The Broken Vows by Jane Kiarie - HTML preview

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Chapter 5


The light knock on the door startled him from his work.

“Come in.” He called out.

He watched as Olivia walked into his office in her elegant office pencil dress. The sight of her made him instantly regret asking her to come in. She had been a pain in the ass for the last five months. She had been harassing him at work and sometimes at home. Her sheer obsession with him was growing out of control. Had he known that this was what he would have to deal with, he would not have hooked up with her in the first place. She was taking antidepressants and sometimes, she would go off her meds making her more erratic. Upon further digging, he had learned that Olivia had broken up with her former boyfriend because of her obsessive tendencies.

“What do you want?” He knew that his tone was rude, but he was past trying to act friendly around her.

She stared at him for a while, a stare that Mason returned. She seemed ignorant of his mounting irritation.

“I am sorry.” She muttered as she sat down.

“Why are you sorry?” he asked incredulously.

“I know I am not the easiest person to deal with, but I do love you.”

Mason snorted because the woman who stood in front of him did not know the difference between love and obsession. He knew that he was to blame because a month after she started working for the company, he had given in to temptation and had been intimate with her. Mason was ashamed that he had continued with this affair for two weeks. But when she uttered the words “I love you,” Mason had come back to his senses. He didn’t love her. Truth be told, at first he was attracted to her, but the attraction had quickly fizzled out. So when she had declared her love for him, he had run. Unfortunately, the damage was already done.

“You have to stop this craziness.”

“Why? There must be a reason you chose me over your wife.”

“I never chose you over my wife. Those two weeks were a mistake.”

She let out a sarcastic laugh.

“So you just use me and toss me away like I am nothing? I will not have that Mason.”

He gave her an icy stare and massaged his temple.

“What do you want from me, Olivia?”

“I want you to love me. I want you to be with me.”

He wanted to shout that he loved his wife. Despite his actions, he loved Abby. However, he thought otherwise given her unstable mental state. He resolved to keep his cool.

“I need you to leave Olivia. I have a meeting in ten minutes. We will talk about this later.”

His voice was calm not betraying his inner turmoil. She stared at him for a second too long as though trying to read his mind. Fortunately, the ringing of the phone broke the tense moment.

“Okay. But we are not done yet.”


“How is my lady?” Ethan asked as he joined Abby for lunch. He had always called her “my lady” since the day they’d met, a term Abby found endearing though it infuriated Mason.

“I am great. To what do I owe the honor of your presences? I thought bosses ate in their offices.” Abby remarked jokingly. Ethan never joined her for lunch. He always hibernated himself in his office which in Abby’s opinion was too dull and depressing.

A slow grin spread across his face.

“You are glowing today.”

“You think?” She asked as she flattened her hair with her hand.

Ethan made an appraisal of Abby’s appearance. He stared at her with those eyes Abby had always thought beautiful. Eyes that had always been able to look at her and know exactly what she was feeling. She felt a bit self-conscious under such scrutiny. He gave her a crooked grin making his eyes twinkle.

“Relax Abby I am not going to bite.”

“Then don’t stare.”

She formed a repugnant wrinkle around her nose making Ethan smile. Their friendship was so natural, and in some cases, Abby found herself confiding in Ethan more than she did with Emma. It was not because she didn’t trust Emma but because she had been friends longer with Ethan than anyone else and anyway; Emma was preoccupied with her husband and kids. With a chuckle, he took a bite of his pasta.

“I am thinking of opening a company branch in London.”

His news was unexpected. This was the first time Abby had heard of it.

“I should have known. Any time you are nice to me, you are preparing me for unexpected news.”

“I am always nice to you.”

Abby propped up her head on one elbow as she watched him. He was a hardworking man and devoted most of his time in the office.

“I have found an investor in London who is willing to invest in the company.”

“When is this?”

“Maybe two months from now.”

She knew the implications of his words. He would have to move to London to get the business up and running. She felt a heavy clutch in her heart. Not having him around would be difficult. She swallowed the feeling down and decided to be a supportive friend.

“That’s nice.”

Ethan reached for her hand across the table.

“How long have we been friends?”

“Eighteen years.” She breathed out.

“You were an awkward twelve-year-old girl who I loved teasing mercilessly, and today, you are a thirty-year-old extremely beautiful woman who I couldn’t be more proud of. I would have asked you to come to London with me, but there is the issue of Mason.”

She pursed her lips to hold down a giggle. Ethan never missed an opportunity to insult Mason. He had never hidden the fact that he didn’t like him for his best friend.

“But if you decide to leave him, my offer is open.”

He caressed her upper arm in circles, a move that caught Abby off guard. Ethan had never given any indication that he liked her. She had once had a huge crush on him when she was seventeen, and he was nineteen going to college. His first year in college away from her had been hard. At the time, she had promised herself that when he came home for summer she would let him know she liked him. Unfortunately for her, he had come home with a girlfriend. Since then, she had decided to squash any feelings she had towards him. Meeting Mason had helped her achieve that.

“Thank you Ethan. You’ve always been there whenever I need you.”

“Anytime. I’ll always have your back.”


The table had been laid, and the chicken looked alluring. Everything was well-organized and the candles lit in the semi-dark room. Abby wanted a romantic night with her husband. She opened a bottle of red wine and poured herself half a glass. She placed an empty glass close to Mason’s vacant seat. Everything was now in place.

“Is dinner ready?” She heard Mason ask his steps approaching the dining area.


She felt a flutter of panic as she cast another look at the table. What was wrong with her? This was Mason. There was no reason to be nervous. As if on cue, he appeared in the dining door, his hair ruffled and wet from showering. He surveyed the whole setting, and a slow grin spread across his face.

“What is this?”

“I thought we should have a quiet supper. It has been a while since we talked. Both of us are always working late.”

He approached her and snaked his arms around her waist. Wiggling her just a little, he gave her a light kiss.

“Do you know how much I love you?” He whispered in her ear causing a slight shudder.


“You don’t?” He asked tickling her. The room was filled with laughter as she retaliated by tickling him back. He was even more ticklish than her.

“Thank you, Abby.” He said sobering up.

He pulled her seat and proceeded to settle in his. It was a cold night but rather bright as the moon shone in all its glory. Abby looked at Mason’s comic face as he detailed today’s activities at work. She felt a thrill of pleasure at their intimacy.

“Ethan is expanding his business to London. He will be moving soon.”

“And I bet he asked you to go with him,” Mason said in his most sarcastic tone, a sneer marring his face.

“You know he only has good intentions.”

“You always take up for him. The guy can hardly stand me.”

“And whose fault is that?” She snapped at him.

Ethan always thought that Mason was an egotistical and selfish man and some days, she agreed with him.

“What is that supposed to mean.”

His face was cold and his voice curt. Abby was clever enough to know when to back down. She did not want to ruin the night.

“Nothing. Let’s not fight.”

He nodded, but his demeanor seemed more reserved than before. They chattered on about life, the future, career and anything else they could think of. Abby listened to him intently as he spoke about his desire for more children. He had a mellow and husky voice that she had always considered sexy.

The ringing of the phone disrupted them from their conversation.

“I think I should take that,” Abby said.

“No. Just let it go to voicemail. Today is our night.”

Unfortunately for them, it was impossible to have a quiet night with the phone ringing every five minutes.

“Maybe I should take it,” Mason said pushing his seat back.

“Yeah. Do that. Let me take something from the bedroom.”

She walked softly up the stairs to their room. She could hear Mason’s angry whispers from downstairs. She couldn’t imagine who would be calling at this time so persistently. She was never a distrustful woman, but Mason’s actions nowadays were strangely suspicious. He preferred taking calls in his office where she could not hear him. This might not have seemed strange to anyone else but for the years they had been married, Mason had always picked up his calls in her presence. He also seemed a bit edgy. Maybe she was being paranoid, but her gut told her something was awfully amiss.

At that, Abby felt her curiosity get the better part of her. She walked to the bedroom extension phone and quietly picked it up.

“Don’t call my home ever again.” Mason was saying.

On the other end, there was a prolonged silence. Abby felt stupid for being suspicious of her husband, and was about to put the phone down when a soft strained voice replied.

“I need you, Mason.”

“I told you Olivia, whatever happened between us was a mistake. I love my wife, and I will not leave her for you.”

“Then I will tell Abby everything.”

“Don’t you dare! If this continues, I will file a harassment complaint at work.”

“If you do that, everyone will know everything. How long do you think it will be before Abby finds out?”

Mason was quiet, and Abby could hear him swear in the background. She couldn’t stand listening to them anymore. She placed the phone down this time none too slowly.


Mason heard the click on the other phone and knew that someone had been on the other line. He quickly hanged up and ran upstairs taking two steps at a time. The bedroom door was ajar, and his wife was sitting on the bed her skin as pale as snow. She looked at him and couldn’t hide the anguish in her face. Abby knew. His wife knew that he had betrayed his marriage vows and strayed. Blood rushed in his brain and color drained from his face.

“Since when?”

He rubbed his fingers repeatedly across his now moist brow.

“I am sorry Abby.”

He cautiously approached her, but before he could touch her, she jumped from the bed and paced around the room.

“No-no. Don’t touch me… Since when?”

“I met her the night I came home at four in the morning.”

“Were you with her?”

His face crumpled as he replied “yes.”

“Was that the only time?”

“No, a month after she joined the company, I had a two-week affair, but I ended it. I ended it because I love you.”

“Ooh, thank you for the favor.” She spat the words like acid.

“Why?” She choked out.

“I don’t know. The first time it was because our relationship was strained. I needed the attention. But the subsequent two-weeks affair was something that just happened.” He said shame-faced.

“How could you do this to us? You were not the only one in need of attention. I also needed you, but you didn’t see me going out there, and sleeping with the first guy that came my way. I held on to this relationship because I was sure of your love. But now, I can even stand to look at you.”Her voice broke as a stream of tears flowed down her glossy cheeks. Mason wanted to touch her and assure her that he loved her, but he knew that would not be enough. She needed to vent and heal, and then maybe they would go back to normal.

It all happened so fast, at one moment she was standing at the corner of the room, and next, she was flailing her hands on his chest. He didn’t try to shield himself from her punches. He knew he deserved it. She looked like a crazed animal. Her hair lay loosely on her shoulder, her eyes blazing fire. She slapped him hard across the face, but he remained immobile though his cheek stung like hell. Abby stepped back looking confused and lost. Mason stared at her hoping his eyes relayed the guilt and regret he felt.

“You are a bastard.” She shouted.

Mason hang his head low like a deer caught in the headlights. The taste of bile was bitter in his throat. He had never seen his wife out of control. She always maintained her composure even when they fought. The woman standing before him looked shuttered and broken, and he was responsible for placing her in that state.

“Please forgive me, Abby.” He pleaded.

The look of utter hatred masked her face.

“I need to leave.” She said.

Her eyes were red-rimmed, and her face puffy.

“Please don’t go.” He begged as he walked to block the door. He was going to beg if that’s what it took to keep her.

“Get out of my way Mason!” Her command left no room for argument. She threw her bag at him, but he ducked. She came flying with fists and kneed his groin. With seething pain, Mason let out a groan as he fell on his knees. She was out and running before he could finally get his bearing right.


Abby stood huddled outside Emma’s door. She had driven around the park for almost an hour crying until she had gone numb. Her phone was blowing up with calls and messages from Mason and Emma. At first, she had taken Mason calls and called him every name in the universe but later, the fight had gone out of her. Now as she stood outside the door, Abby wrapped her arms tightly around her small frame, her skin chilled from the unforgiving cold. Her teeth chattered uncontrollably and despite the effort she made, she could not stop herself from shaking. Maybe I am going to die from the cold. I bet Mason would like that. She thought almost sarcastically.

“Abby. Oh, my God. Look at you.” Emma exclaimed as after opening the door.

She placed both arms around Abby’s shoulders, helping her into the house.

“I am sorry for coming here, but I didn’t know where else to go.”

“You don’t have to explain, honey. My home is your home.”

James came running down the stairs looking frantic, his phone in his hand.

“Hey, Abby. Mason has been calling me for the last hour. How are you?” He asked placing his arms around her and pulling her into a brotherly hug.

“Did you know?” Abby croaked. Her voice was so husky it seemed almost foreign to her.

James pulled away, looking at her apologetically.

“He told me the first time he met her. When she started working with us, I didn’t think he would pursue things with her. You two were doing great. I asked him to tell you after I learned about their office affair. I am so sorry Abby.”

Abby pulled away feeling almost disconnected from her boody. She knew that she couldn’t blame James. He was not her husband; it was not his responsibility to protect her. She fell back into Emma’s arms.

“I am so sorry Abby. I also knew about them and I should have told you.”

Abby pulled away casting a confused look at Emma. What could she possibly mean by she knew? Emma was her best friend. Granted that she never disclosed everything to Abby, but loyalty and trust was the core pillar of their friendship. Could Emma possibly hold such a secret from her? Maybe she had heard her wrong. Yeah, that’s right. She was just too exhausted and was hearing things wrong.

“What do you mean?” She asked her voice just above a whisper. She needed to confirm that her hearing was failing her.

“I knew about the affair.”

Her words registered, but Abby was not sure how to respond. Her heart had been broken by Mason, but now it was shattered. Did she know so little about the people that surrounded her?

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I was caught between a rock and a hard place. James had told me in confidentiality. Plus I only knew about their first encounter, I didn’t think Mason would pursue it further.”

“Oh, my God, and you think that makes it okay.”

She shouted, her voice vibrating in every corner of the house.

“Keep your voice down. Nathan is sleeping.” James whispered.

Abby was frantic, her spirit crushed from today’s chain of events.

“How could you Emma?”

Her friend was now in tears with her hands folded securely around her waist area.

“It was not Emma’s fault. I asked her not to tell you. So if you want to blame someone, blame me.”

If the situation was different, Abby would have been proud of James honorably taking up for his wife. But this was a different situation. The three of them had betrayed her trust and hurt her to the core. How dare James rebuke her for shouting at Emma? To hell with all of them.

“I’d better leave.” Her voice was now steely.

“Don’t leave,” Emma begged.

Tears stung Abby’s eyes as she looked at Emma’s pleading face, a pulsing pain searing through her brow.

“I need to go. I want to be alone.”

Both Emma and James did not try to stop her as she left.