The Last Letter by Boygene Borice - HTML preview

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If love destroys,

Then I am a victim


Because I have remained,

With nothing but only her love,

That takes me into the deeper,

Chambers of heaven


If love destroys,

Then I am a victim


Because I have remained,

With nothing but only her love,

That takes me into the deeper,

Chambers of heaven


Letter XI

Dear Rosalina,

This week has been awesome. I have found much comfort in the thought of you being the love of my life and being the one that is dearest to my heart. Though it's cold and chilling here, I have no worries, your letters give me a warmth that even the sun can’t give. Every evening I sit by the fire and reread your letters. I let your words flow in my heart and soul like the fresh waters of the fourteen falls. Your words, my Love have become the only friend I can trust. What else should I abide? The world has changed here, most of my friends are moving out of this place. Some have found much better green pastures. Do you remember James? He traveled last week with his newly-wed wife to Sweden. He got a job there. And Mary, your friend also flew to Australia, she will come back after ten years. Now I am here alone, with our dog as my partner. But I won’t worry, I have you with me.

Work has been good. Everything is working out fine, though the workload has increased, I can’t complain. you understand me better. I am no lazy douchebag, I love work but not more than I do love you. My life is built on two things and the most important one is you, my dearest Love. The second is work. These two are the pillars of my whole life. But still, I would give up work just to be with you. For what more would I gain by working my whole life knowing that in the end, I will never have you? Nothing. Without I would be misery. My life would be terrible. It would create a madness that no psychiatrist can understand. You see, my Love, every day I wake up knowing that life without you would be vain and empty. Can you imagine living an empty life?

Today, my Love, I want you to know, you are the making of me. Every building block of my life, you are the foundation and as you know without foundation, nothing remains in existence. Let not distance vex your heart. I am yours. Though loneliness may come with its fierceness it will not strike me down, neither will it make release you from my heart. I would rather die than let you go. I would rather be mocked for waiting for you than succumb to a love that will fade like old rose flowers. I can’t lose the scent of you. Wherever I am, I will be with you. In happiness, in sorrow, in darkness or light, I will be with you. You are mine and I am yours.

Till next time, I love you.