The Last Letter by Boygene Borice - HTML preview

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A Dream

Today, I had a dream,

In that dream, I saw us,

Seated in the field in the evening,

The sky shone with a rare


The stars smiled at us.

We spoke of our future,

Of the path our love will take…

Suddenly, I woke up,

And I felt your lasting fragrance.

A Dream

Today, I had a dream,

In that dream, I saw us,

Seated in the field in the evening,

The sky shone with a rare


The stars smiled at us.

We spoke of our future,

Of the path our love will take…

Suddenly, I woke up,

And I felt your lasting fragrance.

Letter VII

Dear Rosalina,

It’s with great honor and utmost humility to have received your letter yesterday. Your words lit my soul once again. I had thought I would become an abyss of smoke rising from the lost souls seeking a place of comfort. My worries are now washed away by the cooling tides from your lips. I can smile. In fact, the time I received that letter, I danced and rejoiced. It was like the moment when a blind man sees light for the first time. I almost wanted to call every neighbor to come and see what had happened. That sounds foolish of me, right? I know, but do you know how it feels to walk through silence for 30 days and nights? That’s how I have felt each of those days. I felt your complete presence in every consonant and vowel in your letter. It was like you were here with me.

I am sorry, Love. I was blind and in dark. I didn’t know you were that held up. Your boss must be awful-I’m sorry to utter such words, but I can’t hide my disappointment and anger towards him. He acted so unkindly for not giving an ear to your humble request. How I wish I had the power to place you closest to my station, but that would also be selfish of me. Your patients will miss you. Please next time, I beg you with love, try to just steal even a minute to say hello. Silence is a thorn that pierces through my heart like cancer. But thank you.

I have been reading and rereading this letter since morning. I couldn’t sleep yesternight. Your words were flowing inside of me like the fountains of fresh water. Moreover, the night seemed warm and peaceful. The birds continued to sing in their affectionate melodica way as if they were celebrating something. Your words became my sleep. They comforted me. They gave me warmth, that not even the sun can share with me. You are the best my Love. I pray to the Almighty, to continue keeping you safe and may His favor always be your clothing.

Thank you for caring, my Love. I love you.

Till next time Kisses.


A Thought

The thought of having you,

In my life

Quenches off every pain,

It opens a new door,

Whose thrivings,

Are full of adoration.

How I


This thought,

Never dies,

But lives, to see the light every of dawn.

A Thought

The thought of having you,

In my life

Quenches off every pain,

It opens a new door,

Whose thrivings,

Are full of adoration.

How I


This thought,

Never dies,

But lives, to see the light every of dawn.

Letter VIII

Dear Rosalina,

Today, I am not feeling well. I have been having severe headaches for the past two days. I tried to use pain killers but they didn’t work. You know well, I rarely get sick, but this has caught me unawares. I don’t want you to worry about it. I will be fine. I have been given a week off, by my boss. He is a nice man, he is kind and knows how to treat his employees. He is a rare kind of man. His ways are virtuous and, he has a loving heart. Sometimes I envy him. Maybe that’s why he continues to flourish and nourish better than I. One day I long to be like him, not like walking in his shoes but be full of life like him. Look at the world with an eye full of compassion and love. I don’t mean that I am not loving, you know I have never looked at you or anyone around me with a different kind of eye. I only see you through affection and adoration.

I went to the hospital today after the pain became unbearable. My body was burning in flames. I thought I was going to be a guest to our ancestors. Can you comprehend that, Love?

It was terrifying for me since I haven’t been caught by illness for over a decade. Or is it that my immune system is starting to get old? I don’t know. The doctor I found was amazing. Her name was Rose. She had a good architectured face. Her smiles radiated like the moon at night. Her voice was confectionery. Don’t get jealousy about me praising her, you know you are the epitome of beauty. None can be compared to you. She treated me like a mother cares for her only son. When the tests came out, I found out it was a fever, but it had come severely in a way that my body's immune system couldn’t defend it. She prescribed me some medicine. I pray that I will get well soon. I hate being sick.

Enough with my illness. How are your patients, my Love? It has been long since I asked you about them. How is John? The one whom you told me, always brings you gifts whenever he visits. Your patients must be in love with you. Thank you for being such a great doctor. Your skills even surpass my understanding and the kindness with which you handle your patients. You are just like my boss. I wish that one day you will have a chance to shake hands. Always be that you, my Love. I love you more.

Till next time,

Receive more kisses.


I Change Not


May move,


Will rise above,

But I will be here,

For you, my Love.


May change course,


May dry,

But for you, my Love,

I will change not.

There would be no pride in my life,

There will be no honor to uphold,

If even a

centimeter separated us.

I Change Not


May move,


Will rise above,

But I will be here,

For you, my Love.


May change course,


May dry,

But for you, my Love,

I will change not.

There would be no pride in my life,

There will be no honor to uphold,

If even a

centimeter separated us.

Letter IX

Dear Rosalina,

I am pleased to tell you that this weekend we are having a company hike event in Ngong. Our boss decided to plan for us, as, a reward for our hard work and undented commitment to the success of the company. I can’t explain enough how I am waiting for this event. I have missed Ngong hills. I still remember the last time we went with you, on our third date. That evening breeze as it swallowed us in its bosom, while the sun lit us up with his magical rays. Your hands in mine. Together as we ascended and descended those hills as passion escalated. Those memories my Love, I can’t forget them. They are the foundations of our love. I wish you would be here so I could go with you, but since you are far away, I will manage in my own way. Please wish me happy moments ????.

How is your work going? Are you still having problems with the nursing department as you had previously indicated in the previous letter? Are they still giving you difficult times my Love? I really don’t understand why they should be jealous of you. Is it because you are much loved by everyone? Or what is the cause, my Love? It breaks my heart that, they are ganging up to backbite you. I am sorry that I can’t help. But my Love you know what to do. You are one of the most intelligent and clever women I have ever met in my life. You are full of kindness and love while your lips overflow with words of wisdom. I believe you will find a way to conquer them in this battle they have decided to set up for you. I know you can, Love.

Yesterday, I met Amin, the young boy I always used to send to call you whenever I saw your father around. He is still full of fun and wit. I had thought he had gone to his Aunt. You know it has been long since I saw him. He has grown now. He told me he is turning fourteen next month. I promised him, I will buy him a birthday gift. I just can’t forget how he used to make us laugh with his funny jokes. I just don’t know he used to come up with them, but anyway, I still appreciate him for making sure we are connected, despite the harshness of your father.

Today, I will share a few words with you. I have no more to tell you my Love but to pray that all shall be well and may the Good Lord, grace you sufficiently for the coming days.

Till next time, I love you.