The Burn by K.L. Middleton - HTML preview

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AFTER FILLING OUT THE paperwork, I handed it back to Rae.

“So,” I said, looking around the studio with a grin, “when did you say I could move in?”

She looked down at the application. “After I verify your place of employment. Then you can write me a check for the deposit and first month’s rent. Like I mentioned before.”

The thought of having my own place was almost giving me a boner.

My own fucking crib.

Plus, I couldn’t wait to get out of my old man’s house. I knew he was going to be pissed, but fuck it. I really didn’t care anymore. If everything went as planned, I’d never have to worry about his temper tantrums again.  “Okay. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” She looked at my eye again. “Where are you staying now?”

“With my dad.”

She stared at me for a few seconds and then a determined look crossed her face. “I’ll call Lenny’s as soon as I can. If you can get me the check by tonight, and he gives me the thumbs up, I’ll let you move in right away.”

I grinned. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. By the way, my granddaughter just started attending your school. She’s a senior, too.”

“Really? What’s her name?”

“Mackenzie Dumas.”

I stared at her in shock.

The new girl?


I forced a smile to my face. “Cool.”

Fortunately, Rae didn’t seem to notice my surprise.

“You may have not met her yet. But, I’m sure you’ll see her around the shop,” she said.


We walked out of the studio and Rae locked the door behind us. She then turned and gave me a warm smile.  “Well, I’ll call you as soon as I can. You may as well get that check ready and start packing.”

“Sounds great. I’m looking forward to moving in.”

“Good.” Her face grew serious again. “Stay safe, kiddo.”




AFTER LEAVING THE BAIT shop, I sent a message to my boss Lenny and explained what was happening, while leaving off the shit with my old man. I then sent a message to Gus. I explained my situation and told him that I didn’t want to piss off Mackenzie’s grandmother. He replied a short time later.

Gus: You forfeit, you pay.

Me: Let’s pick a different girl.

Gus: A deal is a deal.

I swore. It figured Gus would be a dickhead about this. Another reason why I hated Lancaster pricks. Him in particular.

Gus: Mackenzie already doesn’t like you. What’s the difference?

He had a point.

Gus: If Rae is going to be pissed at anyone, it’ll be me once I stand her granddaughter up. I’m the one taking the bigger risk. My family and her family are supposed to be close.

Me: Did you ask her out yet?

Gus: Not yet. Doing it tonight. Meanwhile, stay the fuck away.  

Me: Yeah, whatever.