The Assignment by Charles Coar Jr. - HTML preview

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Chapter Six


Michael impatiently tapped his fingers on his desk while on Tony. He didn't like the loss of control. The thought of losing everything angered him, but Tony assured him that he would have an answer to his problems. The office doors opened as Tony walked in. He had a smile on his face as he sat down and made himself comfortable.

“What's so important that you had to wake me?,” Michael quickly asked.

“I spoke to my contact and they told me that Antonio called him,” Tony said. “What does that mean to me?”

“My contact has helped us out before, but Antonio threatened to expose him if he didn't give him the fed's destination,” Tony explained.

Michael sat up straight in his chair being more interested. “Do you know where he's taking her?”

“No. He didn't have time to tell me. He will contact me later,” Tony said as he leaned back in the chair. “Michael, you know that Antonio could get us all arrested.”

“Damn!,” Michael said as he slammed his fist on his desk. He had to think of something quick. His empire was in serious danger of falling apart. “Send everyone back to Columbia.

Leave Tim with me, he'll bring her to me for my forgiveness. Make sure the plane is ready. I'll bring her, but I need Tim with me and you wait on the plane,” Michael explained.

“What about Antonio?,” Tony curiously asked.

“He's too much like his father, but I'll deal with him when the time comes,” Michael told him.

“You're the boss, Michael,” Tony said getting up from the desk. “I'll make sure everything is ready.”


Tony nodded, then left Michael alone in the office.

Michael leaned back in his chair and faced the window. He thought about his plan. Antonio had made a mess of things and caused his younger brother's death. He knew Antonio had been to soft and weak, allowing his workers to get away with too much. He was the one who had Antonio's parents killed, then blamed it on a few workers. He thought that he could change Antonio's view of things by allowing him to kill those workers, but now he realized it didn't work. “So, Antonio, you want to prove yourself to me. In that case, I'll have to prove myself to you.”


“Are you ready, Dawn?,” Chris asked walking out of the bathroom. “Almost. I'm putting my shoes on and this pin you gave me.”

He grabbed his gun and checked the clip. There were eight bullets in the clip and one in the chamber. “It'll take us about an hour to get there,” he said.

It was about five in the evening and Chris wished they had not over slept, but he knew that they needed the rest. It hadn't been an easy trip, but with any luck, they would be at the cabin soon enough. They checked out of the lodge and got into the car and drove off. Dawn felt the breeze on her face. She had no problem staying awake, but just had need to hear Chris' voice. It just soothed and calmed her now. She could listen to him talk all night. “Chris can you tell me where you're taking me?,” she asked him.

“We're going to a cabin by the mountains. We should be safe there until this is over,” he told her.

“Why couldn't you tell me that before?,” she curiously asked.

“I didn't need you calling anyone like your parents and putting them and us in danger,” he explained.

“I never thought of that,” she confessed while thinking.

“I wanted to let my parents know that I'm alright.”

“I trust you,” he said.

“And I don't mind spending time with you,” she said.


Joseph sat nervously behind his desk. He hadn't heard from Chris since the motel and he wondered if he ran into Antonio. He didn't like being threatened and should have called his bluff, but he knew that there was a chance that he wasn't. Johnson had been to his office several times during the afternoon asking about Chris. He thought of making up phony reports just to keep Johnson off his back, and by himself some time. Maybe enough time to take a permanent vacation. With the money in his private account, he could leave now and no one would even notice.

“Has agent Westbrook report in yet?,” Johnson asked.

“No Not yet,” Joseph answered.

“I'm going to give him another hour. If he doesn't check in by then, I'm going to send out agents,” he said leaving.

Joseph knew that his name would come up. He had to leave before they started looking in his direction.

Antonio sat patiently in a chair by the window. It overlooked the dirt road, so he could see any vehicle approaching. He had reached the cabin late that afternoon and knew that he would catch them by surprise. Antonio had turned on the generator, but left the lights off. He could hear the creaks and sounds of the trees outside. The breeze blew in through the broken window, which would signify that someone was there, but with the door closed, no one would be the wiser.

Antonio remained quiet while thinking of is uncle's pleasure when he turned her over to him. All would be forgiven and he would have favor.


It was dark and they were on the highway. Dawn had turned on the radio and relaxed while listening to the soft music. Tonight the temperature had dropped considerably as they were near the cabin. Chris told her that they only had a few more minutes of driving. He turned onto the dirt road after passing the farm. They drove up the dirt road until the headlights shinned on the cabin. He felt relieved as he parked the car beside it. Dawn got out and stretched, then quickly walked to the door waiting for Chris. “Hurry up, Chris, it's getting cold.” Chris shut the car door and quickly made his way to her. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out the keys. Dawn kissed him on his cheek before they walked in. She didn't know how long they would have to be there, but she was looking forward to it.

“Oh, it's beautiful,” Dawn said as Chris turned on the lights. The room was large with a counter that expanded out from the wall, separating the kitchenette from the rest of the room. A flight of steps by the door led upstairs to five bedrooms and a bathroom. The cabin was fully furnished and the refrigerator and cabinets were fully stocked. Dawn smiled as she held him. “This is wonderful, Chris.” He felt something off and tried to figure out what. “I feel in a romantic mood. So let's get romantic. I do feel a draft, but we can make our own heat,” she said.

Chris wondered why there would be a draft. The cabin was well insulated. He realized that they weren't alone. Letting go of Dawn, he looked around and then glanced up the steps.

“Chris, don't spoil the mood.” Dawn's eyes widened in terror in seeing the man from the supermarket in the room with them. “Oh, my God. Chris!”

“What is it, Dawn?,” Chris asked.

“Turn around slowly, fed,” Antonio said.

Chris turned as Dawn moved herself behind him. He couldn't believe that he allowed this man to get the best of him. Antonio felt the joy of success with his gun pointing at the federal agent. “Well, well. It's the great fed,” Antonio said with a sly smile. “Take your gun and slide it over to me. Slowly!”

Chris sighed as he slowly pulled out the gun from his waist and laid it on the floor. He kicked it over to Antonio and watched him slowly picked it up.

“Now the woman!,” he ordered.

Dawn shook her head as she held on tightly to Chris. She knew that going to him meant her death. “I don't want to go.”

“I said now! Or the bed will suffer from lead poisoning!”

Tears ran down her face as she let go of Chris and slowly walked towards the man she knew would kill her. She didn't want to go, but she couldn't stand to see Chris being shot. All of this, she felt was her fault. She left Chris, she left Allen and now one of them would pay for her mistakes.

Chris painfully watched Antonio grab her arm and pull her close. “How did you know we were coming here?”

Antonio put his gun to her head and laughed. “We have a mutual friend, who has good information, but now it's time to say good-bye.”

“Antonio, if you hurt her, I will come after you and no badge will stop me from killing you!,” Chris threatened.

“Well, I want to thank you for your concern, but really it's not needed.”

Dawn heard a shot and screamed as she watched Chris fall to the floor motionless. Blood ran out from underneath his body and she just knew he was dead. She love the man she loved. The man she wanted to spend her life with. Suddenly, remembering the pin she was wearing, she pushed the button repeatedly, hoping somehow he would just get up off the floor and come after her. Antonio stated the car and drove off.

The silence of the cabin was broken by a painful moan. Chris opened his eyes and felt the throbbing pain in his right side. He knew that he was lucky still being alive, but he knew that he had to get do Dawn before she reached Michael Rodriguez. Getting to his feet, he staggered to the front door. Joseph was the only one who could have given out the information. He couldn't believe that he would do it, but it was a fact and Johnson had to be notified. Making it to his car, he started it, spun it around and sped down the dirt road.

Antonio calmly drove down the highway listening to Dawn's constant crying. It was beginning to work on his nerves and found himself unable to concentrate on what he was thinking about. “Shut up!,” he yelled at her.

“I won't!,” she shouted at him. “You killed the man I love.”

“That's too bad. Now shut up!”

“No! Kill me! You're going to do it anyway, so just do it now!,” she cried.

Antonio pulled over and stopped the car. He looked at her, thinking of how brave she tried to be, wanting death and not being afraid of it. “Okay. I'll make it quick and painless,” he told her. Dawn turned her face from him and looked out the window up at the clear night sky. She could see a bright star and made herself believe that it was were Chris was, waiting for her. “We'll be together soon, baby,” she thought to herself. She felt a sharp pain shoot through her head before everything faded to black. Antonio lad her head down on his lap, then gently brushed back the hair from her face. “Sleep now. You've got a big day ahead of you,” he said.

The light poles were becoming blurred and Chris found it hard to focus on the cars ahead of him. He knew that he was losing a lot of blood, but he couldn't let Joseph get away with betraying him, also the other agents that died by his hand, but he still had to pursue Antonio. He couldn't let Dawn die. Chris could feel the wetness of his blood halfway down his pants. He desperately needed medical attention. He wanted to believe that he could catch up to Antonio, but he was just fooling himself. He had to notify Johnson, he could get the police involved. Seeing the lodge they had stayed at and swerved into the parking lot. The car skidded to a stop and he got staggering to the front office. The manager was sitting in the back room watching television and didn't noticed Chris. Painfully, he reached into his pocket and pulled out some blood covered change, placing it on the ledge. Some of the change hit the floor and the manger came out to investigate. Finding Chris on the pay phone, his blood soaked clothes, he quickly picked up his office phone and called the police.

“F.B.I. Special Unit. Supervisory Johnson speaking.”

“Matt, this is Chris,” his voice was shaky and weak.

“Chris, how come you haven't checked in?,” Johnson asked.

“No time to explain. Joseph is working for the cartel. He's been telling them every move I've made.”

“So, what's why he disappeared,” he remarked.

“Don't worry, Chris. We'll find him.”

“Antonio has taken her. He's taking her to Michael,' Chris informed him.

“I'll have everyone there in to time. Are you alright?”

“I've been shot, but I'm headed back to Hampton. I'll talk to you then.” Chris hung up the phone and looked at the manager, who looked surprised. He felt like passing out, but managed to leave the office and get back into the car, speeding back onto the highway.


Michael was laying in bed thinking about his brother. He smiled in remembering their youth. How they used to play hide and seek in the coca fields, teasing the workers while their father looked for them. He knew that Manny's wife would be filled with anger and rage, but knowing that Antonio would pay for his death, would ease the pain some. His cell phone rang and he wondered who would be calling on his private line.

“Yeah,” Michael answered.

“Merry Christmas. I have a present for you,” Antonio said.

“It better be good, Antonio. You've caused me a lot of trouble already,” Michael told him.

“I think you'll like it. I have the woman.”

“Is she alive?,” Michael asked. As much as he messed up, he hoped that he didn't kill her.

“Yes, she's alive,” Antonio said.

“If you do, then you have proven yourself to me,” Michael told him.

“Now can I have a bigger part? Have more responsibilities?,” Antonio asked.

“I think that it can be arranged. Bring her to my house and come through the back.”

“I'll be there soon,” he said before hanging up.

Michael smiled and made a call to Tony, telling him to have his plane ready in the morning. He would have her soon and Antonio would never leave his house. Now that he would have his prize, he didn't mind giving up his house. He had no plans of coming back.


Dawn eyes opened as the pain in her head was throbbing. She adjusted to the early morning light and looked around at the unfamiliar buildings she was passing. She only knew that she was back in Hampton. “Good. You're awake,” Antonio said.

“You liked to me. You were suppose to kill me,” she said in a groggy voice. “You have to meet someone first, then you'll die”

Dawn felt nothing, but dread. Chris was on that cold floor of the cabin and she would never see him again. They turned off the street and drove down an alley, then stopped. “We're here.” Antonio got out of the car and walked around to her side and opened the door “Get out!”


Antonio sighed, then grabbed her arm pulling out of the car. He dragged her to the back door of a house and knocked on it. It opened and Tim looked him over, then at her before opening the door fully allowing them to walk in. Michael stood in the kitchen wearing a new gray double breasted suit. His eyes were locked onto the woman standing beside Antonio who was scared and bewildered. He couldn't believe how much she looked like Maria in almost every way and he felt something stirring within.

“What's your name?,” Michael asked her.

She hesitated then quietly answered. “Dawn. Dawn Hawkins.”

Nodding his head, Michael smiled, then walked over gently taking her hand, feeling it tremble in his. “You are very beautiful.” Dawn remained quiet. I know you think I'm going to kill you.” She nodded her head meekly, wishing that Chris would pop out of nowhere to save her. “My nephew's right, but it would be you,” he whispered in her ear. He gave a her a reassuring smile. “You did a good job, Antonio,” Michael said as Tim slowly walked over to Antonio and stood next to him. “Now it's time for your reward.” Tim pulled out his gun and pointed it at his temple.

“No! I brought her to you!”

Dawn was suddenly startled by the shot that sent Antonio to the floor. Michael held onto Dawn as Tim escorted them out of the front door to his car. They could hear the faint sounds of sirens as they drove off.


Chris felt faint as he continued. His clothes were no soaked in blood, but he had it in his mind to find Dawn. He loved her too much to let go now. Suddenly, a police care jumped out in front of him with its sirens blaring and its flashers on. Chris smiled, knowing that he could follow it right to Dawn. As he approached the area, he saw police cars and vans parked in the middle of the street. He stopped and got out. He staggered towards the house as police officers stopped and stared at him.

Brian Richardson stood outside as the paramedics brought out a body covered with a blood stained sheet. “Oh, God. Don't let it be here. Oh please,” Chris said stopped them. After a few painful moans, he pulled back the sheet and sighed in relief at seeing the man who shot him.

“What are you doing here? Where's Mrs. Hawkins?,” Brian asked. “Michael's got her!”

“How in the hell did he get her? You're suppose to be the best this!”

Chris turned around and Brian saw that the front of his clothes were soaked in blood. “What happened to you?”

“I've got to get her,” Chris said faintly before dropping to his knees.

“You gotta go tot the hospital or you'll die,” Brian exclaimed rushing to his side. “No! I've got to... To find her.”

Brian waved the paramedics over as Chris slumped to the ground. He watched them work on him as he got on his phone and called his captain. After hanging up, he watched the ambulance drive off and knew it was time to find himself a lawyer.