The Last Letter by Boygene Borice - HTML preview

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Letter XXII

Dear Rosalina,

My heart is getting abraded by your silence. I have been sending you letters but I get no reply. It’s two months now since you sent me a letter. May I ask why this is so, please? Did the report of my health shut you down? I am sorry my Love, if I am starting to sound like a nagging wife, but you know, silence makes the heart grow fonder. Please do tell, so I may find peace while I keep fighting this monster wasting me away.

I am remaining with few days my Love. I have lost hope but I haven’t lost hope of you. I have no strength at all. I had to resign two weeks after I received the terrifying news. It left me with no choice. My company needs to progress and I never wanted to be a block to them. I love my company. It has always been a pleasure working there. And it has always been supportive to me till this day. The boss and my coworkers have never stopped visiting me. Sometimes they come and hold prayers here, just for me. They are the best. I know they will miss me when I’m gone. I wish I could extend the days of my departure. But what can I do?

Prayers have become daily bread for me. I have decided to devote myself to prayer, fully. Though I can’t find the strength to kneel as I used to, in my heart, I do pray. Sometimes I feel like I should ask God to give me more days so we can have time for our wedding…but I find it difficult. I don’t know what else to ask Him but only the strength to live on for the next few days. I don’t want to give up on Him. He has always been faithful to me. If He wants me to be with Him this soon, then let it be so. I understand this sounds as if I have given up on life, but I have not. How can I? I want us to live for more years. I want us to enjoy our love together.

My Love, I adore you so much. I love you beyond words could express. In fact, by each passing day, my affection for you grows greatly. It’s not because I have left a few days, but it’s the truth from my heart. I have prayed that Almighty will keep you safe when I am gone. He will give you the strength to go through the coming difficult days. I want you to live happily when I am no more. I want you to know that I love you and I have always loved you unconditionally. Even if you won’t be around to see me in my final days, I won’t blame you.

Till next time, I love you.


I would have given you the whole world,

But the world is not mine to give,

I would have made you a Queen over all the Kingdoms,

But I am not the King, I am just me

I would have given you the whole world,

But the world is not mine to give,

I would have made you a Queen over all the Kingdoms,

But I am not the King, I am just me

Letter XXIII

Dear Rosalina,

I am so sorry for the terrible thing has been consuming you all these days. I am sorry for nagging in my letter. I never knew that you have been made a prisoner of pneumonia. I heartily apologize for all the worries I have been having. I wish I could help you, Love. I just don’t know why this is happening to us all. It leaves me wondering if this is Gods will that our story will end in the middle, or it’s the devil’s jealousy to vanish us before we became what we were meant to be?

When I was listening, as the nurse read your letter to me, tears filled my eyes. I stopped thinking of my pain and thought of you. How could this happen to you my Love? What have we done that this calamity has to befall us? I am sorry Love. Will our love end in death beds? I am terrified. My heart is no longer in one piece. I wish I would come to see you. but I am sorry, it's too late for me. I can no longer walk anymore. My body is worn out already. I only have three days left.

I have prayed to the Almighty that you shall be well. I know He will heal you, as for me, my path is already defined. I just ask of you, one thing, my Love. Don’t spend days mourning of me. Don’t lock yourself up. Don’t blame God for my departure. He is God and His will is what matters. Kindly, don’t deny yourself another chance of love. I have prayed that God will bless you with a husband that will love you unconditionally, more than I did. He will guard your heart with his life. He will protect your love with all he’s got. I know you may think I have already given up on us. No, my Love. I just want you to be happy. To live this life to the fullest.

Be kind as you have always been. When you get well, don’t quit your job. Don’t give up on your dreams. Build a legacy that will be remembered for generations. Continue the work I had started. I have already asked my lawyer to transfer 75 percent of my assets and projects to your name and the rest to my mother. Please, take care of my Mother. Love her as you have always loved her before. Don’t let my departure cut off the bond you have always had with her.

How I wish that in paradise, people were able to send letters to earth, I would have sent you a letter daily. But I am sorry to say this may be the last letter I send you, my Love. I am sorry if in any case, I wronged you. May you get well soon.

Yours Loving, Darcy.



Borice is a young talented poet who believes in the power of words. He is an alumnus of Multimedia University. He is also the CEO and Founder of The Miracol Creators Limited, a firm whose main mission is to help upcoming talented writers to publish their work and reach a wide audience easily and at a minimal cost. He is also a spoken word artist and his main goal is to impact the world positively through his poetry.

Contact: +254714185097
