The Nevers He Broke That Year by Sarah McKellen - HTML preview

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Chapter 7

Several days later, Amy got a phone call from her father. He sounded calm as usual, saying he wanted to fix things between them and found a solution that could satisfy both their wishes. After a long talk on the phone, Amy agreed to come home. And to her surprise, her father said he would consider her wish for Princeton and would give her his final thought after her winter break at school. Everything seemed to be auspicious. Yet somehow Amy felt insecure. That night, she looked up more information about Stanford University.

Winter break John went to Amy’s house to find her. He cheerfully walked on the street lined with withered trees that led to her house, the sound of dry leaves crashed under his feet made John mood even brighter. They hadn’t seen each other for two weeks. John missed her like crazy. Staying outside, John saw Amy standing next to the kitchen counter, spreading blueberry jam on her sandwiches. No need to ask John why he knew it was blueberry; Amy hated sweet things, yet blueberry jam was an exception.

“Hey, what’s up?” asked John via mobile phone.

“Hey!” Amy’s happy voice passed through the phone to John’s ears.

“It’s me. Where are you?” asked John despite that he was looking right at her figure through the glasses of the windows. He even saw the white strap tank top she was wearing, her tight shorts and thinking of how he would rip them off once she was under him.

“I’m at home. And you?” replied she.

“Do you miss me?” John’s rusty giggle passed through phone, making Amy weak on her knees.

“I do, but it’s winter break,” Amy slightly bit her lower lip as she uttered softly.

“Then come out here. Blueberry jam is more attractive than me?” laughed John and knocked on the kitchen window.

Amy opened her eyes wide and uttered a sound of joy before opening the back door and throwing herself upon his embrace. That night, they went to John’s apartment.

After winter break, John didn’t go back to school. Amy didn’t know what happened but she had the feeling that it wasn’t something good. She wasn’t a pessimist but life wasn’t all pink and rose, if we only expected good things and never anticipated bad things, how dangerous would that be? She didn’t go find him on purpose; there was something that precluded her from doing it. A few days later, Amy heard the news that John was arranging for school transfer.

One day while she was having lunch alone, Chris plopped his tray on the table, sat down and started a conversation the way he usually talked to her, obnoxiously.

“Are you sure you’re not anti-social?” asked him with a smirk.

“No. What do you want?” Amy grimaced.

“Don’t be so heady,” Chris put up his hands, gesturing surrender. “That guy who always follows you, he had proceeded for school transfer. I heard that the principal approved this morning.”

“How could he?” Amy’s eyes wide opened. Just a few days ago John still said he looked forward to the new semester so that he could see her every day. Why did he transfer?

Amy was almost going to storm out of the cafeteria but that moment she stood up, a thought popped out in her head. Let’s end here! This was just the right opportunity, the opportunity for breaking up. Things would not work out for them eventually, why didn’t just stop right now? Amy realized she even grew a little scared of her very own thought. John and she were not living in the same world. Amy knew how many advantages she had in life and she could have anyone that was compatible with her background, someone that was … not John. Her feelings for him had got out of control; they became much deeper than she had anticipated since she agreed to be with him. As the thought settled, Amy put away her emptied tray and walked to the stair which led to the rooftop, this had been their favourite dating spot before. But the door was closed for maintenance. Amy gave up her usual elegant image as she angrily kicked the door; the giant red CLOSED sign swinging in front of her eyes greatly pissed her off.