The Assignment by Charles Coar Jr. - HTML preview

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Chapter Sixteen


A few weeks passed since Chris left Columbia. He had recovered from his wounds and the Hampton police department put him up in a hotel until he would go back to Philadelphia.

Looking out of the hotel room window, Chris stared blindly, but thought about everything that took place. Marguerite was in Bogota rebuilding her home. She was a strong woman and he knew that she would have everything together in no time. He also thought about Dawn. He loved her so much, but her going back to the man she married, left him feeling empty inside. Now he could only go back and face the music for his actions. He remembered the words that they shared and the time they shared together. He hated to leave her behind, but she was married and even though she claimed to love him, she had to stay with her husband. He couldn't ask her to just jump up and leave because of a night of love making. His bags were packed and the jet would be carrying him back to Philadelphia in a couple of hours. Even though in time he would forget, he knew that his heart would never forget Dawn. How he loved her. Glancing down at the street below he hoped that somehow he would see Dawn walking in to the hotel. With a heavy sigh, he walked away from the window and grabbed his bags, leaving the room.

“You know, it's all taken care of,” Brian said as Chris stood at the front desk.

“Yeah, I know. I'm just turning in my key card. So, why are you here?,” Chris curiously asked.

“I thought I'd give you a lift to the air field,” he offered. “You don't have to. I can catch a cab,” Chris told him. “Really, Agent Westbrook. I insist.”

Looking Brian over, Chris paused, then said, “Well, if you put it that way.”

They left the hotel and walked outside to Brian's car. “It's going to be kind of boring around here without you.”

“And why is that?”

“No car chases. No motels being shot all to hell and planes stolen,” Brian said with a chuckle.

Chris laughed and said, “Thank you, Brian. I couldn't have done this without your help.” Brian glanced over at Chris. “I'm just glad you were able to get Mrs. Hawkins back.

Someday, you're gonna have to tell me what went on down there.”

“Yeah, one day.” Chris took noticed that they were weren't driving to the air field, but were traveling in a different direction. “Where are we going?”

“We have to make a stop first. Shouldn't take, but a minute. You'll get there on time.”

Chris leaned back in the seat and sighed. “Well, at least they're giving me a few days before my interrogation begins,” he mentioned.

“That's good. It'll give you a chance to unwind and get things in order.”

After a few minutes, Brian slowed and parked in front of a house. He looked at his watch and said, “We got five minutes.”


“Just go knock on the door. Then you'll know everything,” Brian told him.

Chris got out of the car and walked up to the front door and knocked. The door opened and a man stood there with a smile. He shook Chris' hand and asked him to come inside. Chris walked in looking around, not sure of where he was until he spotted a picture of Dawn in a wedding dress. He sighed and wondered why Brian brought him there.

“Thank you for saving her. I didn't know what was going to happen,” Allen said.

“It's my job.” Chris wondered if Dawn told him about her feelings, even their time together. “How is she doing?”

Allen sighed and walked over to the table and picked up an envelope. He walked back over to Chris and handed it to him. “She wanted you to have this. So, I arranged this meeting.”

“Is she here?,” Chris asked.

“No. She's gone, but I thank you for all your help,” Allen said.

Chris wasn't sure of the meaning behind it all. Dawn wasn't home and Allen wasn't coming out with what was going on. Bogota didn't seem like a lost option anymore, but he had to ask, “Is she coming back soon?”

“No,” Allen said. “She's not coming back.” He sighed and walked over to the drink he had poured himself before Chris arrived. He took a sip and looked at Chris. “Our marriage was done before you came along.”

“Are you saying something?”

“She has feelings for you, I know. She can't and couldn't hide it. She told me everything.

So, if you want to find her, she's at her parent's house.”

Chris didn't want to get into with Allen and the sound of the car horn saved him from having an awkward moment. “I have to get going. My plane is waiting for me,” Chris said and turned for the door and walking out.

“So, how did it go?,” Brian asked. “I don't know.”

Chris looked out of the window at the scenery quickly passing by. His finger tapped the envelope as he thought about opening it. Looking through the papers, he discovered that they were finalized divorce papers. Chris laughed now that everything had become so clear.

“What happened?,” Brian asked.

“She got divorced,” Chris said still laughing.

“No. She filed for a divorce a long time ago. It was finalized while she was in Columbia.

She's probably at her parent's house,” Chris told him. “Do you want to go there?,” Brian curiously asked.

Chris thought about it for a minute. If he went, what would her parents would think of him. He didn't want to go through the questions and assumptions, but if Dawn wanted to be with him, then she would have to come find him. “No, I just want to go home.”

They reached the air field and Chris was filled with mixed emotions. He wanted to, against his better instincts, to go after her, but decided not to. Brian got out of the car and walked around and shook Chris' hand.

“Thank you, Brian, and I hope the best for you.”

“Now get out of here before I arrest you.”

Chris grabbed his bag and suitcase and walked towards the plane. He turned around and took one last look at the skyline of Hampton.

“Have a seat. I poured you your favorite.”

Chris sighed at seeing his supervisor, Matt Johnson. His bag and suitcase were taken, and he sat down and strapped himself into the seat. He picked up the glass of brandy and with a shake of his head, he took a sip, then asked, “I'm I under arrest already?”

Matt laughed, the said, “No. Even though you pissed the director off, you got the job done.”

“So, it's just a debriefing and back to work then?”

“No,” Matt told him. “you'll be given a couple of weeks off with pay.” Chris was curious about one thing. “How did they know about the cabin?”

Matt took a gulp of his drink and sat the glass down. He paused when the roar of the engines filled the cabin. After the plane took off, he looked Chris in his eyes. “Joseph was on Michael's payroll. He gave information not only on you, but other agents, who were killed. He tried to get away, but he was caught and told us everything.”

“Damn, he was my best friend and I didn't see it,” Chris said. “That's why he tried to talk me out of taking the assignment.”

“He covered his tracks well, but he didn't expect you to be so stubborn. Still, he fared better than Michael did,” Matt told him.

Chris looked out at the cloudless sky thinking of how he could of gotten Dawn killed for sure.

“Relax, Chris. We'll be in Philadelphia soon. You can go right home and get some rest,” Matt told him.

Chris closed his eyes and allowed all the information to sink in until he drifted off to sleep.