The Burn by K.L. Middleton - HTML preview

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AFTER DROPPING MACKENZIE off at home, I pulled my cell phone out and saw there was a message from Gus. He’d called me when we’d been in the boathouse, which was why I hadn’t answered.

“We need to talk,” Gus said, his tone tight on the voicemail. “Call me as soon as you get this.”

It was obvious he was pissed. I wondered if he’d heard about the party. News and gossip traveled fast. I called him, and sure enough, he confirmed my suspicions.

“You fucking owe my money,” he said. “You were supposed to stay the fuck away from her and I heard you actually gave her a ride home.”

“Yeah. I know. I’ll pay up.”

There was a long pause. “You’re giving in that easily?”


He laughed harshly. “I bet you even fucked her, didn’t you?”



“I didn’t. Not that it’s any of your business, but we did fool around a little,” I admitted.

“Just fooled around,” he repeated dryly.

“You should actually be thanking me. She only likes you as a friend. You had zero chance of scoring with her.”

“She agreed to go to dance with me. Even bought a dress, from what I hear. That doesn’t sound like someone who just wants to be friends.”

I chuckled sarcastically. “Tell yourself whatever you want. She’s not into you. She likes me.”

“You’re pretty sure of yourself. I bet I can make her do a one-eighty.”

“Dude. You’re not going to fuck with her. We almost did it tonight,” I said, angry that he wanted to continue the bet. “And, eventually, it’s going to fucking happen.”

“Unless I get there first.”

Jealousy burned deep in my stomach. “Good luck, ass-wipe.”

“Look, Adams... the bet is still on. Only this time... there are no rules.”

I tried to remain calm. “No. It’s over. I’ll pay you the fucking cash tomorrow if you want.”

“I don’t want your money. This wager is now strictly for fun. I’m taking her to the dance tomorrow night. Since you already bent the rules, I don’t have to stand her up.”

I clenched my jaw. “You said you were gonna stand her up.”

He ignored my comment and continued. “And, if you try to interfere, I’ll make sure she finds out about our little bet.”

I couldn’t believe he was being this much of an asshole. “I’ll just deny it.”

“Deny it?” He chuckled. “When placing bets like ours, one should always be thinking ahead. I know I did.”

“Okay...?” Whatever the fuck that was supposed to mean.

“I recorded our conversation at the diner.”

I growled in the back of my throat. “Sonny is right about you. You really are a prick.”

“Never claimed I wasn’t. I’d get off your high horse, though. You went into this bet, swearing you’d abide by the rules, and you didn’t even last a week.”

“Touch her and you’re dead,” I snapped.

He snorted. “Wow, she must be hiding something special under those clothes for you to be this jealous.”

“I’m serious. It’s over. Leave her alone. Or else.”

“Watch yourself, Adams. I will let her hear the tape. She’ll never forgive you.”

“Or you.”

“I guess it all depends on how I present everything to her. I’m sure she’ll be more forgiving to the person who fessed up because they felt guilty.”

I ran my hand through my hair, irritated. “Why are you doing this? I said I’d pay you.”

“Some things are worth more than money. Like beating a Diamond Lake dick.” He hung up on me.

Swearing, I tossed my phone onto the passenger seat. I wanted to call Mackenzie and confess everything. But, I’d fuck myself in the process. I didn’t know if I was willing to risk losing her for good.