The Burn by K.L. Middleton - HTML preview

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THEY ALL STARED AT me expectantly. Unfortunately, all I could remember was the smell of his breath. I hadn’t thought about it until now. “It smelled like he’d been smoking pot.”

“Well, I’ll be damned. That could be almost anyone here,” Bruce said, laughing.

Chase gave him a dirty look. “This isn’t a joke.” He looked at me. “Anything else? Was he a big guy?”

I nodded. “Yeah. Definitely athletic. He had the hoodie on so I couldn’t see what was hiding underneath. But, he was really strong.” I shuddered, remembering how he’d subdued me. “I couldn’t move.”

Kara threw her arms around me and gave me a hug. “God, you must have been so frightened.”

I closed my eyes, appreciating the comfort. She really was a good friend. “Yeah. It was scary. Thank God you guys started calling for me.”

“What if this asshole is watching us right now?” Bruce said, looking toward the woods. “Maybe we should go on a little stakeout?”

I still didn’t believe Bruce wasn’t in on it. Although he was acting innocent, that meant nothing. For all I knew, he could be in the drama club.

“Yeah, I don’t think so,” Sonny said. “You’ll fall on your ass halfway down the path. How much have you been drinking?”

Bruce flipped him off. “I’m fine. Worry about yourself, douchebag.”

Sonny snorted. “Famous last words before your drunk ass stumbles into the lake and you’ll be the one needing to be saved.”

“Ha-ha,” Bruce said dryly.

Chase looked at me while the other two kept arguing. “I think I should just take you home. Chances are this guy is long gone anyway.”

“Or, he’s back in the party acting like nothing happened,” Kara said.

Jason scratched the side of his face and looked toward the house. “Did anyone notice a guy wearing a plain black hoodie?”

None of us had paid much attention.

“My eyes were focused on the honeys,” Bruce said with a crooked grin.

“I’m going back into the house and see if anyone is wearing one,” Jason said. “You take Mackenzie home and if I find out anything, I’ll text you.”

“Thanks,” Chase said.

Kara and I said our goodbyes and then I got into Chase’s car with him.

“Thanks for the ride,” I said, as we headed away from the house.

“No problem.”

I thought back to everything he’d been drinking. He seemed sober. “So, you’re okay to drive, right?”

He chuckled. “Yeah. My tolerance is pretty high and I never did finish that rum and Coke Sonny had made me. Not to mention, what happened to you sobered me up pretty quickly.”

“Yeah. Me, too.”

A silence settled between us and I started thinking about the guy who’d attacked me again.

“I know it has to be someone from the A-squad,” I said out loud.

“I’m sure. I just wish I knew who it was. Hopefully, something will leak and I’ll find out who did it and beat the fuck out of him.”

I glanced at Chase’s bruised eye. I had a feeling he really would do it, too. He obviously wasn’t one to back down from anything.

“I just can’t believe the lengths this person is going through to keep us apart.”

He looked at me.

“I mean, to keep me away from you, Mattie, and the others,” I added quickly.

“Yeah. What time do you have to be home by?”


He glanced at the car’s clock. “Do you want to stop by my dad’s place and talk for a while? It’s just up the road and he’s out of town.  Maybe we can figure this thing out together.”

“Sure,” I replied.

WHEN WE PULLED up to the house, I couldn’t see much, but could tell it was one of the nicer cottages in Diamond Lake.  

Chase parked the car and we both got out.

“It’s a nice night. Let’s go and talk in the boathouse.”


He led me around back and we walked down to the two-story boathouse. Just like the cottage, it was painted gray with white trim, and looked very inviting.

We climbed the stairs to the top floor and walked inside.

“Wow,” I said, looking around. There was a small kitchenette, a log futon, and a couple of rocking chairs with matching wildlife upholstery. From the décor in the boathouse, I could tell his dad was probably and outdoorsman.

“We use this as a guesthouse.”

“Is your dad a hunter?” I asked, looking at the large buck’s head on the wall.

“He used to be. He spends most of his time traveling or in the gym these days.”

“What about you? Do you like to hunt?”

“I like to fish. I’m not much of a hunter. I don’t even like the taste of deer meat. My dad loves wild game.”

“I’m not much for the taste either,” I admitted.

“There’s a bathroom over by the kitchen, if you need to use it.”

“I’m good.”

“Make yourself at home.”

“Thanks.” I walked over to the futon and sat down.  

“You want something to drink?”  

“Sure. Do you have any water?”

“I think so.” He went to the refrigerator   and pulled out two bottles. He walked over and handed one to me.


“You’re welcome.” Chase went over to the windows and opened them all up before sitting down next to me.  

The breeze from the lake felt good and the view in front of us was beautiful. Especially with the moon reflecting against the water. Feeling a little anxious about being alone with him, especially in such a romantic setting, I began talking about the party again.

“Mattie has to be involved. You know that, right?”

He stared off toward the lake and nodded. “I’m starting to think so, too.”

“She was probably only being nice to me at school to throw me off.”

He snorted. “Yeah, that was kind of surprising. Especially after all of the shit she said about you.”

“Yeah. I knew it was too good to be true.” I told him about what happened early in the morning and how she apologized for being so horrible.

“That’s a new one. I’ve never heard her apologize to anyone she’s antagonized before.”

“And she does it a lot, obviously.”

He nodded.

I had to wonder why he would want to be with such a cruel, heartless bitch. Of course, she was drop-dead gorgeous and that must have blinded him.

I took a drink of water. “You know, maybe that guy who blamed me for damaging your car is the guy who attacked me.”  

“Jack Freemont? Huh.” Chase scratched his shadowed jaw. “That’s actually an interesting theory. He is always wearing hoodies. And, Jack isn’t huge, but he’s a lot bigger than you are.”

“Maybe we’re on to something,” I said, perking up. “Mattie could have put him up to it.”

“I guess it’s possible.”

He went quiet again, just staring toward the rolling waves. I could tell that something was bothering him.

“You know I didn’t touch your car, right?”

Chase looked at me.

“If you think I did, you’d better tell me right now,” I said. Trying to convince him of my innocence was becoming exhausting.

He sighed. “Jack Freemont actually called me last night—”

“And said he’d made a mistake?”

“No. He wanted me to know that it was definitely you.”

I growled in the back of my throat. This guy was definitely out to get me. “He’s a lying asshole. He’s making it up. I swear to you on my grandmother’s life that I did not key your car.”

“Relax. I believe you.”

“You said that last night, too. Are you sure about that?” I asked, staring into his eyes.


“Is that why you were being such an asshole earlier today?”

He chuckled. “Wow, that’s harsh.”

“But, true. Don’t deny it.” I sighed. “Why didn’t you just confront me about Jack calling you last night?”

He tilted his head and stared off toward the lake again. “Because he sounded sincere. And I didn’t think he’d have any reason to lie.”

“I don’t know why, either, but he’s making this shit up. It’s really pissing me off.”

“Same here.” He went quiet again and then looked at me. “He’s Audra’s younger brother. Maybe she put him up to it?”

My jaw dropped. “Are you kidding me right now? You didn’t think about mentioning that?”


“This whole time I’ve been going crazy, wondering why Jack, someone I don’t even know, would blame me for keying your car. And now you’re telling me tht he’s Mattie’s best friend’s little brother. Seriously, Chase. You didn’t put two-and-two—”

Before I could finish, he leaned forward and kissed me hard on the lips. Not expecting it, I froze for a few seconds and then began kissing him back.

Groaning in the back of his throat, Chase pulled me into his arms and became more aggressive with his tongue. Not having a lot of experience myself, I opened my mouth and let him take over.

And damn... did he know how to kiss a girl...

Soon, I was matching his kisses with my own, our tongues teasing, dancing, and exploring. Nobody had ever kissed me so passionately and it was awakening things inside of me I’d never noticed before.

Suddenly, Chase pulled away, breathless. “Fuck. I’m sorry. I can’t do this.”

“Why? Because of Mattie?”

He rubbed his hands up and down my back. “No. Fuck her. It’s just...”

My stomach tightened. “There’s someone else?”  

“No,” he said, almost vehemently. “There’s just... you. Ever since we first met... you’re all I can think about...”

Delighted, I grinned like a fool. “So, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Not anymore.” He pulled me down to the futon mattress, kissing me hungrily, and taking my breath away. His hands moved to my ass and I moaned as he rolled his pelvis against mine.

Caught up in the moment, I slid my fingers over his muscular chest, down his abs, to the waistband of his jeans. I pulled out his T-shirt and slipped my hands under the material, touching muscular, warm skin. His abs were hard and trembled slightly under my fingertips as I explored his skin.

“Mackenzie,” he rasped, sucking in his breath as my hand slipped lower, to the edge of his jeans.

Trembling myself, I paused.

I was about to go into unexplored territory and knew things were happening fast.

Too fast.

But, I could feel how much he wanted me. Knowing that I was causing him such desire was thrilling. Seductive. Hotter than Hell. I just didn’t know how far I wanted it to go. In the back of my mind, I knew I should stop. But, I ached to feel his hands all over me and wanted to know what all the fuss was with sex.

“You okay?” he whispered, his eyes luminous in the darkness.

I smiled and licked my lips.“I’m great.”

His eyes were intense, aroused. “You’re beyond that.”

Chase tangled his fingers through my hair and brought our lips back together. Kissing me, his hands moved under my shirt, to my breasts. He brushed both thumbs across my lace-covered nipples, circling and teasing the buds, causing a sensation felt all the way to my sex. Next, he unclasped my bra, freed my breasts, and pulled my shirt off. He lowered his mouth to my nipples. His tongue was hot and demanding, fueling the desire burning inside of me.

Panting, I felt his hand move down to my jeans. He paused for a second, and not getting any resistance from me, Chase unbuttoned them. I sucked in a breath as his fingers slid to my wet panties. Feeling my excitement, he growled in the back of his throat, pushed the fabric aside, and began rubbing my clit.

I whimpered in the back of my throat.

“You’re so wet,” he growled against my neck before moving us to a better position so that he could gain better access. His fingers moved under the fabric and I moaned. 

Caught up in the moment, I unbuttoned his jeans, wanting to feel him. His breath hitched in his throat as I pulled the zipper down and touched the outside of his Jockeys. I slipped my hand under the fabric and wrapped it around his cock. It was so thick and long, I couldn’t imagine it fitting inside of me. I began sliding my hand up and down the shaft, making him growl in the back of his throat. Meanwhile, his fingers were still under my panties, strumming and rubbing and causing feelings I’d never felt before. It began to build up higher and higher until I didn’t think I could handle the sensation anymore. But then all at once, something inside of me spasmed, followed by a release of ecstasy. It washed through my body, affecting every inch of me.

Gasping and crying out in pleasure, and still holding onto Chase’s hard shaft, I felt him jerk violently in my hand. It was followed by a groan and then a rush of warm liquid that spurted out and over my fingers.

“Sorry,” he said, after catching his breath. Still dazed from my first orgasm, I told him it was okay.

We lay there for several seconds and then Chase pulled his Jockeys back up and zipped up his jeans.

“Let me get you something to clean up with,” he said, standing up. He walked over to a small cabinet and pulled out some wet-wipes and napkins.

“Well, that’s convenient,” I joked as he handed them to me.

“What do you mean?”

“You know, being prepared for anything.”

“Oh.” He chuckled. “Honestly, I’ve never had sex here.”

I didn’t know whether to believe him or not. I truly wanted to, though.  

He sat down next to me. “Have you ever—”

“No,” I interrupted.

He smiled. “You didn’t let me finish.”

“I’ve never had sex and I’ve never had an orgasm,” I said bluntly. “Is that what you were going to ask?”

Chase chuckled. “No. I was going to ask if you ever thought this would happen. Between us.”

My cheeks turned red. Oh, God. “No.”

“Me neither.” He lay back against the sofa. “I hope you don’t mind my bluntness, but... are you a virgin?”


“Then I’m glad we didn’t go all the way.”

I frowned.

He smiled softly and touched my knee. “I want your first time to be special. Not a quickie in a boathouse.”

I grinned back. “It is a nice boathouse.”

“Not nice enough for that.” He pulled me against him and kissed me again. “Or you.”

A warm flush spread through me and I knew I was in danger of falling hard for Chase. I hoped he wasn’t just saying what he was for sex.

A comforting quietness filled the room as we both stared outside at the lake. After a few minutes, he traced his thumb across my forearm and asked me about my bracelets.

“You wear them all the time. Did your parents give them to you?” he asked softly.

I stared at the leather straps. I wasn’t ready to tell him about my suicide attempt. The scars were embarrassing. I didn’t want to go there with him. Not yet, anyway. “No. I...” I swallowed. “I bought them after they died.”



He shrugged. “I think they’re cool. I was just wondering if they meant something special.”

“Not really,” I replied. “I just like wearing them.”

Suddenly, Chase’s phone started ringing. He looked at the screen and frowned.

“What’s up?”

He put his phone away. “Nothing. Wrong number.”


Chase stood up and held his hand down to me. “I should probably get you home so Grandma Rae doesn’t evict me.”

I grabbed it and stood up. “Ah, I think I know what all of this is about,” I teased. “You’re being so sweet because of my grandma. You want her on your good side.”

His eyes twinkled. “Damn, you caught me. Although, if she found out what we were doing in my boathouse, she’s kick my ass out of the studio.”

I laughed. “Probably. Although, I think she likes you. She might pretend she didn’t know about it.”

“I doubt it. She’s very protective of you. I can see it in her eyes when she talks about you.”

I smiled.

We walked out of the boathouse, up to his car, and got in.

“So, are you still going to the dance with Romeo tomorrow night?” he asked, starting the engine.

I chuckled. “You really don’t like him do you?”

“I just don’t want him putting his hands on you.”

“Wait, are you getting possessive already?” I teased.

“Already? I was about ready to kick Jason’s ass when he had his arm around your waist earlier.”

Flattered, I smiled. “He knows I like you.”

Chase looked surprised. “How?”

“I admitted it at the party.”

“Seriously? And you couldn’t tell me?” he said jokingly.

“I think you figured it out all on your own.”

Chase gave me a devilish grin. “I don’t know. I might have to do some more investigating. What are you doing Sunday?”


“What about next weekend?”

“I’ll check my schedule.”

He laughed. “Okay. Pencil me in there somewhere.”

I grinned wickedly. “I’ll see what I can do.”