The Assignment by Charles Coar Jr. - HTML preview

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Chapter Five


The highway began to get blurry as Chris found himself drifting in and out of sleep. He couldn't afford to pull over and rest without risking Dawn's life. They needed to stop at a motel so he could rest. He didn't want to, but he had to. Even with the wind blowing on his face, he was still having a hard time keeping his eyes open. Chris felt some relief in seeing a billboard for Roy's Motor Lodge. He knew that after some rest, he would feel much better. Slowly, he drove into the parking lot and sat there a few minutes getting himself together. Dawn slowly opened her eyes and yawned. She looked around, then tapped him on his arm. “Why did we stop?”

“I'm tired and sleepy, also hungry. If I keep going...” His voice trailed off as he nodded off to sleep.

“Wake up, Chris. I'll get us a room,” she said. Chris grabbed her hand and kissed before saying, “Thank you.”

The room was somewhat similar to the last room, but with a queen sized bed and everything in the room was neat and clean. “Chris, where I'm I going to sleep?,” she asked. She knew the answer, but felt amused in asking.

“It's a big bed, Dawn, and I promise I won't try anything. I'm in no position to.” Chris laid down and closed his eyes. He felt confident that they would be safe, being only twenty miles from their destination.

Dawn went into the bathroom and ran herself some bath water. She stripped out of her clothes and slipped into the tub relaxing. She closed her eyes and sighed, even though she was concerned about Chris.

Joseph Henderson was in his office trying to do his work, but he couldn't concentrate, knowing Chris had survived the attack. He knew that Chris was no dummy and in time he would figure everything out. HE was hesitant in setting Chris up to be killed, but now he needed his friend dead and he would be free to get away. The ringing of his office phone startled him and he wasn't sure if wanted to answer it, but he had to. “F.B.I. Special Unit. Special Agent Henderson speaking.”

“This is Antonio Rodriguez.”

“You're not suppose to be calling me. Only Tony can do that,” Joseph told him.

“Shut up and listen to me,” Antonio said. His accent becoming more heavy. “You don't want me telling how you're getting agents killed.”


“I will do it, if you don't tell me, Joseph!”

He removed the receiver from his ear. His heart raced with fear. The last thing he wanted was to get caught. The thought of spending life in a federal prison wasn't something he wanted. “Before I tell you, Antonio. Promise me one thing,” he said.

“What's that.”

“I want the agent dead. I don't want him coming after me,” Joseph told him. “He must be a friend,” Antonio laughed. “Don't worry about that.”

“Okay. He's taking her up to a private cabin outside of Hampton. Just follow route seventy five until you reach Ferrigot Farms, then turn right onto the dirt road. It'll take you straight to the cabin.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, Antonio. Just make sure you kill him.”

“No problem.”

Joseph hung up the phone more worried than he'd ever been since this whole thing started. He knew that Chris was one good agent, resourceful and determined. He knew that Antonio wouldn't be able to handle him.

“Agent Henderson, is something wrong?,” Joseph asked.

Joseph looked up at the face of his supervisor, being surprised that he was standing there and hoped that he didn't catch any of the conversation with Antonio. Since he didn't see any other agents, he assumed he was safe. “No, Sir. Nothing's wrong,” he said sitting up in his chair.

“Have you heard anything form agent Westbrook?,” Johnson asked.

“He hasn't called yet,” Joseph said.

“I will let you know as soon as I hear something, Sir.”

“Good. The director wants an update by tomorrow.”

Joseph watched his supervisor leave his office and sighed. He knew that he was treading on dangerous ground, but Michael was paying him well to take those chances.


Chris opened his eyes and listened to the peaceful calm of the room before sitting up. Dawn was sleeping beside him as he watched her. Softly stroking her face, she moaned and rolled over onto her side. Easing himself off the bed, he went into the bathroom to take a shower. Dawn continued to moan as she dreamed of being in the supermarket alone. The isles were empty, but she could hear the sound of footsteps approaching her. Out of a misty haze that suddenly appeared, she saw the young teen slowly walked towards her. She became frantic as he got closer. Blood ran from his chest and his face was drained of color. He reached out and grabbed her.

Dawn quickly sat up, terrified as she looked around. “No!,” she screamed making Chris run out of the bathroom. He held her in his arms as she cried.

“It's alright, Dawn. I'm here.”

“I don't want to be here. I want to go home,” she told him.

“You will, Dawn. I promise you will,” he told her. He looked into her tear soaked eyes for a quick moment and saw the love she held for him.

“Let me go,” she said.

“What?,” he asked, still entranced. “You're holding me. Now let me go!”

“The spell was broken and Chris released her. “Even when I try to be nice, but you won't let me.”

Dawn stood up and moved away from the bed. “How did they find us, Chris? I thought you were the only one who knew.” She began pacing the floor, feeling as though she was trapped in a cage with a deadly animal. It was only a matter of time before it would attack her. “You won't tell me, but I know my life is still in danger!”

“Dawn, do you think I want to kill you?,” Chris asked.

“I know how it works! Somebody paid you to make it look like an accident!,” she said.

Chris stood up as assumed a defense posture. She knew that he was a lot stronger and would have no trouble once he got his hands on her. She saw his gun on the small table and ran over grabbing it.

“Dawn, what are you doing?,” he asked her. Her hands trembled as she pointed his gun at him. Thoughts raced wildly through her mind, not giving her a chance to sort them all out. All that she knew was that she couldn't let him get the best of her. Chris moved a little closer to her. He had to convince her that he wasn't planning to harm her. Even though he didn't want to” confess his love for her, he would have to let her know. He hoped that she would believe him.

“Don't move any closer, Chris! I'm warning you!, she shouted, switching off the safety. “Listen to me, Dawn,” he said in a calm voice. “Why do you think I want to kill you?”

“I don't know. Money maybe,” she cried. “All I know is that they found me when no one else, but you knew where were going.”


“Tell me how they knew. Tell me!”

“I don't know, Dawn. I can't explain it.”

“You're lying!”

“Dawn, I love you. I didn't want to admit it to you, but it's true. I'm still in love with you,” he said as she started crying. “I regretted the day you left me. I lost a part of myself when you walked out on me.”

“I don't want to hear this. Shut up!”

Chris fell to his knees ready to offer the ultimate proof of his love. “Dawn, if you really believe that I'm going to kill you, then pull the trigger,” he said, tears now streaming down his face. “I won't stop you.” He extended his arms out ready to die for her.

Dawn could barely see him through the tears flowing from her eyes. Her hands continued to shake as she tried to aim the gun at him. His words pushed their way into her mind. He was still in love with her. She knew him well enough to know that he would never harm her, but the question that bounced around was how they found her? How did they know where they were and who told them? Looking at Chris, she felt the love she had for him rise to her surface and she dropped the gun. Dawn collapsed to her knees crying harder than she'd had before. Chris held her even though she was struggling against him. She felt that she deserved no forgiveness. That nothing could commend her actions, her treatment of Chris. She didn't deserve his love.

“It's alright. Dawn, I know you love and I would never let anyone hurt you,” he told her. “I don't hate you, Chris. I never did. I love you too. I'm so in love you, but I hurt people and I can't it right. I can't fix it,” she told him.

Chris looked deep into her eyes, then stood her to her feet, walking her over to the bed and allowing her to lay down. He laid down beside and held her. He brushed back the hair from her face. “I shouldn't have let you leave.”

“I shouldn't have been such a spoiled b...”

“You're not,” he interrupted.

“You were my heart and I was too defiant. You were my world, Dawn, and I didn't want you to know it.”

“Why didn't you come after me, Chris? You know that I'd be at my parents house.”

“I made myself believe you were coming back to me. That you were punishing me for some reason and after two months I realized that you weren't coming back,” he explained.

“It was killing me that we weren't together, then over time it became easier. I met Allen and I thought I could do it right this time, but I was only fooling myself because my heart belonged to you. It always will,” Dawn told him.

Without realizing it, their faces moved closer until their lips were almost touching. They knew one kiss would cause their passion to explode and all the love they felt for each other would be released.

“I think we both could use something to eat,” he whispered.

“So you're not really the tough guy you pretend to be,” she said.

Silence. Chris wanted to kiss her so badly it hurt. He knew that if he kissed her, he wouldn't want to let her go. “I think we should go before...” Dawn wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him to her. Their lips touched and they found themselves locked into a passionate kiss. She pulled at his shirt popping a few buttons. Chris moved away and stared at her as she just laid there. Silence filled the room as they tried to understand what just occurred. Her eyes were sending him messages that he couldn't resist. Chris knew that after that kiss, he passed a fine line and didn't care that she was married. Without a word, Chris pulled off his shirt and removing the remainder of his clothes. Dawn quickly followed and began removing her clothes and laid back excitedly anticipating his touch, ready to release her passion. The passion she held for no other.

Chris walked over and laid down beside her and took her into his arms. They moaned together in a deep kiss while holding each other tightly. “I love you, Chris. I never stopped,” she whispered. He moved down, kissing on her breasts, feeling the tenderness of her skin. Dawn moaned softly as she ran her fingers across his back. She could feel herself letting go and enjoying the pleasure he was giving her. Feeling his lips on her stomach made her moan louder and she pulled him back up, kissing him, tasting the sweetness of his lips.

Slowly, Chris entered her as they held each other. He moaned out as their bodies moved slowly. Love and passion flowed back and forth between them, bringing back the memories that had eluded them for so long. “Oh, Dawn. I love you,” Chris gasped before she rolled him onto his back. Looking down at him, Dawn felt the ecstasy pouring through her, making her quicken her pace. Chris' back arched, his eyes closed as he felt her love. She leaned down and tasted his lips again. Sweat formed on their bodies as they explored every inch of each other. “Dawn, I don't know how lo... long...” His head tossed from side to side and he could feel everything building to a powerful climax. Holding her waist tightly, he met her thrusts with his own trying to hold on for as long as he could. “Chris! Oh, Chris!,” she moaned out as her body trembled and shook as she felt her powerful orgasm drain every ounce of energy for her and she loved every second of it. It sent her soul soaring. Their bodies continued at a quick pace, now drenched in sweat. Feelings of lust and love had taken control and they couldn't contain it. “Dawn, oh... I love...” He couldn't hold back any longer. “Oooo!” She felt his release and the trembling of his body beneath her. He thought it would last forever until she collapsed on top of him.

They remained in bed kissing, cuddling, and basking in the love they felt for each other. “Mmmm, Chris. That was amazing, but why didn't you tell me that you loved me before?,” she softly asked.

“I thought you still hated me, and because you're married,” he said turning onto his back. “I do feel bad over what we've done.”

“Chris,” she said looking into his eyes. “You don't have to feel that way. I wanted this as much as you did. To tell the truth, Chris, you always knew how to make love to me.” She smiled as he blushed slightly. “Come on. Let's go get something to eat.”

Antonio sat behind the steering while of the car he'd stolen. He didn't know if they had reached the cabin or were still in route. He only knew that the agent had to die and the witness brought to his uncle. It made him think about growing up in the cartel. He'd witnessed many dreadful events. Workers beaten or killed because they couldn't work as good as they used to, or refused to. Women raped by the guards who fancied them. His father, Marco Rodriguez, believed in the fair treatment of the workers. He knew if treated them well, their work would improve. It was a lesson Antonio learned from his father. One that he believed up to this day. He just wished that everyone else had been convinced. His father had gained enemies within the cartel. Plots had been made against his father's life, but Antonio tried to get along with the other children. Still, he was put into isolation.

Antonio knew that his father was a good man. It pained him terribly when his parents were found shot to death. In some way he blamed his uncle for not stepping in, but it taught him not to trust anyone. Now he had spent most of his life trying to prove to Michael that he wasn't like his father. That he could fit in. Still, he was more like his father that he realized. He respected his uncle, but he had to guard against the same thing from happening to him. A laugh escaped him as he thought about the trouble he was in “Don't worry, Michael. I will get what you want,” he said to himself, seeing that he was approaching the farm. Antonio knew that he had to be careful. A mistake now could cost him his life. Slowly turning onto the dirt road, he cut off his headlights and made his way to the cabin.


The motel restaurant was small with a plain atmosphere, mostly people and families that were passing through to their destinations. Chris and Dawn sat at a table near the back, staring into each other eyes. She felt as though they were back in the past to a time when they were dating. Even though it was no longer the case, Dawn felt more alive then she had in a long time. She thought about Allen and all the space between them. When this was all over, she would have to go back to him. She had to play nice until he signed the divorce papers. Dawn wondered how she would tell Allen about Chris. All she knew was that she was so in love with him. With a sigh, she felt the warmth and love that Chris was giving her.

After the waitress took their orders and walked away. Chris reached over and took her hand holding it gently. He felt his love coming back, filling the space in his that had been empty for so long. The only think that pained him of the ending would bring. Where she would be going and to whom she would be with.

“What's wrong, Chris? You look so sad,” Dawn asked.

“At first I tried my best to treat you like an ordinary assignment. I even tried to get out of doing it,” he said chuckling. “But now I'm wishing that it wouldn't end, because I know who you'll be going back to.”

“Chris,” she said. “Don't think about that. Just think about us and what we have now.” He smiled in seeing the warmth of her eyes. “Your husband is a lucky man. I just wish that I'd realized that before you left. Not after,” he told her.

Dawn wanted to tell him that she soon would be free, but she was afraid of losing all that they regained. She didn't want to go back to that old relationship. The waitress brought their plates over, then left to get their drinks. Chris couldn't continue to look at her without saying those words he'd been longing to say. He knew that Dawn deserved much more, and even through he said it earlier, they didn't sound sincere.

“This looks good, Chris. I'm starved,” she said picking up her fork.

He just stared at her and saw the woman he used to know. The more he stared at her, the more he noticed that she was more sure of herself. Not as privileged as she used to think of herself. Chris knew that he would have to prepare himself for her to leave. He didn't want her to go. He wanted to take her with him.

“Chris, why aren't you eating?,” she asked him.

“Because I have to tell you something, Dawn,” he said. “Something I should have told you a long time ago.”

“Please, Chris. Don't say it. Don't spoil the mood.”

“I'm sorry, but I have to.”

She put down her fork and folded her hands on the table. “Okay. Tell me if you have to.”

“I want to tell you that I'm sorry for neglecting you. I wanted to marry you, Dawn,” he told her.

“I've never been so in love and right now I want to ask you to divorce your husband and come back to me.”

Tears streamed down from her eyes. Dawn knew that Allen had not said that to her. She realized she'd given Allen every opportunity to prove his real love for her. She even told him what she wanted. Dawn knew that she wasn't that talkative with Chris. She just sat by and let it happen without saying a word. Now she needed to tell him about her divorce because she wanted to go back to Philadelphia with him. She wanted to be his wife. “Chris, I...”

“You don't have to say anything,” he said cutting her off. “Really, Dawn. I prefer that you didn't.”

“Dawn wiped the tears away with her napkin and watched Chris as he ate. She was falling deeper I love with him and didn't care that it was wrong. A smile crossed her face as she picked up her fork. She was looking forward to the time they would be spending alone. “Chris,” she said.


“I won't give you anymore trouble and I'll do whatever you tell me,” she said. “Thank you,” he replied.

“I'm also sorry for accusing you of trying to kill me.”

He smiled and shook his head. “It's okay. I don't blame you.”