The Broken Vows by Jane Kiarie - HTML preview

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Chapter 6

Abby sat at the edge of Ethan’s bed feeling nauseated and mildly disconnected.

“Are you warm?” Ethan was asking.

Deep lines of concern marred his beautifully sculpted face. Abby wanted to nod, but she could not find the energy to do anything other than stare. For a moment, there was absolute silence, neither Ethan nor Abby talked. No one breathed.

“Is there anything I can do?” Ethan said eventually, his voice barely audible.

What could she tell him, I want my life back? I hope this is a nightmare? She jumped to her feet pacing around the room in the small space between the wall and the bed.

“Why did he do this to me?” She whispered.

Standing beside her, Ethan gently placed his hand on her stiff shoulder. He turned her towards him, and the kindness and love in his eyes almost undid her.

“I can’t give you an answer as to why, but I can tell you that you are a beautiful woman who deserves better.”

Abby was not sure what prompted her to act. Maybe it was the concern in his voice or her own shuttered heart. She would debate on that later, but slowly as though unsure of herself, she captured his lips with hers. At first, she thought he would push her away appalled by her actions, but Ethan’s lips molded into hers. His lips were soft and his kiss gentle. They stood lip locked for a few minutes before Ethan pulled away.

“We can’t do this Abby.”

His rejection stung her pride. Something in her eyes must have alarmed him on her train of thoughts because he quickly quipped.

“Don’t get me wrong. I always have wanted to do that for years. But I cannot take advantage of you right now. When I have you, and I pray I will someday, I want you to be sober-minded and sure it’s me you are craving for and not that bastard Mason.”

His shallow breath and glassy eyes were enough evidence that the kiss had affected him and as selfish as it sounded, that satisfied Abby.

“Can I stay here for a while?”

“Yeah as long as you want. You can sleep in this room. I will take the guest room.”

Abby nodded, returning to her position on the edge of the bed. Ethan was a good friend. He stayed with her, encouraging her to talk it out. She cursed Mason and cried, eventually questioning her friendship with Emma. Ethan listened not interrupting her at any given time. Eventually, he helped her get under the bed covers as she fell into a deep stupor.


I love you, Abby. I have always loved you since the first day we met. These words were a chorus that played in his mind over and over again. Even as he stood in Ethan’s living room, he wanted to scream out for his wife. But the other man stood hands akimbo next to the stairwell case.

“What do you want Mason.” Ethan spat out his name like acid.

Mason couldn’t blame the other man. He had been Abby’s best friend even before Mason came in the picture. It was clear to Mason that Ethan was in love with Abby, and that had always goaded Mason. Abby seemed oblivious to her best friend’s feelings or opted to be ignorant.

“I need to see my wife.” He demanded.

He knew his voice was loud, but he could care less. I f he woke up Abby, the better.

“She doesn’t want to see you. To be quite honest, I don’t know what she saw in you. I knew you were trouble from the first time I met you.”

“No one cares for your opinion. You can hardly keep a woman in your life, because you are busy lasting over mine.”

“Well, at least I am not a sexual freak who can hardly stay faithful to one woman. You must be miserable for you to seek validation from other women. God knows how many you’ve had.”

Mason threw a punch aiming at Ethan’s jaw, but the other man was quick on his feet. He moved his head before the blow could land. Mason realized his mistake when he remembered Abby warning him a few years back not to pick a fight with Ethan because the other guy was a martial arts expert. Before he could react, Ethan’s fisted hand connected with his jaw. Mason fell back spitting blood. He slowly got up intending to retaliate any way he could when they both heard Abby’s voice.

“What’s going on?” She asked.

She looked beautiful in her sleeping attire and ruffled hair. She walked down the steps her eyes fixed on Ethan.

“Your husband came looking for you. He tried to come at me, and I put him down.”

The smirk on Ethan’s face made Mason want to beat the guy to a pulp. He was gloating for humiliating him.

“Are you okay?”

Her concern was directed at Ethan who was standing unscathed. She glanced at Mason with a frown.

“What are you doing here Mason?”

“I need to talk to you. Can we go somewhere more private.”

“No. I don’t want to see you. In fact, I will be leaving for London with Ethan.”

Her announcement caught the two men off guard. Mason stumbled back horrified about the idea of losing her.

“Are you sure?” Ethan asked.


“So you are leaving me for him?”

Mason’s words seemed to anger her all the more. She stormed towards him, her eyes blazing.

“Why do men always have to think that women cannot do without them? I am going to London to work. I can do without a man most certainly you. And if I decide to pursue things with Ethan, it will be because I choose to and not because I need anyone. You will be hearing from my lawyer about our divorce soon.”

With finality, she went up the stairs leaving the two men staring, one in satisfaction and another in pure terror.

“I think you can see yourself out, Mason.”


It was pouring heavily, but Mason did not care. Rain drenched him sticking his suit to his body like glue. He got in his car, slamming the driver’s door shut with a thud. The beat of water pounded the roof of the car. It had been two months since Abby left him, and in three days, she would be going to London. He had tried to reason with her, but she had made it perfectly clear that she did not condone any man cheating on her nor would she put up with the same. The more Mason begged, the colder she became. Three weeks ago, she had filed for a divorce, and he had promised not to fight her on that ground.

Mason propped his head on the back of the car seat and stared at the dark horizon. Water ran down his hair and snaked its way down his neck to his back. He was not an overly religious man, but at this moment, he would appreciate any divine intervention he could get. He implored God to bring her back. He even threatened Lance to quit his job if Olivia was not fired. Lance had not appreciated the threat.

Mason and Olivia sat across Lance who truth be told looked like he was ready to fire them at any given moment. His boss was much more foreboding when his business was on the line. The squabbles between his lawyer and best investment banker were getting out of hand.

“How are you and Abby?”

His question seemed to spark an interest in Olivia who was sitting beside him. He saw rather felt her sit up straighter as she focused her gazed on him. Mason wanted to choke her, but killing her would only land him in jail. She was not worth it.

“She is proceeding with the divorce.”

Lance shifted slightly in his chair, marring his face with a frown of disapproval. Despite being friendly to all his subordinates, Lance was a difficult and sour man.

“Maybe it’s only right that she leaves you. Someone needs to call you out on your actions.” Lance said with just a hint of sarcasm. He leaned over and placed both elbows on the desk casting a look of contempt at both Mason and Olivia. Mason tried not to squirm in his seat. He was feeling awfully uncomfortable being under such intense scrutiny. Olivia, on the other hand, appeared perfectly comfortable and oblivious to the tension. Well, that’s because she is insane. He thought almost laughing to himself.

“Is anything funny?” Lance asked.

Oh my, was he smiling?

“No. Nothing is funny sir.”

Why did he feel like he was in the principal’s office on the verge of being expelled?

“I don’t usually get involved in people’s business unless it’s affecting my company and in this case it is. You two have been in a cold war that is rubbing some of my prominent clients the wrong way.”

He paused as if for effect. He leaned back in his seat, tipping it back, his eyes never straying from them. Despite the tension being too intense, neither he nor Olivia spoke.

“I guess no one is perfect, but to be honest, I thought you were an honorable man. It came as a surprise when I heard of your rendezvous in my office. I must admit that I am quite disappointed.” His comment was directed at Mason. Mason wanted to go on the offense but decided against it. He knew Lance better to know that he would throw him out if he dared contradict him. His boss was a ruthless SOB.

“I don’t care how you two work things out, but I want peace in my office.”

As the indignation of the man’s voice grew strident, Mason’s anger also grew. How dare Lance judge him? Wasn’t the man divorced twice?

“In all respect sir, I ended things with Olivia amicably. I am ashamed of what I did and how much I hurt my wife, but Olivia has been harassing me.”

Lance turned his gaze at Olivia who had yet to speak out.

“Olivia, what do you have to say for yourself?”

“Nothing sir, just that Mason led me on and when I fell in love with him he left me high and dry. I think he should be held accountable for his actions.”

Her statement infuriated Mason all the more, and he blurted out without thinking.

“I cannot work with her anymore.”

“And what do you propose I do?” Lance asked lifting one eyebrow.

“It either she leaves, or I do?”

The silence that followed was unnerving. Lance was glaring at him, and Olivia looked disgusted almost nauseated.

“So you expect me to do you favors after you messed up. I don’t respond well to threats Mason.”

He knew he had taken a big gamble by giving an ultimatum, but hey, a guy had to try. Would he quit his job if Lance did not meet this ultimatum? Probably not. If Abby had stayed, he would have made good of his threat and quit. But now that she was leaving, there was no use losing his means of income as well.

“I will not be firing Olivia because you asked me to, if you want to quit, then hand me your resignation first thing in the morning. If not, I expect you two to find common ground.”

“Of course sir, I give my word to separate my love life with my work life. What about you Mason?” Olivia asked turning to him with a smug on her face.

“Our personal lives will not affect our work. I give you my word.” Mason said fixing his gaze at Lance.

“Okay. Then get out of my office both of you.”

Mason couldn’t get out of the office fast enough. How could Lance be so unreasonable? Mason thought he would at least take his side.

“What the fuck. You wanted to have me fired?” Olivia asked as she closed the door behind him.

Mason ignored her choosing not to justify himself. He continued walking as she followed close behind him.

“You know what Mason, now that you and your wife are separated, I don’t find you so alluring. I am ashamed to admit to myself that I preferred when we were sneaking around because of the thrill. Actually, knowing that you were unavailable turned me on.”

She seemed to contemplate her next words.

“Anyway, see you around.” She walked away with that parting shots.

He was an ass. He had destroyed his marriage for a whim and almost destroyed his career. He had a full night to feel sorry for himself, but right now, it was eleven thirty, and he had a meeting


His eyes stung as the enormity of what had become his life finally settled in. He tried to force his mind to go blank, but the pain in his joints kept him fully aware of his situation. At the moment, he did not know where he ended, and Abby began.

As much as he wanted to be lost in this moment, he had to go home and work on a project. He inserted his car key in the ignition, and the engine came to life as he clenched his fists on the wheel. He was bleeding from the core of his spirit. Mason ran a hand over his eyes as tears squeezed their way down.


“When will you be leaving?” Emma asked, sipping her hot coffee.

“The day after tomorrow,” Abby replied.

They were sitting in the kitchen area in Emma’s house. After stewing for a week, Abby had finally reconciled with Emma. She somehow understood what Emma must have gone through being caught between her husband and friend. Abby could not fault her for her decision.

“Are you sure you don’t want to stay?”

Abby’s lips lifted in a small smile. “Yes, I am sure.”

Her tone was calm and quiet. Many people had questioned her decision including her parents. They thought she was being too hasty, but Abby knew that this is what she needed. She needed time away from anything that reminded her of Mason and their former life. Abby stared at the wooden counter and slightly fingered a groove in the wood. Her life had changed drastically in the two months she had been separated from Mason. She had learnt to love herself which was something she seemed to have forgotten. It still hurt thinking of Mason and imagining a life without him, but she knew that with time, the pain would dull down and her new chapter would start.

“This is not just about Mason cheating on me. I need to find myself. I have devoted a lot of time, fighting with him and mourning my baby that I let myself go. I need to discover me before I let any other man in.” She said almost absently.

“Do you think that in future you will give Mason another chance?”

Emma’s question was expected but a bit annoying. Abby was tired of people trying to make sense of what Mason did, and subsequently trying to get her to reconsider the divorce. She had made up her mind, and she refused to budge. Thank God for her father’s support. He was ready to kill Mason and hang him out to dry.

“I don’t want him in my life. It’s a fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me, kind of situation.”

Emma gave a slight nod.

“I will miss you.”

“I will miss you too. But we will only be gone for eight months. Once the company stands on its own, I will be back, and we can eat cheerios all day long.”

They both laughed knowing that things are not always that easy.


Abby sat across Mason in the living room that had been hers for years. Looking at him, he didn’t look like the man she had known and loved for years. He was always one to maintain neatness including a clear stubble, but today, he had a five o’clock shadow. He also appeared gaunt with the dark circles under his eyes very evident to his pale complexion. As she looked at him, she could see that the reality of his actions was dawning on him. He gave her a weary look, his shoulders slumped and his hands neatly folded between his thighs.

His lost puppy appearance made the ache in Abby’s heart bigger. She wanted to comfort him and assure him that everything would be okay. But she didn’t have the heart to do that. Why should she show him mercy when he had shown her known during his affair? Abby knew that this ache would relent for a while, but she was okay with it. With time, she would heal and if anything, she knew this experience would make her stronger.

“So you are leaving tomorrow.”

It was more of a statement than a question. The frayed strand of hope that he had shown earlier seemed deflated his face appearing defeated.

“Yes. Around six in the evening.”

“So when will you be back?”

“In eight months. Once the London branch is firmly on its feet, Ethan and I will come back.”

As he watched Abby in her fitted blue jeans and a purple panelled blouse, Mason couldn’t help but wonder why he was attracted to Olivia in the first place. His wife- well soon to be ex-wife was beautiful both on the outside and inside. He watched her to his feel. Agreeing to the divorce was the most painful decision he had ever made. But he knew if he fought it, she would wound up hating him.

“I just wanted to make sure that you understand that I don’t want anything from this divorce.”

Her refusal to fight for any asset annoyed him. Did she want to forget him that fast? He wanted a piece of him with her. But he nodded dutifully something he has been doing a lot lately.

“Is this your final decision?” He had asked for good measure.

She was quiet as she observed him. He hoped that his eyes showed how much he wanted her. Mason did not care whether he looked pathetic as long as he got her back. Abby ran her tongue over her lips reminding Mason of the times he had spent kissing that mouth. Right now, he wanted to taste her mouth and feel her skin against his. She had always been a very responsive woman. The thought of those lost moments made him shiver.

“This is what is best for me and maybe you. You need to know what you want in life, and I need to spend time loving me.”

He wanted to shout, I already know what I want but he remained silent. He was going to let Abby go and hopefully, she would find the inner peace she was looking for.

“Okay. I assume you will be communicating through your divorce attorney?”


The brokenness in her eyes was too much to bear. Mason had never thought of how his actions affected others, but watching Abby, he realized how much he had destroyed her. Maybe it was only right she get away from him. He also needed to discover himself and focus on work.

“I am sorry Abby and I hope that one day my apology can mean something to you.”

He could tell that she was struggling not to cry. He loved that she had always been stubborn, but lately that stubbornness had been aimed at him. As he watched her rise from the seat, he knew that their relationship was at an inevitable end.

“Maybe someday Mason. I wish you all the best.”

The small kiss she gave him on the cheek served as their final goodbye.