how I don’t know why my sanity is still intact with the crazy turns of my life these days?

I give my head a little shake before opening my eyes again. He’s still here. Right here in front of me, inches away from me and his fingers are curled on my arms. Different feelings crash into me that very instant.

In seconds my eyes roam that curly wild looking hair, his beautiful face and of course a stupid flatter curses through me before the impulsive action settles in. A loud gasp bordering towards a scream then I don’t know what shocks him enough to stop digging fingers into my arms because he lets go and I move away from him so fast like he is on fire.

‘Taylor!’ I breathe out when I am safely at the other side of the room, yes by the window, just in case I decide to continue with impulsive plan A.

He gets off the bed and starts towards me. How long has he been sitting there staring at my sleeping form like a creep? He stops a meter away from me when I raise my palm, ‘not another step closer!’ I mean—dude can’t be real? I had always pictured what it would encompass Taylor’s return to my life but it had some fantastical images of sloppy sunsets and sandy beaches and tight teary embraces—not this.

He seems like he is about to protest for a moment or wanted to spill out a tirade of words but thinks better of it and maintains his distance.

‘Heather--.’ He begins and all I can see is him walking the hell out on me and me waiting from him to at least call for weeks before I gave up and smelled the coffee.

‘Not a word from you.’ And my voice breaks, damn this wasn’t in my fantasy either, ‘I really don’t know how to deal with this—so if you can just easily walk out.’

We stare at each other for a moment. I not wanting to listen to so much as a sigh from him and him seeming to check if I am okay and his eyes linger at my protruded tummy for a moment longer. My hand comes protectively over my stomach, I don’t like the way he is looking at it like it means the world to him—because that would be a lie.

‘How are you?’ he asks quietly seeming loss for words as regret washes over his face for a brief moment before it easily vanishes. My emotion, heart and wild mind exchange glances a little relieved that he could feel bad for leaving even as he tried to make it seem like it was necessary. There just comes a time when we just have to admit that we are not meant to be together. For us that was four months ago.

I raise my chin, ‘I am fine.’ I bring my other hand on my tummy, ‘as you can see.’

I don’t want to see him, I don’t want to hear a single word from him, though a part of me really want to hear what he has to say to me after four months. It would have been longer if those loons hadn’t dragged me here. My sense and logic hedges.

And I need to use the bathroom. Really bad. I pin him with a glare one more time before I start towards what I assume is the bathroom. If I find that it’s a closet I am going into a full tantrum. My sense reminds me that the last tantrum I had didn’t end so well.

I reach the room and to my relief it’s a bathroom. I shut the door and immediately get down to my business. When I am done I stand by the sink to wash my hands and that’s when I notice the men products laid around the bathroom. Towels and the theme is all male and its hits me.

I scoff out loud. The braggadocios had the nerve to make me share a room with him? Unless they had to land me into any room since it was short notice and all, they are already playing happy family with me and Taylor. Anger cusses through me and I glare at my reflection in the mirror.

I wash my hands and take a deep breath before I yank the door open and guess who is in the room.

‘Why are you in front of me?’ I tell Julian with an I-really-don’t-want-to-see-your-stupid-face sigh,

‘Hey sleepy head.’ Julian flashes a smile at me while Taylor looks like he is resisting to roll his eyes, ‘came to check on you and I ran into the big bad wolf.’

I almost smile at the reference but I am determined to hold on to my irritation with him a lot longer than a few hours.

I run fingers into my hair to wipe it away from my face while my other hand soothes down my long dress, ‘I landed into the wrong room, please tell Gertrude to get me to my room and since you have already kidnapped me at least avoid putting me in situations like this.’ I gesture at Taylor.

‘Man she really hates you.’ Julian mutters under his breath.

Taylor’s eyes are focused on me, I look away. How can he possibly still have any pull on me after all this time? It’s ridiculous. A few weeks ago I was seriously thinking how messy our divorce is going to be, I imagined Mr. Abiwu would do a happy dance and father would turn in his grave—but now the man has turned bipolar on me again.

‘Come on, Heather, let me show you to your room, it’s almost show time—or should I say dinner time?’ he grins but his sly smile is directed at Taylor who doesn’t even pay attention to him. Julian comes and takes my arm. I don’t want the freak touching me either but I’d rather go with him than stay here and deal with Taylor.

I let him lead me out of the room and then yank my hand back from his hold when we are out of the room and the door is closed. Julian blows out a breath.

‘Well I should say that baby has a lot of spunk than anyone is going to handle.’

I glare at him, ‘stop making references to my baby!”

‘But it’s true—you were all soft spoken and timid before you had that little guy now you are all tough and I like it.’

‘Take me to my room Julian and keep your mouth shut.’

‘Bossy too, I like it.’ He repeats

He offers a little bow and proceed down the hallway. He doesn’t say anything else until we come to a room he knocks once and the door opens. Gertrude smiles at me.

‘Oh you look rested.’

I glare at her and I think Julian shakes his head at her.

‘Oh I’m sorry about the room... I just thought....’

‘She will have this room for now Gertrude, please help her prepare for dinner.’

Gertrude nods sharply and walks back into the room. Julian gently holds my arm before I dash in after her. I look at where his fingers are curled around my skin then up to meet his eyes that seem so sincere.

‘I promise I would never hurt you Heather, you have to believe me.’

Believe him? All I want to do is hate him. Hate them all for sneaking into a place in my heart such I ended up caring about them. Okay maybe I was starved for affection. My family was gone. My relatives far away. My father was dead. In a nutshell I was all alone and they were there all this time, can’t say as family or even friends but I constantly saw and lived with them for all this time.

Sometimes we had good times. Laughs and all that mushy crap. But I didn’t want to feel hurt by the person I swore I didn’t care about.

‘I don’t want you to say that to me.’ I mumble, ‘you shouldn’t say that,’

‘Well whether you like it or not, I care about you too—you sneaked into my soft spot just as I sneaked into yours. It’s all there is to it, you are family to me, and I take family very seriously.’

I should say the first serious, jokes aside full sentence Julian has ever said to my face. He pats my arm before walking away. I stand there for a moment trying to figure out what is happening before I turn to look where he has walked off and Taylor is there. Our eyes lock. I almost believe by the look in his face that he looks the way I feel—the way I felt every time his face came into my mind.  But I won’t believe it. He chose this, all this and not us. That’s how I will always see it.

Even if a part of me is happy to see him. A part of me want to close this distance between us and wrap my arms around him. But I won’t betray my resolve not to let anyone hurt me inside. He doesn’t make any move to come towards me—good, though I kind of want him to. I want him to stride towards me and crash me into his strong arms. I want to sink my fingers into his hair and close my eyes in his embrace like nothing even matters.

‘Madam.’ Gertrude comes to get me, ‘is everything alright?’

I turn my eyes to her, ‘its fine.’ I scowl a little as I snap out of my little trance that I blame that pair of dark eyes on. I step past her and she glances down the hall and gasps a little, ‘Young Master.’

‘Take care of her.’

I scoff as I make my way further into the room away from his voice. I sit on the bed and Gertrude exchange a few words with Taylor and closes the door to face me.

‘So I found you the perfect dress.’ She flashes a smile


I have to admit, this dress makes me look so rich and elegant.

 Touching my hair or doing my hair irritates me these days so I convinced—or to be more honest, I threatened Gertrude to leave in as it is. We then agreed to just comb it down. And now it was time to go down there to meet the great uncles, Mr. Abiwu and Taylor. I don’t like that Hannah woman but I am glad I won’t be the only woman in the room.

‘The master is here to take you.’

My heart skips as I turn to look at the woman, ‘which one?’

‘Master Julian.’ Gertrude’s lips curl up a little bit. I am glad I manage to amuse her. But if she could put herself in my shoes she would know I am very resilient to still be holding my sanity right now. ‘You look stunning madam.’

I close my eyes and then open them, ‘would it be rude if I said the word madam makes me want to scream?’

‘No madam—maybe unreasonable.’ She actually smiles, ‘I’ve had four kids so I understand.’

I narrow my eyes at her, ‘why do you people keep blaming everything on my baby?’

Gertrude opens her mouth and I don’t wait for her to speak before I start for the door. Julian—the little hellion won’t leave me alone even after throwing me to the wolves and he is part of the pack.

Well Julian isn’t exactly little, I note as I open the door and find his dashing self-right there smiling down at me. Being heavily pregnant only makes me feel shorter, and it’s hard to be short and try to glare at him with my neck twisted up.

‘You look beautiful.’ He says as he folds his arm for me like the true gentleman that he is. I press my lips together and hook my arm in his.

‘You are trying really hard to get on my good side.’ I say as we start down the hall.

‘Well Heather besides the obvious fact that I care about you though you will never believe me, you are about to have so much power that I dare not temper with.’

I scoff, ‘of wow that is really unbelievable.’

Julian throws me a sideways glance just as we reach the stairs and begin to go down.

‘So, do you people dress up for dinner like this every night?’ I mean I have to ask. This is a whole new level of house arrest.

‘No, we hardly ever eat here—w e don’t play nice family it’s not our thing.’

‘Good to know.’ I say rather testily.

‘We have guests tonight and this is a form of a meeting. Very important.’

‘Why should I be here?’

Julian smiles, ‘you will see.’

Okay maybe I should have just refused to leave my room. Nothing less that horrific could come out of what Mr. Abiwu had actually planned and acted on himself not his minions. The man is a sociopath scarier than the dwellers of hell. I don’t think I want any part in that.

But it’s too late to change my mind because Julian and I step into the room full of elegantly dressed people and soft music. There are servants in uniforms serving people drinks and other stuff. The faces are new but not really unfamiliar. I think a few man I must have seen them at the clan meeting Lawyer and Taylor dragged me to months ago.

‘Will you try to relax a little and not look like you just landed from another planet?’ Julian mutters.

I scoff, ‘easy for you to say, I usually don’t hang around a room full of serial criminals.’ I growl under my breath—and maybe I am a little, okay a lot frightened because I actually wear a smile when a few people look our way.

‘The best criminals Heather—remember that tonight before snapping at just anyone.’


‘And also play along, here comes the one who makes your heart jump.’

I scowl at him, ‘what?’

Julian nods his head forward and I see Taylor come this way. My heart does jump. Man doesn’t he look good in that suit. The first thought I have is to hate him because he is the jerk of a husband who walked out on me—I am an angry woman, but it’s hard to keep up with my head when the jerk has a face that was created for stopping heart beats.

‘Heather.’ He whispers when he is close enough to pull me in for a kiss that is too long with a woman who is determined to hate you, but I close my eyes anyway as my other part of me report without my permission how much I had missed him, ‘you are breath taking.’

‘Taylor.’ Julian nods as Taylor casually takes my arm in his and keeps me by his side as if he hadn’t disappeared for four months.

‘Julian, you have been very attentive to Heather lately.’

‘You have no right to be jealous right now.’ Julian tells him

Taylor gives me a heated look, ‘don’t I?’

I flash a smile at him because of the numerous people that are looking at us, ‘I am only doing this so as not to provoke your sociopath father before I even learn what disaster he has cooked up in my existence.’ I say through my teeth.

‘You are right he is a sociopath.’ He wears a for-show smile of his own, ‘but I won’t allow you to hate me for long.’

I scoff, ‘this is not for you to decide Taylor, this is the result of your actions. I shouldn’t even be here right now, it’s ridiculous.’

With his other hand he lifts my hand and his fingers caress the wedding band. I lift my eyes to his, ‘you are still wearing our ring.’

Yeah why am I still wearing it?

‘I will take it off.’

‘No you won’t.’

Oh my god I am so mad and shocked,

‘Guys, you have all night to fight, please just let the dinner go smoothly.’

I give Taylor one last glare before turning back to the room. That same moment, Luther and Charli start coming towards us. Hannah has her claw-like hands dug into the material of his suit jacket. Okay she actually has nice hands but it’s satisfying for me to flaw her a little.

‘Where is Alex?’ Julian asks them as soon as they approach us, his voice suspicious.

Charli shrugs and Luther give him a look that translates to what-do-you-think.

‘Alex hates parties anyway, the little errand would keep him busy.’ Charli says and looks at Taylor, ‘for days. But he will be here at the end of the evening’

Julian raises his eyebrows and also looks at Taylor, ‘how did you know?’

Taylor shrugs, ‘you don’t think I am actually on the side of any one of you do you?’

Charli grins, ‘a loving uncle could dream.’

Taylor scoffs, ‘uncle—that’s the only title that has us standing in the same room breathing the same air.’

Luther lifts a finger to him, ‘I agree, damn titles.’

‘Yes, how are you Taylor and Julian, I am very fine thank you.’ Hannah gushes sarcastically.

Luther gives her an annoyed look while Taylor and Charli seem to be fighting smiles.

‘Hannah you are here.’ Julian looks at Luther as he speaks, ‘I saw you.’

Hannah pouts before settling her hungry gaze on Taylor. I am not exaggerating when I say hungry. ‘You look well Taylor, you must have had a nice vacation, Father wouldn’t tell me where you went.’

‘You look well too Hannah, Luther has been treating you well?’ Taylor replies her. What the hell? Why is he so polite to her? In fact why is he polite at all—he’s been insensitive since he reappeared in my life like a miserable creepy ghost.

Hannah’s face flushes and glows from Taylor’s acknowledgement. Blood rushes to my head and I have the most prevailing urge to pull those extensions on her head and shove them down her throat.

‘Easy there Natasha.’ Julian says to me, Luther hears it and grins at me as if agreeing with him. Whoever the hell Natasha is. I blink my eyes which had obliviously turned to slits narrowed right at Hannah and gaze into space.

‘And oh Heather you look dashing.’ Hannah brings my attention to her, ‘makes it seem not too bad to be pregnant and fat.’

My eyes settle on her flat stomach underneath that too tight dress I doubt she is breathing, ‘I can’t imagine anyone living in there.’

She gapes at me and someone snickers, ‘oh darling you’d be surprised.’

I actually glare at her this time, I must look scary these days because she steps back a little.

Suddenly a silence falls in the room that had been afloat with murmurs of chatter and laughter—and threats, we all turn our heads to the top of the stairs where Mr. Abiwu himself is standing with a drink in his hand.

He flashes an easy smile at the crowd, or the smile I have seen on his face many times. With twisted meanings and hidden plots behind it. I wouldn’t be surprised if all these people came here at gun point.

‘Ladies and gentleman welcome to my home.’ He announces and starts down the stairs. This is it. Let the party begin.