The Nevers He Broke That Year by Sarah McKellen - HTML preview

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Chapter 4

One beautiful day, John and Amy went to a shopping mall on a date. It was the weekend so the mall was horribly crowded; it didn’t take long for them to lose each other in the middle of the crowd.

John, where are you? Amy mumbled as she picked up her phone to call him. John didn’t receive the call. Thirty minutes passed by, Amy still stood at the same spot yet she was thinking about going to the broadcasting service to call out for John. Abruptly, out of nowhere, a giant figure made a dash at her and before she realized who was that, she fell into a tight embrace and the familiar smell pervaded around her.

“Where the hell did you go?” John slightly howled.

“I didn’t. I have been standing here, waiting for you,” Amy said with worries in her voice. “I was about to go to the broadcasting service to call for you.”

And John took Amy home. As they stopped in front of her house, she didn’t let go of John’s sleeve. John gently rubbed Amy’s hair as he hugged her; somehow he felt all the fears, the worries, the uncertainties in her heart.

“I’ll never leave you alone,” John said.

Such a delinquent whom no one saw anything good about yet Amy fell for just because of that sentence, “I’ll never leave you alone”. Long after that day, so long that Amy even forgot how much John used to love touching her long blonde hair, any time that those memories hit her, she would remember the gentle voice that whispered those words to her, that he would never leave her alone, and she sobbed, I’m so sorry you had to break your Nevers.

“Do you want to come to my place?” asked John.

After a few seconds, Amy slightly nodded. That night, Amy didn’t come home for the first time. Since that day, they frequently made love, at John’s place, sneakily at school, secretly at a motel. They were addicted, succinct to the passion of young love. John was a perfect partner in bed; he’d melt her heart with his tenderness and made her beg with his wildness. He often did Amy so rough that she could barely breathe after finishing. And Amy loved it. The insanity in his look, his sexy breathing, his chest dripping wet with sweat, he was uncontrollable every time he grabbed her hair and fucked her from behind. Amy was like a drug addict and only John could alleviate her addiction. John was a delinquent, he pissed off people, he didn’t study, he fought gangsters; John was like a lion that clawed at anyone who got on his nerves. But Amy couldn’t help falling for an untamed animal like him.