The Assignment by Charles Coar Jr. - HTML preview

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Chapter Four


Michael stood in his office looking out the window. He had received word that his brother had been killed and that the witness got away. Anger crossed his face. Antonio caused this problem because of his need to prove himself. A car parked in front of his house and Michael's attorney got out. Ronald Perks walked into Michael's office. He had been Michael's lawyer for the past five years. He started out his career as a public defender in New York, not making much money, overloaded with cases and living in a small apartment. Ronald wanted more than to live on meager earning, then he met Michael. Being offered a chance to make more money, he took Michael's offer and was able to expand his new firm, hire more people and buy all the things that he needed. Even though other lawyers didn't associate with him, he didn't care. He was loyal to Michael and only him, while the other lawyers in his firm handled other cases.

“Have a seat,” Michael offered.

Ronald sat down in of the big cushioned chairs across from him, making himself comfortable.

“Do you know why I called you here?”

“No, Michael, but I'm sure it's important,” Ronald said.

Turning away, Michael faced the window. His thoughts were with his brother and their childhood. “Antonio is missing and I need to find him before the police and feds do.”

“What did he do?,” Ronald asked curiously.

“It's none of your concern.” He stood up and walked over to the window. Another car parked in front of the house behind Ronald's car with two men getting out. Michael smiled seeing the two detectives walking towards the front door. A couple of minutes later, the doors to his office opened as detectives Jim Freed and Clark Tate walked in. Detective Freed had a hatred for Michael since the death of his partner at Michael's hand. Peter Freed, his brother and partner, died in a car explosion that was meant for him. Since that time, Jim had been trying to prove that Michael ordered it. Clark Tate had a distaste for Michael and his drug trade. He blamed people like him for children being hooked on drugs, like his daughter, Ann, who died of a drug overdose.

“Good afternoon gentlemen. What can I do for you two?,” Michael politely asked.

“We just want to ask you some questions about Manny Rodriguez and Antonio Rodriguez, if you don't mind,” Jim said. “I assume you know that Manny is dead.”

“I heard,” Michael said.

“He was found on route seventy five, along with some other men. Apparently, they were chasing another car, but ended up under an eighteen wheeler,” detective Freed told him.

“You wouldn't know why they were chasing a car, would you?”

“I have no idea.”

“Nothing happens without you knowing about it or you ordering it!,” Clark said with an angry tone.

“Did he tell you what he was doing?,” Jim asked.

“My brother has a mind of his own and does what he wants. He has shamed my family and has paid the price for what he did,” Michael told them.

“Mr. Rodriguez, do you know why your brother and other en would shoot up a motel?,” Jim asked.

“Maybe he didn't like the service,” Michael said in an amusing tone.

“Was he after a certain witness who can put your nephew away for life?,” Clark asked.

“I know that this is all your doing.” Michael scoffed and turned away.

“So, Michael, how does it feel losing a brother?,” Jim asked.

Michael turned to detective Freed, the anger clearly showing on his face,

“Detectives!,” Ronald said interrupting. “If you don't have any useful questions for my client, then I suggest you leave.”

Detective Freed settled down even though he wanted Michael to be upset. “One last question, Mr. Rodriguez.”

“Sure,” he said in a cold and angry tone. “Do you know where Antonio Rodriguez is?”

“I haven't heard from him. Matter of fact, I'm worried about him myself.”

“Yeah, I bet,” detective Freed said.

“Thank you for your time, Mr. Rodriguez,” detective Tate said before they walked out of the office.

Michael stood up again and walked over to the window. He watched the two detectives get into their car and leave.

“Michael, why didn't you tell me that the police were coming?,” Ronald asked. “I don't answer to you! You answer to me!,” Michael told him.

“Okay, but Manny is dead and Antonio is still missing. I think you should just cut your losses and go back to Columbia until this blows over,” Ronald suggested.

“Listen to me now!,” Michael said turning around.

“I want that witness and Antonio! I'm not leaving this country without them!”

“You're the boss, Michael. I just want to be informed so I can do my job,” Ronald said.

“You will be. Now you can leave.”

With a heavy sigh, Ronald stood up and straightened out his tie. “I'll keep in touch,” Michael said as Ronald walked out of the office. Michael knew that his nephew was out there somewhere. With a slight shaking of his head. Michael walked away knowing that Antonio had to die.