The Last Letter by Boygene Borice - HTML preview

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thought I had lost it all,

Until the day she came,

Held me in her arms,

Hid me in her heart,

And said,

My love I have found,

What I have always wanted in life.


thought I had lost it all,

Until the day she came,

Held me in her arms,

Hid me in her heart,

And said,

My love I have found,

What I have always wanted in life.

Letter X

Dear Rosalina,

The sole holder of my heart. The grandeur of my life. The breath of my respiratory system, my heart has not stopped pondering about you. I can’t stop meditating on how your love has continued to purify my life. A thought about you makes my day flooded with miracles. Who would I be today, if it were not you? What would my life be if it weren’t for your unconditional affection? Though the distance has parted us, still our hearts are connected like God in Three. You have remained to be mine, and I yours.

How is life there, my Love? I was very perplexed by the last letter you sent. It cultivated the hidden joy in my heart and lit my face with a brilliance I couldn’t fathom. Your words lingered through my being with a sparkle only those in love can explain. It reminded me of the moment when we first met. The feeling was mutual and ecstatic. How could you just decide to drown me in the ocean of happiness just a second of glare? You are amazing my Love. I wish I could reach out and hold your hand into mine now, but alas! This distance has become a mountain between us. I will wait, my Love. I will wait till the day, the mountain will sublime and let our bodies hug each other, like foreigners who meet in a strange land.

Yesterday, I went to see Mama. She welcomed me like a parent who welcomes a lost son. She made me feel like a prince. She served me with all that could satisfy a prince. She is a great Mum. She misses you, my Love, she misses us. She looks forward on the day of your coming. She longs to stare at your most profound and gorgeous face. She wants to feel the softness of your palms. I promised her it would be soon, she doesn’t have to worry but just to keep on drinking from the cup of patience that I am always drinking from. She always prays for us. What incredible woman she is! You know nowadays even having a person that prays for is rare. The world has changed. Selfishness has taken deeper roots in the heart of men.

I think now I have come to understand the meaning of the phrase “there is nothing like free lunch.” God bless her for not only praying for us but also giving me you.

My Love, more I could write, but I kindly request to end my letter here. I pray to the Almighty to keep you safe for me and give you more grace to continue with your work.

Till next time, I love you.