The Last Letter by Boygene Borice - HTML preview

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She is the quintessence of fairness,

Like the radiance of the sun in the morning,

She rises at the peak of my heart with serenity,

Fills my soul with abounding virility.

She is the quintessence of fairness,

Like the radiance of the sun in the morning,

She rises at the peak of my heart with serenity,

Fills my soul with abounding virility.

Letter XII

Dear Rosalina,

The scent of your love is blowing upon my skin like the morning breeze after I read your letter two days I go. I haven’t slept since then, your words have been a music that has kept me awake. I don’t know how it is happening, but I think your words have turned into angels of passion and they are now busy fighting off any drop of sleep that tries to use its trick to take captive my eyes. I just want to be awake and meditate upon the words in your letter. Does it mean that whatever is happening to me, is what the Bible says that the Kingdom is not all about eating but living by the Word? I don’t know the answer to that, but if it's true, then I think my being is now taken prisoner by the words of your lips. I am now living by your words. Oh, my Love, how I love this kind of magic that you are performing on my heart. Don’t let it end. Let it continue as the river in the highlands.

The cold is over. The weather has decided to smile upon us. I just pray that it's not the trick it has been playing upon us. I am warm, but your love still keeps me warmer. My Love, tell more about work. How is it? How are your patients? I hope they aren’t being hard on you. What of your boss? Is he still trying to raise his eye brows on you? Is his heart still darkened by jealous, of your love for patients? Tell me, Love. I have realized currently you haven’t been sharing with me the daily news of your work. But, you don’t have to be much vexed by my curiosity to know. All I want is to know that you are doing well and you are in good health.

I pray that my mind may never be so weak to contemplate of your love. For you too, I pray that your heart shall never be weak to keep waiting for me. For what will become of us, when we let the torments of distance overweigh our love for each other? How I pray it may never reach to that point.

Till next time, I love you.