The Burn by K.L. Middleton - HTML preview

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CHASE WASN’T IN SECOND hour, which was a relief. Especially after yesterday. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with him or any of the other A-squaders. 

The rest of the day went pretty smoothly, although Mattie sat glaring at me all during the lunch period.

Sara noticed her watching me, too. “Did you tell them what she did during first hour?” Sara asked, when Kara and Maya sat down at the lunch table.

I opened up my bottle of water. “No. I was hoping to forget about it.”

“What happened?” Kara asked.

Before I could say anything, Sara told them the story. Their jaws dropped.

“What rumor is she talking about?” Kara asked.

“I have no idea. She wouldn’t say,” I replied.

“Mattie has a lot of enemies. I’m sure someone else is gossiping about her and she just hates you so much, she thinks it’s you,” Maya said.

“I just don’t get why she hates me so much. I mean, what makes me so special?” I knew it couldn’t just be about Chase, either. She’d had it out for me the moment I stepped into first hour.

“She’s threatened by you because you’re prettier than she is,” Sara said. “I can remember back when we were friends, she was always jealous of anyone who she thought had something she didn’t.”

“Thank you, but I’m not prettier than she is,” I replied. 

“See, that’s what makes you prettier,” Kara said. “You’re modest and unconscious of it. Mattie, on the other hand, is constantly looking at herself in the mirror.”

“I know, right? She’s always fussing with her hair and makeup,” Sara said.

“Did you see her eyelashes? I’m pretty sure those are extensions, too,” Maya said.

As they continued talking about Mattie, which was exactly what she’d been accusing me of, I almost felt sorry for her. She obviously put in a lot of effort to feel better about herself. But, she was a bitch and not just to me. I almost felt like all of the money she spent on clothes and makeup needed to be applied toward a therapist.

“Oh, hey. I heard that there’s a party this Friday at Jason Sharkey’s. His parents are out of town. You guys going?” Maya asked.

“I heard. I don’t know.” Kara looked at me. “You wanna go?”

“I wasn’t invited,” I replied. “Plus, I have no idea of who he is.”

“Jason is on the soccer team,” she answered. “And is actually pretty cool. You don’t need an invite.”

“Will Mattie be there?” I asked.

“Chances are she will be. Although, you heard Chase last night. They broke up so he won’t be bringing her.”

I didn’t like the thought of her being there, but I also couldn’t avoid every party because I was worried she’d be there. I’d never go to any of them.

“I’ll go, I guess, if someone can give me a ride,” I said. “My grandmother is going to try and help me buy a car, but I doubt we’ll have anything by the weekend.”

“That’s cool,” Kara said. “Until then, I don’t mind driving. You coming, Sara?”

“I’ll have to see. I might be going away with my parents this weekend,” she replied.

“Maya, what about you?” Kara asked.

“Actually, I have plans this Friday,” she replied. “I’m going to see a movie.”

Kara looked at me. “It could just be the two of us. You still in?”

“Why do you sound worried?” I replied.

“It’s just that there will be A-squaders there,” she replied. “I just want to warn you now.”

An image of Chase popped into my head. “Do I need to be worried?”

“No. If anyone starts giving you any shit, we’ll leave. But, Jason is a good guy. He’ll shut it down right away.”

“Okay. I’m in then.”

“Good. It’ll be fun,” Kara said.

After I finished eating my lunch, I headed to the nearest bathroom, but noticed Mattie and her posse go in first. Not in the mood to deal with her, I decided to use a different one. One that was closest to my next class, but on the other side of the school. As I was going down the stairwell, I overheard some guys talking, but didn’t think anything of it. When I saw who was at the bottom, I groaned inwardly. One of them was Bruce. The other was also a friend of Chase’s, although I couldn’t remember his name.

Noticing me come down, Bruce blocked my path. “Well, if it isn’t Gus’s little girlfriend.” 

“I’m not his girlfriend,” I muttered.

“You sure about that?” he replied with a smirk. “Because it looked like that to us.”

“I really don’t care how it looked. We’re just friends.”  I tried moving around him but couldn’t. “This isn’t funny.”  

“What’s the password?” Bruce asked.  

I clenched my teeth. “Fuck off.”

The other guy laughed.

“Are you a bitch to everyone, or just Diamond Lake guys?” Bruce said.

“I bet the password she uses for them is ‘Fuck Me’,” said his friend.

I growled in the back of my throat. “Move or I’ll...”

“You’ll what? Tell on me?” Bruce taunted.

I was so angry now, I was shaking. “Hurt you.”

The shorter guy burst out laughing. “Whoa, did she just threaten you, Heinz?”

Bruce grinned. “Sounds like it, Tyler.”

I was three seconds to kneeing him in the balls, when the bell rang.

“Oh, shit. I forgot my notebook in my locker,” Tyler said. He took off, leaving me and Bruce alone.   

I tried stepping around him again, but he still wouldn’t get out of my way.

“What in the hell is your problem?” I asked, hating the way my voice cracked.

“Problem?” He backed me up against the wall and placed his hands on both sides, barricading me. “You are my problem. See, we don’t tolerate anyone talking shit about our friends. And, if you’re going to root for another school during a tournament or any other event, then you’d better not even show up.”

“And if you’re going to threaten someone this close, you should at least pop a mint. Your breath fucking stinks,” I replied with fake bravado that sounded surprisingly calm.

His eye twitched. “I doubt it’s as smelly as your cunt, Bait Girl.”

It was a struggle to keep my voice steady. “That depends on whether you prefer the smell of your friend’s ass to the female anatomy. I guess we know what you’re into.”

Bruce’s face turned bright red. He looked so angry, I thought he might actually hit me. Fortunately, a group of students started descending the stairwell. One of them was Sonny.

Still glaring at me, Bruce backed away.

“What’s up, Heinz?” Sonny asked, approaching us.

Not waiting for him to answer, I raced around Bruce and headed to the bathroom. Fortunately, it was empty.

I quickly entered a stall, locked it, and sagged against the door. Fighting tears, I squeezed my eyes shut and started counting backward like my therapist had suggested when things became too much.




Before I could get to the next number, the bathroom door opened and I heard two girls talking about Chase and Mattie.

“No, I heard they seriously broke up this time,” said one of the girls in a low tone.


“I heard it had something to do with the new girl.”

I threw open the stall door, startling the two of them.  “I had NOTHING to do with it!”

Before they could reply, I stormed out of the bathroom.