The Last Letter by Boygene Borice - HTML preview

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Letter XIX

Dear Rosalina,

Love is an ingredient that flavors life. Love is the pillar that holds one when he is falling. Love is the cure to a soul that has lost hope. This love you give me is one that my heart is fully depending on. For the past few weeks, since I was diagnosed with throat cancer, my life has been waving and shaking as if I am gonna be down soon. I haven’t found much strength anywhere as I have found in you. It's you my Love that keeps me going through this period as I try to fight against this monster that is eating me away.

Your letters, my Love, have reminded me of once again the beauty of having you in my life. Every word you write down makes me strong. Sometimes I just wonder, if I had given up on us, as some people were pressuring me to, what would be of me today? Where would I have found hope? Whom would I have depended on? I bless the Name of the Lord because, by His direction, I never backed down. I stood and fought for us, and now I can see the fruits of sticking to you. You have become the adoration of my life. A daily devotion to which I can not stop attending. I think of you always, my Love. I never stop thanking the Good Lord for blessing me with you.

Everyday pain increases my Love. I know this will vex your heart but I beg of you not to worry or soak yourself in tears. Your love eases the pain. Whenever I ponder of you, the pain stops. Your love is like a magical medicine that drinks away all the pain from my body. Thank you, my Love, for being there for me. I truly understand that you would have wished to come and be with me in this terrible hour, but worry not, I will be fine. Moreover, soon we will be together when you come for your yearly leave.

Next week I will be going to see my Doctor. His name is Joshua. He is a kind and loving man. He treats me with honor. Sometimes, I wish all people were like him. He has always been feeding with encouragements. Sometimes when I visit him, he tells me how the Lord will heal me if I keep trusting Him. He is just amazing. I haven’t found a male doctor with such an incredible heart like him. And by the way, I told him about you. how a great doctor you are and a wonderful spouse you have been.

Till next time, I love you.


You touched me, and my tears melted,

You touched me, and my fears faded,

You touched me, and my worries vanished,

You touched me, and my

wounds healed.

You touched me, and my tears melted,

You touched me, and my fears faded,

You touched me, and my worries vanished,

You touched me, and my

wounds healed.

Letter XX

Dear Rosalina,

Thank you for the roses you have been sending me. They carry your sweet scent that has never left my nostrils. Every day I wake up in the morning and breathe in their scent. How sweet of you my Love. You are just glorious and fabulous. You think of me as if as your own heart. You treat me as if I was your skin. Thank you for being the Love of my life. I wish I could have the strength to shout out to the world of your affection. But I am getting frail every day. My body is losing its adrenaline every passing moment. I just don’t know if I will get better soon, my Love.

My mother came to see me last week on Wednesday. When she saw me, she wept. I saw her tears flow across her cheeks. I couldn’t stop her. My sickness has weighed her down. It has made her lose her old age beauty. I felt I am hurting her. But what could I have done my Love? I can’t blame anyone but myself. I regret for letting this monster take over my body without knowing.

She held me in her arms. Her body was cold. I could feel how the pain I have caused her, eat away her body. I wanted to tell her it shall be well with me, but I couldn’t. A mother is always a mother, she would have known I was lying to her. She asked of you, my Love. She wanted to know why you haven’t come to be with me. I had to explain to her, how I had turned down your suggestion to resign your work to come, be with me. I just don’t want you to be stressed of me or leave your work for me. I know how kind you have been to your patients. It would be selfish of me to snatch you from your patients who need your help there. Furthermore, I have a doctor and a well-trained nurse who have been assigned to take care of me by my company.

Before she left, she prayed for me. And she prayed for us too. I could feel the tenderness and love in her prayers. The mother's love. I believe God will answer her prayers. It just made me think of us. When we become parents, I would want our children to have the best. To drink from the cup of parents love. What more is there to offer children, if not our love as their parents? Together we are going to raise them with honor, kindness, respect, and love. They are gonna be the best children ever, and when they grow up, they will be people the society prospers on.

Till next time, I love you.


One day, my soul will be weak,

One day, my heart will fall,

On that day, my Love, be strong,

Stay focused, don’t lose the sight of me.

One day, my soul will be weak,

One day, my heart will fall,

On that day, my Love, be strong,

Stay focused, don’t lose the sight of me.

Letter XXI

Dear Rosalina,

In these dark days, your love has remained to be my light. Your love shines more than the sun does. It gives me warmth in the cold nights. Inspires me when I feel like it's never okay again. Your love is my strength when I’m weak. Your love is the only cup that satisfies me. Thank you for always showering me with your love.

Should I be worried, my Love? For the last two weeks, I haven’t received any letter from you. May I know what is happening to you there? Are you in trouble, Love? Have you been caught in the mix up of work again? Please don’t let me ask the wrong questions. I don’t want to be depressed again. I don’t want to feel the pain of your silence. It will tear me apart and when I’m torn, this monster in me, will take advantage of that and melt me down before the right time. Forgive me, Love, if I dare worry like the last time.

Tomorrow I will be going to visit my doctor again. It’s terrifying for me, Love. Tomorrow is the day when I will be told if I am gonna make it or have limited days to live. I wish you would have been there with me, but I understand that you can’t be. I have been praying that the report I get from the doctor will be positive to my heart. Though still, I pray that God's will be done. Whatever the report I get tomorrow, I have asked God to give me strength. His will and your love are all I need now. Nothing more do I desire. I don’t want other things that life has to offer, I just want you and God’s sufficient grace.

I will go with Mama tomorrow and the nurse I was assigned. They will be with me when I receive the report. Whatever the outcome, my Love, I want you to be strong. I want you to know that I have never stopped loving you. In these terrible days, it’s your love that has kept me from falling asleep. I have come to know the beauty and the glory of love.

Kindly, write me, so my worries can never come true, Love.

Till next time, I love you.


What a jewel of true woman you are,

A woman whose love surpasses all understanding,

A woman whose honor is built on true love,

      As you are, so have you been to me as I am.