The Burn by K.L. Middleton - HTML preview

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MY BLOOD BOILED WHEN I heard Mackenzie’s story. I was so hot, I could almost feel steam rushing out of my ears. Now, all I wanted to do was grab Bruce by the neck and throttle him until he told me what the fuck was going on. Between what he’d been doing with Mattie, and the harassment of Mackenzie, I felt like he was a stranger to me.

“You’re pissed at Bruce?” Sonny asked, eyebrows raised, catching up to me.

I laughed coldly. “That’s an understatement.”

“What’s going on?” 

“Ask Mackenzie,” I replied before disappearing into the house.

It didn’t take long to find him. He was in the kitchen, making out with Lexie, and neither of them noticed me. 

“Bruce. We need to talk,” I said angrily.

He stiffened up, pulled away from Lexie, and turned around. “What’s up?”

I looked at Lexie. “I need you to leave.”

Her jaw dropped and she gave me a scathing look.

“Please,” I added through gritted teeth.

With an over-exaggerated sigh, she grabbed her purse from the counter and stomped out of the kitchen.

Bruce, who looked like he was pretty trashed, swayed back and forth. “What the fuck, Chase? I was just about to get a piece.”

“First of all, you’re in the kitchen. There are better places. Second of all, I want to know what the hell is going on. Some fucker threatened Mackenzie down by the dock.”

His eyes widened. “What do you mean? Who?”

“That’s what I’m trying to figure out.” I told him what she’d relayed to me.

Bruce looked genuinely surprised. “Wow, that’s fucked up.”

“Yeah. What’s even more fucked up is that you sent her down there and then this shit happened.”

His eyes flashed angrily. “You’re not seriously blaming me, are you?”

“It’s quite the fucking coincidence, don’t you think?”

He raised his hands up defensively. “Bro, you saw me. I was up here the entire time. It definitely wasn’t me. Now, I’m sorry I gave her the wrong directions, but that doesn’t mean I had anything to do with that kind of bullshit.”

“You threatened her before. At school.”

Bruce let out a ragged sigh and raked his fingers through his hair. “Yeah, I know. I was just trying to look out for Mattie. She told me that Mackenzie had been spreading shit and I wanted to make it stop. But, if I wanted to threaten her again, or anyone, I’d do it without a mask.”

He had a point.

Bruce definitely wouldn’t have worn a costume.  

Now, I didn’t know who was behind it, although... Mattie seemed like the next logical choice. She could have very easily talked someone into scaring Mackenzie. Possibly a guy not even in our group. With the erratic and crazy way she’d been acting lately, I didn’t know what to expect from her.

Jason walked into the kitchen. “Hey, guys. What’s up?”

I told him about what happened to Mackenzie and he scowled.

His eyes widened in alarm. “No shit? On my property? Do you have any idea of who it could be?”  

“Someone who wants to keep her away from us,” I muttered.

“I think Mattie’s involved.” I looked at Bruce. “What do you think?”

He nodded reluctantly. “I guess it’s possible. She does hate Mackenzie.”  

“The last time I saw her, Mattie could barely stand up. She was wasted,” Jason said. “I don’t think it was her.”

“No, but she probably talked someone else into it,” I said.

“Maybe,” he replied.

“Where’ve you been?” Bruce asked Jason.

Jason glared at him. “Don’t even try accusing me of this shit. I like Mackenzie. I wouldn’t fuck around with her like that. Whoever this is wants to scare the hell out of her and has some screws loose.”

I ran a hand through my hair. “This is fucked up.”

“Maybe she should report it to the police?” Jason suggested.

“Nah. They’d bust the party. Besides, there isn’t anything they could really do that we couldn’t,” I replied. Not to mention, Mattie’s old man might show up and I didn’t need to deal with that shit.

“Where is she?” Jason asked.

“Outside with Sonny and Kara. I’m going to drive her home,” I replied.

“Okay. Let’s go and talk to her,” Jason replied.

The three of us left the house and headed over to my car, where Sonny, Mackenzie, and Kara were standing and talking.

“You okay?” Jason asked Mackenzie.

“He told you?” she asked.

“Yeah,” Jason replied.

“I’m fine.” She looked at Bruce and her eyes turned to ice.

“Hey, I’m sorry I pointed you in the wrong direction. I didn’t mean to. I want you to know that I had nothing to do with the fucker who attacked you. Swear to God,” Bruce said.

I could tell from the way she was staring at him that she thought he was full of shit.

“Chase mentioned he had a mask and used a synthesizer?” Jason said.

Mackenzie looked at him. “Yeah. It was weird.”

“What was he wearing?”

“He was dressed in a black hoodie and blue jeans. That’s all I remember. Besides the mask,” she said softly.

“Was he wearing any cologne?” Kara asked.

Everyone looked at her.

Sonny smiled broadly. “Good question.”

“Yeah, it is.” Chase looked at me. “Do you remember anything about the way he smelled?”